
Hurry Cupid

If only we can teach our heart on who to love it won't be a problem for Anne anymore. But she fell in love with the most unexpected person in the world, Will they still experience happiness around the corner or be apart by their chosen destiny?

Whispering_My_Ego · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
166 Chs


"Hey Cupid," I called as Cupid look at me and stop reading his book. "Is Lucca okay? He keeps on avoiding me this past few days and starts to skip classes which is unusual for him to do." Cupid just shrugged and didn't talk anymore.

I felt bad about being clumsy, I bet Cupid and Lucca fought about that accident that's why Lucca is avoiding us now.

"Cupid as you could see it will be Christmas next year what are your plans for it?" I asked. I don't have a mere clue about Cup]ids family but since he's rich I bet he'll go on states. "Would you mind if I spend it together with you?" he asked as my eyes sparkled.


"Yeah, I don't mind spending it with you anyway it will be more fun than going to another country." I start to get a serious hearing that from him. "But Christmas should be celebrated together with the family, Will that be alright?" He looked sad about it but I don't want to ask him more questions.