

Prologue | Hurricane Through the stained, chipped mirror I observed the princess. She was beauty to behold. Locks of wavy chocolate hair casted down to her midriff, a chunk of hair braided and framed into a headdress, braided in were peach colored roses – The symbolism of Admiration. Marriage, sweetness, innocence, purity, immortality, and nobility. To match her peachy attire she wore a gold satiny dress embedded with sapphires and baby blue heels. She's a looker – a charmer, I suppose she gets that from Victoria Eleanor Winters II, the Queen and Mother. While she gets her personality from Xavier Andrews Winters, the cowardly King and Father. I watched the young princess as she played tag with her younger siblings. She was running from the youngest sister, May Winters. Like a mouse running from it's inevitable doom, I thought, but only in this game there'll be no escape for the mouse – the mouse will rot and so will it's kingdom. In hell. _____ No one can truly hold eternal darkness while no one can hold everlasting pureness. They either consume another or leave the other severely damaged. Though, we can never be for certain that they engulfed each other fully because they reign this world till this day. Light and Darkness, fighting for dominance. Shall it be Hurricane Adams, The King of Darkness or Destorm Winters, The Princess of Light to become victorious? Or will they both crumble? _____ The novel, Hurricane, is made by S.R.M. Everything in the novel has full claim to the author and therefore plagiarizing is fully prohibited. Except, when quoting certain sentences to post online, though when doing this remember to credit the author. Copyright ©️2019 __________________________________________

phoenixwarrior789 · Fantasia
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3 Chs

The Immemorial Treaty

Chapter I


Twenty years ago, father and I were requested at the palace to discuss alliances of the dark kingdom, Erebos and the kingdom of light, Zora Faven. After our arrival we were guided into a room. The room – it's a room that'll always be engraved into mind because that's where everything for the Adams Dynasty plummeted. The candle lit room held only an oak table and four red velvety chairs with silver on arm placements.

Ten minutes after waiting, the royal family came in and sat down across from us on oak table.

There The Winters discussed of a treaty – The Amaranthine Immemorial Treaty. It's a treaty that is beyond memory and is lasting for all eternity. The treaty binds our kingdom so that we must share natural resources and help another in an aid of crisis.

Father pondered on the idea, but soon accepted. Though I was a young darkling I knew this was a decision that need to be thought over more carefully, but whether I said something didn't matter because I didn't have the experience that he had as King – Well that's what he stated to me before he parished, that my experience didn't compare to his which is true-full.

Father and King Winters discussed the treaty more thoroughly in a private room leaving me with Queen Eleanor. With the few minutes I had with the Queen I learnt that she was a caring soul that took her people with consideration with every choice she made, she loved nature, and never took a day for granted in her life.

Queen Eleanor will always be a role model to nobility on how a Queen should act and strive to be like.

After a few minutes the two kings came into the room to tells us the negociables – Crops, Troops, Armor, and a Safe Haven to one another's kingdom in case of Invasions. The Queen agreed to these terms as well and they all signed the treaty.

After that father came to me to talk about the treaty. "The treaty," He said, "Will be passed on your fifth birthday, you will read over the treaty every ten years so that you can tell your new citizens. Also, keep it in mind that you're just a young prince, you haven't got the experience that I have as King." And that's what I did I didn't bud in into any matter and read the treaty on my fifteenth birthday.

A few days after my fifteenth birthday there was an invasion from the Kingdom of Azarnoosh Cinderella, The palace of Eternal Flame of The Ashes. Azarnoosh knights came in at the east side of our kingdom and slaughtered thousands of civilians – Men, Woman, and Young Darklings – by the time my father got word of it the Azarnoosh knights were at the center of our kingdom. My father took immediate action and sent out our knights and told the surviving Erebosians to travel to Zora Faven, so that there they'll be protected.

My father told one of our trusted family guards, Zimphia Anastacia, to take me to Zora Faven and whilst there protect me with her life. That she did.

Once the survivors and I got there, we all expected for Zora Faven to greet us with arms wide open, but it was the opposite. They left there gates closed – guards refusing to let us in. We told them what's happening in our kingdom, but they seemed to give no damns. Over the horizons, I looked and saw that Azarnoosh Knight were charging – fresh blood on their blades and archers ready to aim. Zimphia then demanded for them to get gates to be opened, but they simply denied. We all were losing hope, the knights were getting closer by every second. Zimphia then told us all to travel to the Cordelia Evian, the kingdom of Water. Zimphia stayed behind to hold back the knights, to this day she's a hero to all of us survivors. She died to protect every one of us and for that I'll always be in debt, but I'll never forget the reason to why she died.

That's why I'll always hold grudge against Zora Faven, they let many of my people die because they failed to open the gate all those nights ago – nine years ago.