
Huntik: Secrets & Seekers x Male Oc

Kaiser a teenager raised by the Huntik Foundation join him on his journay with Dante Vale, Lok Lambert, Sophie Casterwill and Zhalia Moon. Can't find a lot of Huntik male oc fanfiction so I decided to make my own. I Don't own Huntik: Secrets & Seekers.

NexusKosuke · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Words of Thruth, Heart of Lies

Prague, Czech Republic

Huntik Foundation Hotel

Dante: "Seekers, we have a mission. Show me Prague Central Cemetery."

Dante places a holotome on the table, it opens generating a holographic map of Prague Central Cemetery.

Lok: "Cool is that a hologram?"

Lok asks being new to the seeker world and it's technology.

Sophie: "Not quit Lok, it's a holotome, seeker groups like the Foundation use them to plan missions, gather information and analyze Titans."

Sophie explains to Lok what seekers use holotomes for.

Dante: "Based on the information Sophie gathered, our goal is the tomb of the wise man of Prague Jodis Lore. Mission the Golem of Prague, reach Prague Central Cemetery, find and access Jodis Lore's tomb gather clues about the golem, after dark we'll enter through here."

Dante says pointing to a gate.

Lok: "Now that's what I call interactive, I bet you could play killer video games on this thing."

Lok says as Jirwolf appears next to Kaiser, mentaly sending him the information he has to Kaiser.

Kaiser: "Thanks Jirwolf continue scouting and tell me if anything happens."

Kaiser says to Jirwolf sending him back out to continue scouting, as Solwing lands on Dante's shoulder telling him the sams info.

Dante: "If there really is an underground area, it can't be any larger than this. It's likely we'll be relying on small and medium sized Titans, like Solwing, Sabriel and Jirwolf."

Holotome: "Solwing, attack 1, defense 1, type Krono-Titan Scout, size small, special abilities flight. Sabriel, attack 3, defense 2, type Draco-Titan Warrior, size average, special abilities Unaffected by injury. Jirwolf, attack 2, defense 4, type Gaia-Titan Scout, special abilities Astral Form, Sixth Sense."

Lok: "How cool is that."

Lok says.

Cherit: "What if the Organization get wind on our plan."

Cherit says being cautious since this is their home.

Kaiser: "They already have Cherit. Enlighten, Oberon."

Kaiser invokes Oberon.

Lok: "Why'd you summon your Titan?"

Lok asks why Kaiser summoned a Titan in a Foundation hotel.

Kaiser: "Where in Prague you never know where the Organization will show up."

Kaiser says telling Lok to always be ready for a fight in Prague.

Sophie: "Well it's not like some O.A's will be trouble for you right Dante. Hey let me show you my idea."

Sophie says wanting to impress Dante with her idea.

Lok: "I've got an idea how about we take a break."

Lok says walking out of the room. After a while they hear a Redcap scream coming from where Lok is, till he ran back into the room with a Redcap chasing and a another one appearing from the closet behind Dante.

Sophie: "How'd that get in her."

Sophie says shocked that the Organization managed to get into the hotel, while a another Redcap grabs Sophie's ankle from under the bed, but Oberon kicks the bed out of the way and stabs the Redcap sending it bad to where ever it's amulet is. A Redcap gets right in front of Lok but Cherit blasts it, detroying it and tiring himself out. Two O.A's come in through the door with an "Augerfrost" ready, they fire their "Augerfrost" at Dante and Sophie, but Dante kicks the table over blocking and spliting the table in half.

Kaiser: "I told you that the Orginization could appear anywhere."

Kaiser says reminding them of what he said previously. One of the O.A shoots an "Augerfrost" at Sophie but she block with an "Honorguard". As the O.A's continue to advance on them Kaiser pulls out another amulet.

Kaiser: "Serve me, Nordrake."

Kaiser invokes Nordrake commanding it to freezing the Redcaps.

As Nordrake was freezing Redcaps the wall broke revealing a women with dark blue hair with a small Titan on her shoulder and she uses "Touchram" to destroy two of the unfrozen Redcaps aswell as destroying the windows, the lizard Titan on shoulder knocks down a Redcap with beams fron it's eyes, destracting the O.A's enough for Dante and Kaiser knock them out cold.

Bluehairedwomen: "Impale, Strix."

The women summons two Strix from a single amout cutting two Redcaps in half, sendong them back to their amulets. Once the O.A's and their Titans where delt with the five seekers and one Titan leave the hotel with Kaiser retuning his three Titans back to their amulets. Once they get futher enough away from the hotel, they settle down next to a tree.

Dante: "So your Zhalia Moon, the Foundations new lone wolf, i've heard about you."

Dante says knowing about Zhalia.

Zhalia: "And your Dante Vale the Foundations number one seeker, of course everyone's heard about you."

Zhalia says to Dante.

Kaiser: "So Zhalia how you been."

Kaiser says to Zhalia.

Zhalia: "I've been well, what you prized prodigy."

Zhalia says replying to Kaiser.

Kaiser: "I've been fine, nothing new has happened since our last mission together."

Kaiser says revealing that he knows Zhalia.

Lok: "Wait you two know each other?"

Lok asks.

Kaiser: "Yeah we've done some mission together before but if anyone knows about Zhalia's lone wolf reputation, they can figure out that she was never please with having a partner on a missions."

Kaiser says remeber their first missions together and remebers that Zhalia punch him for no reason.

Lok: "So Zhalia you work for Foundation then."

Lok asks.

Zhalia: "Under contract just like Dante."

Zhalia replies to Lok.

Lok: "Thanks for the save, your power were amazing, your even stronger than Sopbie."

Lok says to which Sophie takes offence to causing to Lok to cover his mouth.

Zhalia: "I was in town on a mission when I happen to hear about the Orginization infiltrating your hotel."

Zhalia says telling them why she was in town.

Cherit: "aye, you did us good friend."

Cherit says with a thumbs up

Zhalia: "I hope you weren't waiting around to be rescued. You got lucky in this world you have to look for yourself."

Zhalia say annoying Sophie.

Kaiser: "Your still believing that you don't need friends."

Kaiser says annoyed that Zhalia stills believes that.

Dante: "It bothers me that the Organization breached our hotel, could they have a spy in the Huntik Foundation."

Dante says bringing up the idea that there's a spy in their ranks.

Zhalia: "Of course they could, haven't you heard the rumors about the one they call the Professor."

Zhalia says.

Lok: "The Professor, who's that."

Kaiser: "The leader of the Organization."

Kaiser says.

Dante: "And possibly the most dangerous man in the world."

Dante says.

Zhalia: "He is one of the world's most powerful seekers. His collection of amulets and ancient artifacts is the largest in history. He manipulates heads of state, as well as his own men with a skill to control minds.

Zhalia says revealing how dangerous he is.

Lok: "So it's like a power?"

Lok asks.

Sophie: "No there's no magic I know of that can do that."

Sophie says telling Lok that no such magic exist. Lok hanges his head with a sigh.

Cherit: "What wrong Lok."

Cherit asks his friend with concern.

Lok: "A guy like that must be after the ancient amulet of will, I wonder if he crossed paths with my dad."

Lok say thinking that the Professor might have something to do with his father's disappearance.

Kaiser: "Let's stop talking about the Professor for now and come up with backup plans for this mission."

Kaiser says to which Dante agrees.

(Small timskip night)

Prague, Czech Republic

Central Cemetery

Dante checks if theirs anyone nearby, once he comfirmed that there's no one Kaiser, Sophie, Lok and Cherit enter the cemetery.

Dante: "Everyone stay together remeber the plan."

The team walks deeper into the cemetery.

Sophie: "According to legend Jodis Lore made the golem from vltava river clay, then he brought it to life by writting the word truth on it's forehead."

Sophies explains the legend of the golem in a shortened version.

Lok: "It's just hard to believe all this is in the middle of the city."

Lok says.

Sophie: "That's why all the graves are piled on top of each other, there was no room."

Sophie says looking at the tombstones, till she spots Zhalia which annoyes her.

Zhalia: "There'll be room for one more if your not careful."

Zhalia say warning Sophie that she needs be careful.

Sophie: "Zhalia are you stalking us."

Sophie says annoyed that Zhalia is here.

Kaiser: "Take it easy Sophie, me and Dante asked her come along."

Kaiser says telling Sophie why Zhalia is here.

Sophie: "What."

Sophie replies shocked as to why they let her come along.

Zhalia: "Prague is a hostile, Foundation operatives have to stay close."

Zhalia saya standing next to Kaiser.

Sophie: "Not that close."

Sophie pointing the flashlight to Zhalia's face, making her cover eyes.

Lok: "Come on Sophie her help we'll have a better chance at finding the Amulet of Will and my dad."

Lok says telling Sophie that Zhalia could help even though he just met a few hours ago.

Zhalia: "You've got some faith kid, you must of had an easy life."

Zhalia says.

Lok: "I did but I'm a seeker now."

Lok tells Zhalia that his life was pretty easy till a few days ago.

Zhalia: "We'll see."

Zhalia says.

Kaiser: "Jodis Lore's tomb is this way."

Kaiser turns around leading them to the tomb.

Lok: "Kaiser how do you know where Jodis Lore's tomb is you never look at the map once?"

Lok asks catching everyones attention a bit.

Kaiser: "Everyone has secrets Lok i'm no different."

Kaiser says as he continues walking in the direction of the tomb. After a few minutes the team reaches the tomb.

Kaiser: "Well here we are Jodis Lore's tomb."

Sophie and Lok walk closer to the tomb to get a better look at it.

Sophie: "It's just a normal inscription."

Sophie says annoyed that there's no clues on the tomb.

Cherit: "Lok wasn't there something in your journal about the golem?"

Cherit asks Lok who takes the journal out the bag.

Lok: "I've been trying to make it out but the page is ruined. I think it says blood of the golem."

Lok says showinv Sophie the page.

Kaiser: "The golem was made from clay not flesh and blood. Sophie can you smear some of that clay on the tomb stone and then write the symbol for truth."

Kaiser says as Sophie smears some clay on the tomb stone.

Sophie: "It's a difficult symbol but it goes something like this."

Sophies draws the symbol on the clay she smeared, once she finished the symbol the tomb opens, revealing a stair case down. They reach an empty room but Dante continues walking.

Dante: "We're running out of time so let me explain, only step on the lighter ones, the golem was made from vltava river clay remeber, it always dries light."

Dante explains with Kaiser and the others follwing his lead.

Zhalia: "Dante Vale earns his reputation."

Zhalia say complementing Dante.

They reach the door but as they trying to figure out a way to open Dante's watch beeps.

Dante: "Stay here."

Dante says running to the other side of the room, when cloacked men appear behind Dante.

Dante: "Evening gentlemen may I take your cloaks."

They drop their cloaks revealing DeFoe and Grier. DeFoe fires a "Raypulse" at Dante, which he dodges but if caught by Grier.

Dante: "DeFoe."

Dante says.

DeFoe: "Well if it isn't Dante Vale."

DeFoe says, then Zhalia and Sophie fire a "Raypulse" at DeFoe which his Titan blocks, and Lok tries to use "Boltflare" but fails.

Zhalia: "A seeker that can't use Boltflare."

Zhalia says shocked that Lok can't use such a simple spell.

Lok: "I can still fight."

Lok says taking an amulet out of his bag and run toward DeFoe but activates a trap because he wasn't paying attention on which tiles he was running, which also traps Zhalia and Sophie, leaving Kaiser surronded by O.A's.

DeFoe: "Brilliant you slipped into Jodis Lore's trap, let's see you invoke your Titan's now."

Lok tries to invoke Freelancer but fail due to the trap. Dante manages to break out Griers hold and charges at DeFoe, who orders his Titan to attack which Dante dodges as more O.A's enter the room, Dante let's himself get hit by DeFoe's attack. DeFoe goes to Lok to try get the journal while Kaiser knocks most of O.A's out Jirwolf which he thens return to it's amulet, but Grier took this opportunity to restrain Kaiser.

Grier: "The Professor would like to have a word with you."

Grier says keeping Kaiser restained. Once DeFoe's Titan returns with the key he leaves with Grier following him, who has Kaiser over his shoulder. Once they reach the car Grier puts Kaiser in the back in cuffs, as they were driving their destination DeFoe's phone rings.

DeFoe: "Good evening Professor."

DeFoe greets the man over the phone.

Professor: "Do you have the key and boy DeFoe."

The Professor says.

DeFoe: "Yes sir."

DeFoe replies.

Professor: "Good, remeber the importance of the ancient Amulet of Will to the Organization's future."

The Professor tells DeFoe.

DeFoe: "Yes sir, certainly Jodis Lore's notes will be invaluable to that end, as will the Titans he's hidden away. But what about the boy I don't understand why he's so important."

DeFoe says not knowing much about Kaiser.

Professor: "You don't need to understand why he's so important. Now let nothing and no one stand in your way."

The Professor say.

DeFoe: "As you wish sir."

DeFoe says as the Professor hangs up.

DeFoe: "The Professor keeps us on a tight leash wouldn't you agree."

DeFoe say talking to Grier.

Grier: "I have nothing but respect for the chain of command sir."

Grier replies.

DeFoe: "Well never mind let's just get moving."

DeFoe say not even trying to figure out why Kaiser is so important.

Grier: "Yes sir."

The Road of Alchemists

Prague, Czech Republic

After a while of driving they reach their destination, DeFoe and Grier get out the car and walk to the building leaving Kaiser in the car. Once they reached the door, Kaiser hears a knock on the car window, he looks out the window to Cherit.

Kaiser: "Cherit the car doors unlocked you can open it."

Cherit opens the door allowing Kaiser to step out the car.

Kaiser: "Hey Cherit do you think you can get thess off?"

Kaiser asks Cherit thinking ths Titan must of picked up something about lock picking.

Cherit: "I can try."

Cherit trys picking the lock with his claw, after a few minutes the cuffs fell off.

Kaiser: "Thank Cherit."

Kaiser thanks Cherit.

Cherit: "No problem that's what friends are for."

Cherit replies.

Kaiser: "Camoforge."

Kaiser turns invisible and sneaks behind the two O.A's gaurding the door, then he bashes their heads together knocking them out and enters the building, to see Dante and Zhalia already fightning DeFoe and his minoins. Kaiser invokes Oberon and Thornment and joins the fight taking out multiple O.A's and jumps next to Zhalia.

Zhalia: "Nice of you finally joins."

Zhalia says to Kaiser.

Kaiser: "Well I was tied up."

Kaiser replies as he orders Oberon and Thornment to destroy the O.A's Titans.

DeFoe: "Victory is in my gras-"

DeFoe was interrupted by being kicked in the head by Lok sending him to ground, Lok flies around taking down some O.A's as Zhalia has Gareon attack Grier from behind, Sophie has Sabriel take care of some Redcaps and Mindron, while Kaiser orders Oberon and Thornment to take care of Breaker, all while Dante goes to bonds with Metagolem. After boding with the Titan Dante come back to the main room.

Dante: "Do your worst, Metagolem."

Dante invoke Metagolem having it take out Breaker in one hit.

DeFoe: "Retreat, everyone retreat."

DeFoe says backing away.

Grier: "But sir."

Grier tries to stop DeFoe.

DeFoe: "Don't question me they have Metagolem and the advantage."

DeFoe says as he keeps backing faster.

Grier: "Yes sir, men fall back."

Grier says following after DeFoe.

O.A's: "Yes sir."

All the O.A's follow after them leaving Dante and his team in the building.

Dante's House

Venic, Italy

Cherit: "It was a sight to see that's for sure."

Cherit says.

Sophie: "Yeah, Lok using his first spell and spontaneously too, that's rare. Powers are normally learned through study and careful teaching, that's why I'm good at them."

Sophies says as Lok picks up some papers.

Lok: "I'm just glad we found these in the golem's attic."

Lok says reading through some of them.

Sophie: "Well they're definitley Jodis Lore's notes but I can't break the code."

Sophie says having trouble with the code that Jodis Lore made.

Dante: "Don't worry the Huntik Foundation will be able to decipher them."

Dante says.

Lok: "Then i'll be able to know why my dad was trying to find that place, maybe even where he went next."

Lok says as Sophie walks up to Zhalia and Kaiser, who were talking about a mission they had a while back.

Sophie: "You really saved me back there, maybe I was wrong not to trust you."

Sophie says in an apologetic tone to Zhalia.

Zhalia: "If I was an evil seeker setting that up would be an easy way to earn yoyr trust."

Zhalia says to Sophie.

Sophie: "I guess."

Sophie say agreeing with Zhalia on something.

Kaiser: "Hey Dante you alright."

Kaiser asks Dante as he walks into the living room from the kitchen.

Dante: "There's one thing still on my mind, those rumors about the Professor."

Dante says making Kaiser retreat back to the kitchen without anyone noticing, clenches his hand into a fist.

Organization Central

Prague, Czech Republic

In Organization Central DeFoe and Grier kneel before the Professor sitting in his chair.

Professor: "You disappoint me DeFoe."

The Professor says not pleased with DeFoe's results on the Jodis Lore mission.

DeFoe: "My apologies."

DeFoe apologies to the Professor.

Professor: "Your failure cost us vital information on the ancient Amulet of Will, without it the Organization will never achieve total domination."

The Professor says really not pleased with DeFoe's three failures in one mission.

DeFoe: "Professor I will redouble my efforts."

DeFoe says telling the Professor that he won't fail on his next mission.

Professor: "I. Must. Have it and you must capture that boy at all costs."

To Be Continued