alright then you two that's enough for now aren't you here for your initiation to become magic hunters wreng said
as he began to have a small grin on his face as he was trying to stop mark from having another fight with someone again as he began to mumble under his breath saying words rather quietly
anyway your first mission is going to be at the forest of Rnanbaulsa of ruins wreng said
you mean the ruins of the original colonies of this continent I said
yes that is correct he said
yes that is right that's where all magic hunters go for there final test and to get their licenses as well wreng said
'Final test ' what does that mean I said
Idiot he means we are going to go take a final test to become magic hunters mark said
Says the guy who can't hit on a girl I said
Enough you two wreng said
As we proceeded to walk towards the forest as I began to see ruins of an ancient city before the city I know today was formed as I began to old buildings that had some of the sun lights touching the surface of the stone wall as there was vines growing onto the old stone buildings as I began to see a large rusty metal battling dome that seemed to have a faded out carving of words that had lighted up with a blue light
'Vhor tch a rebana tortchbana"
The one who finds the one will become a legend it wispered to me as I began to have an uneasy feeling coming my way as I began to keep on following them as we walked inside the rusty metal dome a magical force field began to appear as the exit ways had disappeared
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