
Hunters of the Dark Ages.

Growing up in a loving family. Hazel never expected her whole world to be crushed apart. Escaping assassination that left her all alone in the world, she is forced into the human realm. Memories gone and forgotten. Her fox powers sealed. However, even she didn't anticipate meeting an apocalyptic world. A dying Terraheim in the brink of destruction and a fierce war between powerful Hunters and horrid Nightmarish creatures that flood through the Gates. Talk more of being the Terraheim's new generation's Devil's mate. In the deadly battle of survival. She joins the Reigns family and more human forces. What's worse, behind the shadows. The dead gods are scheming a potentially fatal destruction....... What will Hazel choose? Excerpt (Warning:Mature Content) "Who are you?" His glowing crimson eyes met hers. Blood stained on his lips. A crazy look in his eyes, that made him irresistible and yet.... Dangerous. " Your worst nightmare, Mrs Reigns"

XenaReigns_1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


It hurts.

It hurts a lot.

"Release test subject Zero into the arena." A voice emitted from the sounds system in the walls.

His head bent down, fatigue overwhelming him. His overgrown dark hair covered his pale, untidy face.


A scruffy voice ordered from behind him. Hitting him with a stick at the back of the boy's head.

A murderous aura overwhelmed him as he thought of a gruesome ways to kill the officer. Ripping the officer's tongue and burning his blood from inside out as he melted to his death, seemed good enough.

Before the boy's hand could move towards the man, he stopped himself.

The chains on his wrists, legs and neck creaked upon his staggered steps.

A crazied chilling smile morphed it's way on the boy's chapped lips. Swallowing back a bout of insane laughter from the back of his throat.

He settled for a shrug.

Since he could sense the intense fear from the officers behind him. The fear was more satisfying than a quick death. At least for now.

He moved slowly into the large compartment built for one purpose.....

To restrain him.

His crimson eyes held a childish glee in them.

They found an even bigger play ground for him after he turned the last one mistakenly into devastating ruins.

Killing two hundred people both officers and scientists alike.

Certainly, a huge loss to the government.

So much he actually felt quite sad for them....

He couldn't wait to destroy this one too!

His crimson gaze scanned the entire arena noticing the thick titanium metals all around him. The fortress literally screamed 'no escape'.

A challenge he took really seriously.

Do they think this stupid so called strongest Alien metal could restrain him?!

It only riled him up. Craving to destroy it. Leaving it in utter shambles.

Which was bad since he made resolutions to be a good boy.

"Captain, Zero has arrived the instructed destination as required."

The stiff officer reported into the communication device he held.

The boy rose his head, his sharp gaze didn't fail to notice the cameras all over. Each one watching his each and every movement. The scientists watched from behind it. He could feel their unrestrained desire to decimate his body apart.

He grinned weirdly.

The officers around him shuddered before regaining control of their reactions. Turning passively aggressive. Ready to sprint into action to restrain him. If the need arises.

Behind the cameras,

"I can't believe the famous Devil is only eleven!!"

A chubby scientist amongst the Observations unit, squealed beside Harrison. He was part of the new batch that was distributed under his care from the government ever since the last massacre incident which they rumored to have luckily restrained the Devil.

At least that's what the Secret agents said.

Though, Harrison found that extremely hard to believe. Restraining him by force? Or the fact the Devil wanted to be restrained?

The chubby scientist watched the kid intensely not able to control himself before the experiment began.

Harrison knew how it felt. Afterall, he was once a junior scientist selected surprisingly to do this. The government read his personal report and discovered his obsessions of monsters that flooded the Gates, an obsession that made people too stigmatize him in the nobility. Ruining his career.

Until well now.

He always felt the 'rush', as he liked to call it. He still does. Even right now, but....

It had changed.

Not a blinded rush of excitement of an uncharted territory. But an excitement of a scientist fully aware of dangers that lurked but couldn't stop the.. Cravings....

To know more.

Harrison's eyes peered through his glasses to the magical holograms around all of them. The biggest secret lab perhaps in the entire empire. Containing three hundred and forty nine scientists across Terraheim. Not to talk of the two hundred officers waiting to defend and attack if the Devil broke loose.

All under the secret mission to discover the secrets that lived in the Devil.

An eleven year old boy.

None knew the origins of Zero or even why the government ordered such maniacal experiment. But they were all motivated to find anything substantial to save Humanity from the Nightmarish monsters. Blinding their sense of values to justify themselves of harming an eleven years old boy.


He felt the guilt eating him, again.

He closed his eyes trying to control himself...

Those questions bombarding in again. Those questions that rose ever since he accidentally heard private information about 'Zero' or are least the name the government gave him.

'Why did the late King of the Eastern Kingdom, Eldoria, bring his own son to be experimented? Why did his own mother sought to kill him, when he was only five? Why does he have more than three known abilities and how many other unknown abilities does he possess? Something humanity didn't dare dream of. Why was he rejected when he could have been humanity's greatest asset? How does he truly feel? And why does he possess the Scarlet eyes, the known quality of Monster Gate Kings, powerful forces Hunters feared deeply of?'

This were the least questions he had. The eleven year boy could be feeling all alone...


He stopped himself from sympathizing. His eyes meeting the boy's strange blood-red ones from the monitor's screen.

Eyes that stared at him, intentionally. Telling him without words that Zero knew Harrison was watching him and also knew he was right there.

The sadistic grin on the eleven year old boy's lips. Said it all.

Harrison knew. No matter how hard his views try to change it.

Zero was a monster.

Bob, his assistant, stepped up beside him holding some documents. His eyes as calm as a lake staring at him in silence.

"Do you think he would destroy the compartment built for him?"

Bob sighed, deeply.

"So you want the truth first or the lie?"

"The lie, first"

Both of them smiled faintly. Sharing an austere silence. That shared words only they could understand.

"No, titanium is the strongest known alien metal. It is unbreakable even by the top one ability user in Terraheim's Empire. So Zero is toast."

Harrison breathed deeply, before saying softly.


Bob shrugged, wearily.

"We will all die."

"Sir, should we proceed to test out his endurance and super regeneration?"

The chubby scientist who was in a dream-like stupor, engrossed in his imaginations and didn't hear his superiors' death verdict, asked. His boiling excitement hit Harrison like a hurricane.

'The whole world... we're all mad'

Despite that he nodded.

Three hours later,

A sexy voice of a reporter loomed from an old communication device on the bloodied floor.

" ...A huge blast occurred at the Shirinsho's district...."

".... The Special Agent Hunters are investigating the cause of the explosion...."

".... The HGA are withholding information, could it be a possibility of a Gate's appearance?..."

"..... Nine hundred confirmed dead...."

A boy in black cloak moved swiftly in twirling alive-like fog passing a dozen of officers, Hunters and government agents investigating, undetected.

His foot crushed the communication device that the reporter was spewing out information. Blood stuck to his boots as he passed the dead bodies piled around the whole lab. The once sparkingly white lab was ripped with dried blood, claws marks on the wall. The compartment was in ruins titanium metal crushed to dust particles with no way of restoration.

A set of bloodied chains sat lonely on the blood stained floor, he passed numerous dead corpses of the officers. The corpse that was most significant had a ripped tongue and a dried, burnt and melted bloody body.

The boy ignored the corpse picking up the chains.

His mirror eyes was empty and unfeeling.

The mark on his forehead glowed bright crimson.

He saw fading shadow energy wrapped around the chains like a layer, only he's could see.

"Master has once again escaped before I could arrive."

The boy sighed, deeply. His poker face unmoving.

" I wonder where he disappeared to again."

He dropped the chains, removing his silky gloves, smoothly. Then touched the blood stained ground. His white eyes glowing.

Seeing everything that occurred few hours ago.

A dark chuckle emitted from his lips.

"Master is so gruesome."

Hi everyone,

Am so excited and nervous about this new novel since it's my first time, writing and I sincerely hope you will enjoy. Thanks for choosing this book.

With lots of love,

Xena Reigns

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