
Hunter X Hunter : The OOP Hero

A/N : First , I do not own the rights of the novel or any characters except the MC, his family and some side characters. Second, English is not my mother language, so forgive me for my mistakes in advance. Third, this is my first writing, so errors may exist, I hope you can correct and advise me through the writing. Fourth, I have a writing plot in my mind, so plz don’t try to change it. I may change the environment but the goal will still be the same. Fifth, NO HAREEM. sixth, I would like to apologize for the first few short chapter. I have changed that. ########## Geno was a young man who just graduated from University. His life was hard till this point. He was an orphan that was abused by a gang and had to work hard to reach this point. He was always alone. After the graduation ceremony, he was happy that he was going to live the second part of his life happy, forming his own family and having a happy ending. But destiny was a bitch and didn’t allow him to even have that. He fall in a canal and died after a prank of his colleagues. After closing his eyes, Long time had passed, No one no if it was a pity of the god or sympathy. He opened his red eyes. Follow our MC journey in the hunter world. ########## A/N : Our MC will follow the main plot of the series with only slight changes to make it convenient and his own adventures in between the events.

GNaNA · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 1 : First Life and Sept Family

In a huge garden outside the graduation ceremony where fireworks were launched, and everyone was laughing to his heart content, A young man was standing there alone at the corner near the bridge, the led to the other side of the canal.

His name was Geno an orphan, who his parents had abandoned him at the door of the orphanage. They didn't even think to research or search for a good orphanage. This orphanage was run in secret by a small underground business. They made the sisters that take care of the children till they were one and half years only, might be even less. They, then, ordered the children to roam the streets to pickpocket the passerby or ask for money out of sympathy for the small kids that couldn't even find a mother's milk. And if anyone even dared to speak, they would either disappear or be crippled.

In the middle of this environment, Geno grew up. He was a smart kid. He knew he couldn't do anything and had no one to ask for help. He was weak in the early years of his life and was bullied by the other kids, so he decided to stay low and shift the attention of the kids to something else.

At the age of four, he had the mentality of a teenager and could think of different ways to get himself out of difficult situations. He knew if he didn't do anything, he would die sooner or later. He trained his body secretly and trained how to use his daggers for 8 years till he became fit. He always longed to be like the normal kids at his age that lived a normal life where he would go to school and have a family that loved him. So, he prepared his secret hideout where he collected a lot of books for those who were his age or older and started studying by himself along with doing the missions of the organization.

At this point, he knew if he wanted to live a normal life, he had to destroy this organization. So, he prepared to kill the higher-ups of the orphanage and destroy any evidence of his existence. So, with the help of the only person who cared about him in the orphanage, sister Lola. He killed the boss using his poisoned daggers. He thought there would be infighting between the small bosses and he would be able to escape but he was found out and snitched on by his roommate who lived in this shit with him. He was then abused by the small fries and was taken to be dealt with after the meeting of the gang to make him an example for those who dared to disobey the orders of the organization.

He was then rescued by sister Lola and escaped the orphanage but was discovered when was trying to make his way to the city. Sister Lola died trying to save him from being taken back to the organization. During all this, he hated everyone and tried to isolate himself after taking his revenge by poisoning the water pipe to the orphanage and then reported to the police about a poisoning case in the orphanage. After which, the rest of the gang, those who still alive, got arrested and the children were taken to another orphanage.

After all this shit, he tried to live the life of his dreams but to no avail. He was discriminated against by the other kids for having no parents. Due to his strength, everyone in the school feared him and no one tried to talk to him. He was expelled again and again when he retaliated against those who bullied him, so he decided to stay low again and not to associate himself with anyone.

That was until this point, after what he had been through, he still didn't give up. But his colleagues and roommates in college were jealous of him. Due to his life and mentality, he picked a few hobbies to help him pass time. They were reading, studying, and reading manga. His favorite manga was Hunter X Hunter.

His love was his laptop, He could do anything with it. So, he decided to study computer science in college. And after graduation, his job would be secured. He would live his life finally.

But the only thing he feared happened. Due to jealousy, his colleagues pushed him into the river as a prank but he feared water. He really feared water. When the gang punished him in the past, they would push his head in a barrel of water. That's why he couldn't swim. He would panic and that might lead him to his death. that's what the doctor had told him.

His colleagues, no one knew if they knew about his fear or not but no one helped him leaving him to die alone. He didn't know why all this happened to him. All he wanted was to have a happy life, like what normal people had. At the last second of his life, a small tear escaped his eyes and he lost consciousness.


Forest of Shobaké, a forest ruin in Begerossé Union that still undiscovered or not being announced to the whole world. In this forest where dangerous or even mythical creatures and plants lived, a family, hidden from the sight of the world, lived there.

They were the Sept family, a family title that had been long-forgotten by the world. They started living in the forest after their elder discovered it. This same elder was of the seventh living returnee from the expedition, set by Begerossé Union, to the dark continent.

After the expedition, he retreated from the world with his wife and the rest of the family servants. No one knew where one of the most powerful people in the world had gone. No one knew what he, himself, had gained from this expedition.

The family mansion was located at the top of mount Bakorä in the middle of the forest. There was only one mountain road that led to the gate. After crossing it, there was a huge forest that had different creatures and plants. A normal person needed at least a three-day walk to reach the servants' estates. This forest was considered by the family as the children's playground.

The family had multiple grand three-store buildings for the servants. A servant building was comparable to that of a noble's in the outside world. After crossing the servants' area and walking for two hours, you would see the main family mansion.

The mansion had a pentagon shape with eight main golden pillars. After getting closer, you would find that they were made of pure gold with different diamond-shaped jewels. The front gate of the mansion was made of a weird material that had weird inscriptions on it and electrical sparks near the handle of the gate.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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