Nine anthropomorphic Nen beasts of 3 different class are conjured. Three of each class of varying capabilities of devil who is the source evil and corruption are conjured. This nen ability was conjured from an inspiration and enlightenment that i had while understanding the the new developments.
The classes developed for the nen beasts are ogre faced spider, werewolf and Cerberus. These nen beasts are shaped as human structure but the head are different. The ogre face spider nen beast have a strong body, keen perception and are able to perform a variety of abilities. These abilities include mastery of various weapon including swords, bow and guns and they are also be able to use venom to target their enemies. The venom will paralyze their target.
Werewolf nen beast has rather powerful regenerative abilities, as well as terrifying strength, agility, and speed. Their claws and teeth are in no way inferior to a melee weapon and they are able to climb walls ,other complicated long structures that are not easily be able to climb over by normal standards. They can use their razor teeth to tear of flesh even if it is strengthened by using nen.
Cerberus is in its own class of its own.They have strong bodies and keen senses, often possessing both a staid appearance and a crazy heart within them. They are able launch a poisonous fireball that can cause a large explosion, in addition to burning and poisoning the target. They are able to conjure a giant flame sword that looks more like a scimitar/cleaver in shape and design. It holds extremely high attack power, one swing is capable of slicing a thick stone pillar in two, the impact surface will look like it's been seared and melted.
The sons of devil of 9 nen beasts can compensate me if i ever come across in a fight when i need to compensate the number of very serious enemies i have to face head on. They can also be used to fight an enemy who are also able to conjure nen soldiers/beasts out of their nen abilities for a group attack.
A set of commands or direction of what needs to be done are set for the nen beasts but if there are none they will fight or direct themselves to ensure their primary nen creator is given an advantage or protected.
The maximum number of nen beast that can be conjured are 9 , this is to maintain the quality rather than quantity of the beast conjured.
One of the uniqueness of these nen beats is that can be be blessed with one of the nen abilities of the conjurer. The ability has to be within the pacific ability for them to be able to use it. If the ability is used at the wrong time or at the bad time the ability will back fire.Overall they can be used when they are many enemies or a group fight within a certain conditions to be maintained like a game or to fill in the numbers.
A while later i opened my eyes and i was able to understand the new ability i obtained to use. With all the things going around i knew that this ability was conjured like a safety for myself when i face numerous enemies at once.