
Sin city.

Glam gas land. The city of vice, the city of dreams, the city of sin and all things in between.

Even at 3 am in the morning, it was lit up bright as day. Its opulent neighbourhoods and marbled walkways shimmering in the skylights lighting the city up. Luxury cars zoomed past us as we made our way across the one main street of the city to our hotel.

Hotels and casinos lined the street. Down the back alleys, alluring women and men catered to all fleshly desires a peraon could have. Decadence. Excess. Luxury. Hedonism. These worlds perfectly described the atmosphere.

Kurapika and Pairo were looking around like dumbfounded tourists. That's what happens when you live in a hippie commune for most of your life. I'll need to make sure that they don't go overboard with the debauchery.

After setlling in, we left our hotel room and made for the grand pyramid casino. Our first target.

"Alright. Training time. Pairo you take the slot machines. Spread your nen within the machine and find out when the jackpot will be hit. Your goal is to get one jackpot by the end of the night." I said, and turned to Kurapika.

"Kurapika, you need to practice conjuration. Take the poker table. Here." I said giving him a card with 10 million jenny on it.

"Turn that into a 100 million by the end of the night."

"What about us?" Asked Fido.

"Us? Well.. I have a very special mission for us."

"And what is that?" He asked.

"We clean out the casino. They have an underground arena. You fight. I bet. Remember make it close. You gotta pump up those numbers against you. And don't accidentally awaken anyone's nen." I replied as I called over an attendant.

"Yes sir. How may I be of service?" He asked.

"Take us to the special games. The passcode is tutankhamen." I said.

I had found out about this last month from the hunters website. It was the first thing I did on the site. After all money was running out fast. And I had a few more things left to buy. Namely, a way into the close cohorts of the kakin royalty.

A look of knowing flashed on his face as he gestured us to follow.

Through a twisting turning labyrinthine path he took us further and further underground until we came upon a giant wooden door.

He pushed the giant door open, his lean muscles twitching out into buff nervy ones, as the door swung open.

Techno music blared and a disco ball swirled up top on the ceiling as the crowds cheered at the sight of two men beating the everloving shit out of each other. On both ends of the arena gamblers placed their bets on who would win at two desk set up by the entrances.

" Welcome to the pharaoh's colosseum. " Read a scrolling text on the entrance.

The chaperone pointed us towards empty seats as he turned around and left. We made our way to the seats and began to observe. Soon it would be go time.