
HUNTER : The Man at The Top Of The Food Chain

Shinji Kuroda has a dream. He dreams of reaching the pinnacle of power. He dreams of standing at the apex of the food chain He dreams of reaching a height no human had ever come near! "My name is Shinji Kuroda, and I'm the Man At the top of the food chain!" Backed by the Inhertiances of all the characters in the myriad realms, Shinji step by step climbed the pyramid of power, and it all started from the Hunter x Hunter world. Discord : discord.gg/hs3kFXH3 ... Losing my father was the hardest thing I've ever experienced. He was my biggest supporter, my mentor, and my friend. After his passing, I found myself struggling to make ends meet, and I turned to writing fanfiction as a way to earn a living. It's not easy, but I pour my heart and soul into every story I write, hoping that readers will connect with the characters and their struggles. This work means everything to me, a tribute to my father, who always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating, as it would mean the world to me and help me continue doing what I love. HERE IS MY P@YP@L : achraf.oubella00@gmail.com IF I CAN MAKE MONEY FROM THIS FANFIC I'LL MAKE A LOT OF CHAPTERS AND INCREASE THE UPDATE SPEED!

AcOu0KinG · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 10 : Zaban City X Exam Site

with the help of the kiriko family, they reached Zaban City, The site of the hunter exam.

This is a prosperous city, the four of Shinji and the son of the kirko leads them through a street filled with stalls from both sides, peoples of different cultures and races can be found here.

"As a navigator, our job is to identify worthy hunter applicants and guide them to the exam site." Said the navigator, walking in front of them and holding a paper which seems to contain the address of the exam site."

"In other words, it would be extremely difficult for someone to reach the site without a navigator's help!"

Except for kurapika, the other three weren't paying attention to the navigator's words.

Gon will pause from time to time next to a stall and look curiously at the weird things on it.

While Shinji and Leorio were walking next to each other, marveling at the 'beauty' of Zaban city.

"Leorio! hurry look right, that chick selling jewelry is so damn hot!" Shinji whispered to Leorio.

"Where where…Damn, she is so good!" Leorio hurriedly followed Shinji's direction of sight and saw a woman that almost made his nose bleed.

"Shinji, the blond-haired woman right in front of us is your type, right?"


Their eyes were like a radar, scanning any beauty in their vicinity.

Then they start competing who will discover more gems than the other.

"You two perverts, what are you doing? We almost reached the hunter exam, don't waste time!" Kurapika couldn't hold back his anger, especially after seeing the eyes filled with disgust of several women at them. He never felt ashamed like this.

'Huh?' Shinji accidentally saw something, an idea appeared in his mind.

"Guys wait a little bit I will come back right now."

"Shinji-san, Where are you going ?" Kurapika asked.

"You will know after a while" Shinji smiled mysteriously at them.

"Tsk, acting mysterious all of sudden, I bet he is going to get the number of some girl." Leorio said.

"Well let's wait for him, if he didn't return within five minutes we will leave him here, or else all of you won't make it t the exam site in time!" the navigator looked at them and said.

A few moments later, they saw Shinji walking toward them, but this time dragging something that made them puzzled.

"Nah, brother Shinji where did you get this bicycle?" Gon looked at the bicycle next to Shinji and asked curiously.

"Of course I bought it." Shinji thought that the first test of the hunter exam will be a long marathon, after he considered his weak body, he understood he won't be able to handle it. So he needs to use props if he wants to pass. That's why he bought this bicycle, he intends to use it for the upcoming trial.

"Why did you waste your money on this useless bicycle? Won't it hinder you in the exam?" Leorio didn't understand why Shinji bought the bicycle so he asked him directly.

"I just felt that I may need it for this hunter exam that's all, so I did what my guts told me and bought it. If I found my guts is wrong then I will simply throw it." Shinji made up a lie on the spot. He doesn't want to fall into the trouble of explaining why he knows the content of the hunter exam to them later, so he blamed it on his intuition.

'Does he knows something?' Kurapika looked at Shinji thoughtfully, he didn't believe in this reason so he thought Shinji may know something in the hunter exam that will need to use this bicycle.

"since Shinji-dono returned, let's go." The navigator interrupted them, then he took them to their destination.

He took them in front of a tall luxurious building.

" I believe that's the building." The navigator said.

Except for Shinji and the navigator, the others raised their heads and looked at the building.

"It's So Tall, they have a really nice building." Gon said excitedly, he had never seen such a tall building in his life.

Leorio become emotional all of sudden, he said with a heavy tone. "So this is the exam site…this is what draws…"

"Hunter applicants from across the world!" Kurapika with the same heavy tone as leorio said.

Gon clenched his fist from excitement, his eyes glowed with an intense fighting spirit

"My first shot at the hunter exam…was this how Dad felt when he first arrived?"

"Hey, guys…"

"Hmm…" hearing the navigator's call, they came back to their sense.

"Over here" the navigator looked at them with a smile on his face and then pointed at the old restaurant in front of him: "here."

Their brain stopped for a moment.

"Ha ha ha ha guys, look at how you get fooled, ha ha ha sorry but I can't help it" Shinji had tears in his eyes, he almost rolled on the ground from laughing.

"Wait wait, isn't that an ordinary restaurant? You can't possibly mean that hunter applicants from around the world are meant to assemble here?" Leorio said with disbelief in his tone.

The navigator smiled and replied " no one would ever expect the hunter exam, with its millions of candidates, to be located here, right?

"That's true..hmm wait, Shinji how did you know the exam site is here? " Leorio remembered that Shinji wasn't with them when they were marveling at the building before.

"You guys haven't understood yet the routines of the hunter association? You need to take the unexpected things as expected, this is my mindset of judging the situation just now." Shinji who knows the plot pretends yet again he is smart.

'Damn, how I didn't think of this!' Kurapika thought.

Then they entered the restaurant.

"Welcome." The owner greeted them while cooking.

"Is the back room open?" the navigator said.

The owner raised his head and looked at them, he said "what will you have?"

"The steak combo that opens your eyes to the light, For four." The navigator replied stating the secret code.

"Four people…" the owner's eyes become sharp, he asked, " how would you like them?"

"Grilled over a low flame, until cooked."

The owner nodded "got it, let yourself into the back room."

Then they entered the back room, Shinji dragged his bicycle under the confused look of the owner. fortunately, he didn't say anything about it.

Inside a squared room, with a table and chairs in the center.

"Wait here." The navigator said.

"Wait? Where are the others?" Leorio was puzzled after he saw the empty room.

"I can't wait for the steak combo!" Gon who was hungry couldn't wait to stuff his stomach with some meat.

"Gon, that was just the password to get us inside," Kurapika explained to Gon, which made the latter disappointed.

"Oh, we don't get to eat?" Gon's mood becomes low.

"Gon are you hungry, I still have some biscuits here." Shinji said to Gon.

"Really? Thank you, brother Shinji"

Then he took some biscuits from his backpack and gave them to gon.

Shinji looked at his pocket dimension filled with biscuits and canned fish, chocolates and juices, buckets of water, etc…

he had collected a lot of food and stored it inside his pocket dimension during his week in Shampa city. He intends to use it In the fourth test of the hunter exam, where they will need to stay on that island for a week.

"One in every ten thousand…"

"Hum?" Gon and others looked at the navigator who was standing next to the door.

"The number of applicants who make it this far. You've done extremely well for first-timers. Well, good luck" He praised them.

"Thank you!" Gon bid farewell to the navigator, the latter said.

"I would be happy to serve as your navigator next year as well." He said, just when he was about to leave, Shinji added.

"Sorry, Navigator-san, but you won't see us next year. After all, all of us gonna pass the hunter exam this year!" Shinji said confidently as if what he said is absolutely true. Which of course, is the truth.

The navigator smiled at Shinji: "well I hope so, after all, I don't want someone to check my balls next year." Then he slipped out quickly.

"What! Who is gonna check your balls, bastard! I'm the straightest man in the world, my love for women reached madness, how dare you slander me like this!" Kurapika and Leorio hurried to prevent Shinji from following the navigator.


"What!" Leorio screamed when he saw the room trembling.

Kurapika looked at the changing number on the screen above the door and said: "it appears this room is an elevator."

The elevator starts going down, and after descending 100 floors it stopped.

The door opened, and they walked out of the elevator.

This is a wide underground tunnel with huge pipes on its sides and top.

As they walked forward they were greeted by the army of countless applicants who stood in front of them.

All of them are the Hunter exam candidates who reached the exam site.

They stared at the group of Shinji for a long time, Seeing their new competitors each one had a different expression.

most of them looked the Shinji and others with Disdain, obviously due to their young age. soon they turned their eyes away, completely uninterested in them.

Shinji and others were unaffected by their gazes, they stopped a little bit far from the group of candidates.

" Tense atmosphere down here." Leorio was affected by the atmosphere and felt tense.

"Everyone's really tense!" Gon said also nodded.

"only a limited number of people can get the hunter license, that's why everyone had the mentality of being a competitor against each other, so as advice my friends, don't trust anyone else, they may stab you in the back the moment your drop your guard! of course, the four of us is an exception!"Shinji reminded his friends about the dangers of the hunter exam.

the other three nodded their head, taking Shinji's words to the heart.

"Here please take a number" a green bean-like short person wearing a black tuxedo appeared in front of them.

He gave the confused Leorio a badge with the number 403 on it.

"Here you go" then he gave Kurapika one too with the number 404.

"Here" then to Gon, he got number 405 .

"Here for you." He gave Shinji his badge and got number 406.

"be sure you wear this on your chest at all times and be careful to not lose it."He said to them before leaving.

My dear friends, if you have any suggestions, any character you would like Shinji to inherit, anything you would like to see, any change you would like Shinji to make, etc... please share them with us.

You may have noticed that I'm sticking to the plot of the Hunter Exam without changing anything; I think it's reasonable because Shinji happened to meet the protagonist group and then followed them to the exam site, and since his goal is to pass it, he won't waste his advantage of knowing the plot and go on his own. So, for those who didn't like the MC following the plot, rest assured that after the Hunter Examm, I will allow the MC to follow his own plots. that's all.

Thank you for your support, and I hope those who didn't like it respect themselves first before insulting or trash talking me. Guys, I swear to God, I'm a human, not an emotionless typing machine.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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