
Hunter System in the Crossover World

Cyrus Porter lived a regular life, functioning like a regular person, having a regular job, and having regular hobbies. It just so happened that one said hobby was playing videogames. Because of his brother who was a huge gamer, Cyrus had grown up with a GameCube and a Pokémon game, and his career as a gamer was smooth sailing since then. One day, when Cyrus was around 20 years old, he found a trailer for a new game on Vapor. The game was called "Crossover World" and it apparently revolved around clearing dimensional gates that appeared in the world. These gates were based on different popular games, hence the name of the game. Interested by this concept, Cyrus decided to buy the early access for the game. Unknowingly, he had sealed his fate. When Cyrus woke up again, he was no longer in his world, but in that of the game. Thankfully, he was not without any benefits; Cyrus had a system on his side and he was not the only one. Follow his journey through the gruesome reality that a hunter's life is!

Ice_Wielding_Ronin · Videojogos
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6 Chs

The Top 5

I would like to ask ya'll to comment or give an opinion on how the story develops, characters, or whatever, even if you just want to say "hi". I feel very motivated by interaction with readers.


Upon arriving at the Player's Association, Cyrus noticed the presence of a couple other players, and they all seemed to share one common characteristic: they were angry, confused, or even sad, but they all were excited too. 

"Yo, am I the last one here?" Cyrus asked without an ounce of shame to the other people he assumed were players. 

"I don't think so, honestly." Answered a blonde guy with blue eyes, dressed in camo pants, a white shirt, and brown combat boots. "So, what number are you?" 

For some weird reason Cyrus knew exactly what his question meant, and he realized that the people there were probably the first few to buy the game. 

'Or at least in this area... I doubt we are the only "server".' Cyrus thought before scanning everyone present with a quick look. 

A girl, probably around his age. She had black hair and was dressed in baggy black cargo pants and a beige top with long wavy sleeves. Her eyes were pink, which was quite cool. 

A kid, quite a bit younger than the majority. Dressed in a light blue hoody and white jean shorts. He had white hair styled in a bob cut and his eyes were black, like Cyrus's.

Finally, an older guy, probably around his forties, dressed in simple blue heavy duty work trousers and a white shirt with a black, leather apron. He honestly looked like a blacksmith from videogames. His hair was brown and so were his eyes. 

 "I'm guessing you all said what number you were, right?" Cyrus asked before revealing his own number to the rest. Seeing everyone nod in reply, he shrugged and smiled sheepishly. "Well, I'm number one, hehe." 

Nobody seemed surprise at his answer, since they all knew each other's number and only number one was missing. 

"Well, I don't see any reason in hiding stuff, so I'll start, seeing as I was the first one." Cyrus said while looking at the rest. "I got the {Hunter System}, what about you guys?" 

"Mine is the {Knight System}." Answered the military guy. "By the way, I'm number three." 

"I would be number two, and I got the {Martial Artist System}." Said the girl with pink eyes. 

"U-Um... I got the {Healer System}." Said the youngest of them before continuing after a short pause, his voice growing smaller with each word. "A-And I am... number five..."

"Well I am number four, and I got the {Blacksmith System}." Answered confidently the old man, his voice quite gruff. 

"So... we are one hell of a balanced party." Cyrus commented while analysing what everyone's classes probably were. "We have a tank, two melee damage dealers, and one healer, and we also have someone who can procure good equipment for us, since I doubt your System provides combat skills. Right, old man?" 

"Huh... first of all, my name is Rod." Answered the old man, clearly irked by being called as such. "And yeah, you're right. I've been given purely production skills." 

"My name is Cyrus, sorry if that bothered you." Said Cyrus once again with a sheepish smile. "What about you three?" 

"Camille. Pleasure meeting you guys." Answered the girl who was number two. 

"I'm Marco. I hope we can work well together in the future." Military guy followed. 

"I'm... ummm... Elijah." Answered meekly the young teen. 

"Well guys, I hope we get along well from now on because... we're in it together, whether we like it or not." Cyrus said somberly. 

And he was absolutely right. Their situation wasn't particularly bright, since they were in a world in which they could be attacked by a dimensional gate at any moment, having no idea when they could die. Thus, their only option was to grow stronger through the System's they had been granted and working together in order to do so. That was something they all could recognize. And maybe, just maybe, they would all be able to survive. 

"What are we going to do when other's realize their situation and come to register as awakened?" Cyrus asked the rest, wanting to get good ideas out of them. 

"Well, I think we should leave some intel for them, right?" Said Rod. 

"Maybe a forum or something with the info we can get from our quests and stuff we do?" Followed Camille. 

"I'm with them on this one, it sounds like the smartest thing to do." Marco agreed. 

"I-I also agree." Elijah followed suit.

"Well, then it's decided I guess." Cyrus finished the conversation on that topic. "I'll set up the forum once we are done registering and we can all put our two cents in it." 

"Now, about us..." Cyrus said quietly, though his excitement could be seen. "Why don't we form a guild later on?" 

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes. Reality was that they hadn't thought of forming a guild simply because they had forgotten it was possible. 

"I don't see why not." Camille replied. "But I think first we should get to know each other a bit better and see if we have a good teamwork." 

Everyone else nodded, Cyrus included. 

"I totally agree on that, yes!" He excitedly said. "It's just that it would be a pity for us to split up, considering we are the top five." 

The rest smirked hearing that, even Elijah had a small smile on his face. They all liked the sound of that. The top five. The best of the best. The pioneers. 

"We'll see, kid." Rod said, a smirk still drawn on his face. "But I certainly like how you think." 

For a while they just stayed back there, outside of the Player's Association, talking amongst themselves in order to get to know each other a bit more. Camille had been practicing martial arts for a couple of years and she was a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, Marco had been in the military academy for a year, Elijah was –to their surprise– a writer, and Rod was a welder who loved making swords and other cold weapons, both from historical and fantastical. When it was his turn, everyone looked at Cyrus expectantly. 

"Me? I was just an average Joe who went to the gym and gamed a lot." He said, embarrassment unknown to his person. 

Before they could all go on with their conversation, they were interrupted by an unknown man who walked out of the Association's building. 

"I welcome you all to the Player's Association." He said while bowing at his waist. "I invite you all in so we can procede with your assessment and registration, Players." 

Looking at each other with confidence, the top five walked behind the man and into the association, marking the start of their journey in the Crossover World.