
Hunter of the Evernight

Alex, a special operative on Earth who died during a mission, finds himself transmigrated with the identity of an investigative journalist as an agent of a mysterious entity with a simple mission. With the promise that he would be reunited with his family once he was done, Alex accepts the offer and becomes an agent of darkness in a new world teeming with steam-powered machinery and something more... The supernatural. In this new world, he will have to navigate his way through crazy witches, bloodthirsty monsters, religious fanatics, and fallen angels while slowly making his way toward his end goal... Returning to the family he left behind. A journalist by day and a hunter by night, this is the story of the Hunter of Evernight. *** Release rate- 1chap/day ( can increase to 2 if I'm free enough. However, daily updates are assured ) Chapter length: 1k-2k *** Additional tags: #Steampunk, #Lovecraftian elements, #Lowkey MC, #Neutral MC, #Smart MC, #Vampires, #Werewolf, #Cunning MC, #Dragons, #Secret organization, #Cults, #Angels, #Demons, #Evil gods, #Adventure, #Supernatural, #strongactingweak, #misunderstanding, #Horror, #Psychological, #rarebloodline, #Witches, #magitech, #darkfantasy, #monsters, #spirits, #curses, #firearms, #kingdoms, #action, #industrialization, #mysterysolving, #religions, #evil religions, #zombies, #ghosts, #Lost Civilizations, #European ambiance, #Artifacts, #Determined Protagonist, #Misunderstandings, #Monsters, #Hiding True Identity, #Nobles, #Souls, #Special Abilities, #Manipulative Characters, #Sentient Objects, #Hidden Abilities, #Transformation Ability, #Godly Powers, #Gore, #Detectives, #Familial Love, #Schemes And Conspiracies. Cover: Created using Midjourney AI *** Might seem slow in the beginning chapters but please read at least 50 chapters before deciding if this is for you. Alternative titles; Hunter of Evernight, Evernight Hunter, Night Hunter.

_DreamWeaver · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
577 Chs


"Can I help you sir?" A nurse with a forgettable appearance kindly asked.

Alex turned to face her, with Nadia doing the same.

For a moment, he was unsure of what to say since he had no idea which ward Emily was in.

Thankfully, Nadia was present.

"Please take us to Room 305. We are here to see a patient."

"Ah, Ms. Nadia, I didn't see you there."

"It's fine," Nadia replied.

With that, the nurse turned and led them into the hospital.

After 15 minutes of walking, they finally reached their destination.

"We did as you instructed and moved the patient, Ms. Emily Regulus to a private ward." The nurse commented.

Nadia placed her palms together. "Thank you. Please, inform Sir Benjamin that I will see him later."

"That's fine." The nurse remarked before adding. "Oh yes, it would be best not to allow the patient to stress too much. Even though we were able to deal with her physical injuries, her mental state… isn't the best at the moment."

"Mn, understood," Nadia replied.

Her job done, the nurse turned and left the duo alone.

Nadia turned to find Alex standing just outside the door, gazing through the glass panel.

"Is she awake?"

"...No." came the short reply.

To Nadia, Alex looked to be in great distress.

And in actuality, he was but not for the reason she thought.

'As I thought, the identity I assumed isn't completely vacant. The yearning I felt before wasn't a fluke. What to do?'

Alex had an unlikely problem and currently only had two ways to solve it.

One was to abandon one identity and assume another. The other was to help the identity he assumed now find peace by resolving its yearning.

Unfortunately, the former couldn't work since Nyx was no longer available to help him do away with his current identity so he could find another.

Which meant, his only true option was resolving the yearning.

Sighing inwardly, Alex thought. 'Fine then. Since I have borrowed your identity to help in my mission. It is only right that I help you with your yearning. Don't worry…

"I will help you take your revenge."

Just then, Nadia called out to him. "Alex…"

Reaching for the door handle, Alex turned it and pushed the door open slowly to not make too much noise.

He walked in and kept the door open for Nadia to follow, which she did before closing the door.

The hospital ward was a small room with enough space to fit a little over 20 people.

Glancing around, there was nothing much to take note of except for the bed at the top corner of the room.

Alex strolled over, ensuring not to make a sound before pausing just a meter away from the bed.

There, a dark-haired lady with fair skin lay with her eyes closed.

Her arm was covered up in bandages, the same for her neck.

She was 'Alex's' younger sister, Emily.

At a glance, she looked every bit like a blooming flower and she was.

With a bubbly personality and a love for Technology, Emily Regulus was the smart ass of the Regulus household.

Spoiled by Douglas and bullied by Alex, she was equally loved by both.

Even when things were at their worst, she had always remained with a beaming smile on her face.

Unfortunately, the events of last night had dimmed the radiant light she once had.

The residual traces of snort just below her nose and tears on her cheeks revealed her state before she dozed off.

Subconsciously, Alex empathized with the young girl.

A simple question about what he would do if it were Mary-Jane lying in the bed reinforced his decision to help 'Alex' get his revenge.

Nadia stood at the foot of the bed, her gaze alternating between the brother and sister.

Inwardly, she hoped for Arthur to find out the perpetrators of the attack on the Regulus home.

They had to know that they had messed with her belongings and she wasn't the type of person to forgive such!

Suddenly, Emily's thumb moved, an action that Alex caught.

"...Emily," he muttered softly.

A moment later, Emily's eyes fluttered before opening, to reveal her brown irises.

Indeed, a blooming flower.

"...Alex, is that you?" She asked in a hoarse voice.

She reached out with her left hand which Alex didn't hesitate to take hold of.

"Yeah, bighead. It's me." Alex replied with a smile.

"...Alex." was all Emily could manage as tears fell from her eyes with her voice cracked.

"I know, I know." Alex sat at the edge of the bed and pulled Emily closer, placing her in his embrace.

Sobbing silently, Emily muttered a single name repeatedly.


"Shh… don't worry, we'll find him," Alex whispered. "I promise."

Squeezing his suit, Emily soon fell asleep once again with Alex still embracing her.

Glancing at Nadia, he questioned. "Why didn't you take her with you?"

Why leave her in a hospital instead of taking her home?... Is she less important than me?

Nadia understood the undertones and didn't dare to hide anything.

"She didn't want to go."

"...She was waiting for me?" Alex put two and two together.

Nadia nodded in agreement.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and held Emily tightly.

At that moment, his heart was shaken.

After calming himself, he opened his eyes and remarked. "Please help me speak with the priest in charge. I would like to take her back with me. I won't be happy leaving her here."

"I understand," Nadia replied. "I'll be back."

With that, Nadia left and Alex remained behind to watch over Emily.

It didn't take long for Nadia to return with news that they could leave with Emily.

Muttering a low thank you, Alex left with Emily while Nadia followed closely behind.

She felt like a third wheel but it wasn't a bad feeling.

After all, the girl in question was the only sister of Alex.

After leaving Angel's Grace, the coach they arrived in, picked them up at the entrance and promptly left the vicinity.

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