
Hunted By The Alpha

Luna Sawyer arrives in the remote mountain town of Wolf Ridge following a bad breakup, hoping for a fresh start. She feels an instant, mystical connection to three intimidating yet magnetic men - Cole Hughes, Levi Walker, and Jason Moore. Luna soon discovers the three handsome newcomers are actually werewolves who have been seeking her out as their destined mate. Though wary, she cannot deny the powerful bond pulling them together. On the night of the full moon, Luna finally allows herself to be claimed by her three fated werewolf mates in a ritual under the stars. But just as they consummate their bond, a dangerous threat encroaches on their sacred ceremony. Now Luna must put her trust in her new mates as they tap into their predatory natures to protect her from an old enemy who wants to destroy their mating, and their lives.

Jadel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3

Luna's POV:

I scream out as blinding light erupts from my hands, hitting Boris square in the chest. He flies backwards with a howl, crashing hard against the trees at the edge of the clearing. 

My mates stir, rising unsteadily to their feet to flank me. I can see their uncertainty and awe as they take in the glowing aura now surrounding my hands.

At the tree line, Boris staggers upright, clutching his chest. His eyes bore into me with fury and disbelief. 

"You'll pay for this, witch," he snarls. Before we can react, he turns and melts into the forest shadows.

Cole steps forward, pulling me against his bare, bloodied chest. I cling to him, overwhelmed. The glow around my hands has already begun fading.

"Are you alright?" Cole murmurs, scanning me for injuries. 

I nod shakily. "I think so. But what just happened to me?"

"We'll figure it out together," Cole promises, brushing his lips over my hair. Levi and Jason crowd closer, lending their support. 

But their warm eyes are also lit with a new curiosity about this power sleeping inside me that seems to have awoken. I wish I had answers for them. For now, all I feel is bone-deep exhaustion from the chaotic events of the past day.

Cole gathers me in his arms. "Let's get you home." 

The trip back to the cabin passes in a weary blur. My mates shed their wolf forms, injuries already knitting back together. Once inside, Cole carries me to the bathroom and gently cleans the dirt and blood from my skin. His touches soothe away the lingering adrenaline and fear. 

I drift off to sleep curled safely between my three mates, their arms forming a protective barrier around me. But my deep rest proves short-lived. Flames, blood, and Boris's sadistic laughter permeate my dreams, jolting me awake more than once. Each time, my mates' soft rumbles and nuzzles back to slumber.

We all rise early, restless. I can tell Cole, Levi and Jason are eager to rejoin the rest of the pack, to investigate the threat still out there - Boris and whoever works with him. And to understand my newfound power.

But when Cole suggests I remain at the cabin under guarded protection, I refuse. After the chaos of yesterday, I need to stay with my mates. I need answers just as much as they do.

Cole finally relents, unable to deny me through our soul bond. Soon we are hiking deeper into the mountains, towards the remote valley the Westmont pack calls home. My mates explained that coming here before our mating was complete would have been too dangerous. But now, as Cole's official mate, I'll have status and protection. At least from most.

As we traverse narrow cliffside trails and winding forests, I feel my anxiousness growing. I know the pack will not just welcome me with open arms. Being the first human mate in generations comes with challenges. But I lift my chin, reminding myself that fate chose me for this. I can do this.

Finally, we pass through a wall of vines and boulders concealed by magic and arrive at the pack den grounds. Rustic wooden cabins are spread out amongst the valley meadows and trees. Even from here, I can make out figures staring from doors and whispering behind raised hands. A ripple of excitement and apprehension goes through the pack at our arrival.

A tall, slender woman with kind eyes greets us first, clasping Cole's hand warmly.

"Aunt Lila," Cole says. "I'd like you to meet our mate, Luna."

Lila smiles at me gently. "Welcome, child." She guides us towards a large central lodge where I can clean up and eat. 

I've barely crossed the threshold when the questions start. 

"Is she really your mate?"

"A human in our midst?" 

"Is it even possible to bond with a human?"

I force myself to stay calm, letting Cole field the curious and skeptical inquires. As we make our way through the crowds, awed murmurs follow me when people spot the claiming marks on my throat. Whether they all accept me or not, word is spreading that I am truly Cole's mate. The proof is in the marks.

In a quiet side room, Lila shows me too, I wash off the grime of travel and change into the freshly packed clothes she provides. Already I feel my confidence growing. I can do this - win over the pack through my actions and heart, prove I am worthy of being here.

A commotion from the central lodge draws me back outside. The pack has gathered, their gazes lifted towards the distant mountain ridges warily. I feel their unease - the threat is not gone. 

Cole comes to stand possessively at my side. "Boris fled yesterday, but he is still out there," he tells the pack, voice ringing with authority. "We must be vigilant. But we will not cower."

There are determined growls and nods in response. Yet as dusk falls, I can't help glancing up at the darkening ridges and tree lines myself. My nightmares cling close, a reminder of the sadistic danger lurking in the shadows. 

But this time when Cole squeezes my hand, I squeeze firmly back. We are stronger together now. And I will do whatever it takes to master these awakening powers fate has gifted me to keep my new family - my home - safe. 

Boris will regret the night he first crossed us. I vow to make sure of it.

My mates and I are wolves, we are fire, and we are one.


That night, sleep evades me. I toss and turn, acutely aware of the sounds of the forest outside. Every snapped twig or rustling bush has me jerking upright, heart pounding. My overactive imagination paints Boris behind every moving shadow. 

Finally, I slip from bed, leaving my sleeping mates curled up contentedly. I need to clear my head. Cole insisted on guards patrolling the grounds tonight, so I know it's safe for a short solo walk. 

I make my way along one of the rocky trails leading up the mountainside behind the cabins. The cold night air helps settle my nerves. But the higher I climb, the more exposed I feel. I'm about to turn back when a prickle on my neck makes me still. I'm being watched.

My heart jumped to my throat as I peered into the dark tree line. "Who's there?" I call out, cursing the way my voice wavers. Only silence answered me.

Get it together, I tell myself firmly. With Boris's threats still hanging over us, I can't be jumping at shadows. As I turn to continue, determined not to let fear rule me, a large figure emerges from the trees up ahead. 

I let out a gasp as he strides forward into a patch of moonlight. Definitely not one of our guards. I take a reflexive step back, ready to run.

"Wait," he calls out, his tone gentle. He lifts his hands in a calming gesture. "I didn't mean to frighten you. I only want to talk."

I hesitate, scrutinizing him warily. He looks to be in his late twenties, with dark blond hair and striking handsome features. His sage green shirt and worn-out jeans remind me more of a college student than a threat. But there's an aura of power in the way he carries himself. My instincts spiked—something is different about him. 

"Who are you?" I ask bluntly. "Why were you hiding and watching me?"

He has the grace to look abashed. "You're Cole's new mate, aren't you? Luna?" At my tense nod, he continues. "Forgive my poor introduction. My name is Damon. I'm part of the Ridge pack, east of here."

My head skipped as I frowned. "That's Boris's pack." I instinctively move to run, but Damon holds up his hands again.

"Wait, please. I swear I mean you no harm. I've come unknown to Boris. There are some of us who don't agree with his methods, and we've been looking for a way to reach out to your pack. To join with you against him."

I hesitate, wavering. I want to trust the earnestness in his gaze, but the echoes of Boris's threats in my mind make me wary. "How do I know this isn't a trap?"

Damon sighs. "You don't. Not yet. But give me a chance to prove myself to you." He slowly reaches into his pocket and holds something out in his palm. My breath catches—it's a necklace, twin to the one belonging to Cole that I found damaged after the attack.

"Please, Luna," Damon implores sincerely. "I believe our packs can unite against the greater threat. For all our sakes."

My pulse is racing now. Could this be the opportunity we've needed? But inviting a total stranger into our inner circle could also destroy everything we've built. In my gut, though, I feel Damon is honest. I have to trust my instincts.

I meet his gaze firmly, hoping I'm not making a terrible mistake. "Come with me then," I say. "If you are who you say, we have much to discuss." 

Damon nods, relief washing over his face. As he falls in step beside me, I send up a quick plea. Please, let this be the right path. For all our sakes.