
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Chapter 44 - Rescuing a Person

However, right after Gao Xiang's words fell, he noticed motionless hornets not far away.

Seeing this situation, Gao Xiang was taken aback, beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead as he stepped back repeatedly.

"Gao Xiang, don't be afraid. The hornets won't harm us. They are Ji Chang's summoned beasts!" Chen Lingxue hurriedly explained.

Upon hearing Chen Lingxue's words, Gao Xiang finally felt relieved, but his heart still raced like a drumbeat upon looking at those hornets.


Soon, after a conversation, Chen Lingxue and the others came to understand that after the shrinking, Gao Xiang and Liu Qing, just like them, had survived by discovering their supernatural abilities resembling those found in television after experiencing fear and various dangers.

Gao Xiang's extraordinary power allowed him to stretch and contract his body, resembling the slender wooden strips they had seen before.

After learning about the experiences of Chen Lingxue and her companions, Gao Xiang couldn't help but sigh. Upon understanding the extraordinary powers Chen Lingxue's group possessed, especially knowing that Ji Chang not only commanded hornets but also a gigantic wolf spider, Gao Xiang's admiration grew.

"Speaking of which, Gao Xiang, what's Liu Qing's supernatural ability? Why didn't she come with you?" Dong Xuan handed another roasted cricket leg to Gao Xiang while inquiring.

"Oh, it's all my fault. I was too excited to see you all and nearly forgot!" Gao Xiang took a bite of the cricket leg and then smacked his forehead, saying, "The supernatural ability she possesses is... is... the same as yours, fire!"

After a glance at Dong Xuan, Gao Xiang took another bite of the cricket leg and continued, "Liu Qing's situation isn't great. We encountered a bee earlier, and unfortunately... she fell and injured her leg. I was initially testing to see if I could find you all. Now that I see everyone is alive, that's wonderful! Liu Qing is currently in the bushes outside the courtyard. We've set up a crude outpost there. We need to get her back as soon as possible!"

Upon hearing about Liu Qing's leg injury, Chen Lingxue and the others felt a tightness in their chests. Imagining Liu Qing alone in the bushes outside the courtyard, tears welled up in Dong Xuan's eyes.

"I'll go with you!" Wang Lingling stepped forward.

She knew that she was the only one who could bring Liu Qing back at the moment. Dong Xuan's fire ability wouldn't be of much use, and the squad leader's psychic power hadn't fully recovered yet.

"Wang Lingling, are you... sure you can handle this? Should we wait for Ji Chang to return before making a decision?" Casting a concerned glance at Gao Xiang, who was munching on cricket legs, Chen Lingxue voiced her worries.

In her view, they needed to leap over the courtyard and reach beyond it to rescue someone. She was concerned that Wang Lingling might not manage if they encountered any dangers.

On the contrary, if they waited for Ji Chang to return, they could ride the hornets or command the wolf spider to accompany them. This way, even if they encountered danger, they could face it together.

"When will Ji Chang and the others be back? I'm afraid time is running out. When I went out in the morning, I saw a rooster wandering in the street. I'm worried..." Hearing that Chen Lingxue wanted to wait for Ji Chang, Gao Xiang, who had been devouring cricket legs, suddenly stopped and looked concerned, "Time is of the essence. Let's hurry!"

The words 'rooster' seemed to detonate like a heavy bomb, causing Chen Lingxue and the others to breathe rapidly.

"Squad leader, I can do it. Time is running out. Every minute counts. The longer we delay, the more danger Liu Qing will be in!" Wang Lingling said, her voice tinged with worry.

"Wang Lingling, I'll go with you!" Dong Xuan wiped her tears and spoke with determination.

"Stay here with the squad leader. His psychic power hasn't fully recovered yet, and Zhou Jun still needs someone to take care of him. In case something happens and Ji Ge and the others can't make it back in time, at least you two can handle it together. Moreover, with you assisting in flying, and then rescuing Liu Qing... Xuan Er, don't worry, I'll definitely bring Liu Qing back for you."

Wang Lingling walked to Dong Xuan's side, patting her shoulder while comforting her.

She knew about Dong Xuan and Liu Qing's relationship and understood what Dong Xuan wanted to do.

"Alright then! Be careful on your way!" Chen Lingxue handed Gao Xiang another cricket leg and said, "Go and come back quickly. We're waiting for your good news!"


Not long after, Chen Lingxue and Dong Xuan watched the two depart.

"Squad leader, go rest in your room. I'll roast some cricket legs for you!" Dong Xuan looked at Chen Lingxue's still somewhat pale face, supporting her as they walked towards the room.

Time passed minute by minute.

As Dong Xuan roasted cricket legs while anticipating Wang Lingling's return with Liu Qing, Ji Chang successfully commanded the wolf spider back to the writing desk.

"Wang Lingling~! Look at what Mǎng Ge brought for you! Potato chips and Happy Water, hahaha!"

As the wolf spider crawled onto the writing desk, Huang Mǎng shouted joyfully.

Seeing Dong Xuan roasting meat, Huang Mǎng continued, "Dong Xuan, look at what we brought back... Huh? Lingling? Wang Lingling? Where are they?"

"Dong Xuan, is something wrong with you?"

As Ji Chang descended from the wolf spider's back and saw Dong Xuan standing up with cricket legs in her hand, his expression couldn't help but darken. He asked, "Did something happen to Zhou Jun?"

Because he could tell Dong Xuan seemed like she had been crying.

"Captain, you're back! Zhou Jun is fine. Gao Xiang and the others just returned!"

Dong Xuan said happily.

"Ji Ge, Gao Xiang and the others are alive. It's just that Liu Qing's condition isn't great. Wang Lingling went with Gao Xiang to rescue Liu Qing!"

At this moment, Chen Lingxue also came out of the room and spoke.

"Gao Xiang is alive! That's really great news!"

Learning that Gao Xiang and Liu Qing were still alive and that Zhou Jun was okay, Ji Chang couldn't help but relax a bit. He smiled and responded.

However, upon hearing that Liu Qing's condition wasn't good and that Wang Lingling had gone to help, he couldn't help but feel worried again.

"What? Wang Lingling went to rescue Liu Qing? Can she... handle it?"

Huang Mǎng frowned slightly and pondered.

Soon after, as Chen Lingxue and Dong Xuan explained the situation to Ji Chang and the others, Huang Mǎng's expression turned even more somber.

"This Wang Lingling, she's really showing off! Going to the bushes outside the courtyard..."

Huang Mǎng's face carried a hint of worry.

"Hǎi Yǔ, organize the supplies. I'll go with Mǎng Zi to check it out!"

Ji Chang, who was equally concerned about the safety of Gao Xiang, Wang Lingling, and Liu Qing, instructed Zheng Hǎi Yǔ beside him.

Especially after learning about the rooster wandering on the street, Ji Chang understood the urgency of the situation.

Having encountered the rooster before, Ji Chang knew well how dangerous it could be.

If Wang Lingling encountered it, the danger would be substantial, especially if she was carrying the injured Liu Qing.

Afterward, with a single wave of his hand, Ji Chang summoned the hornets instantly.

After a few breaths, Ji Chang and Huang Mǎng rode the hornets towards the entrance of the house.