
Forced to stay

Aina's mom waited......


She stood up, ready to find her daughter. It was almost noon. No need from her daughter. She was begining to get worried. She had no other choice. She had to find Aina. Fast.

She went round town ranging from shops, churches even to schools but there was no sign of Aina any where. She broke down to tears. She had failed her duty in protecting her daughter. She wept till her eyes were swollen. She then felt a soft palm on her shoulder. She turned to see a lady about her age, brown eyes and black, silky hair. She was a fine nice brunette.

"Rachel, I thought you were moving to Canada?" She asked and quickly wiped her face with her hands.

"Are you crying? Wait..... Daisy don't tell me you are crying". Rachel said while her eyes sparkled with a knowing glint.

" No I'm not" She denied.


"Fine! I was crying".


"I can't find my daughter "

She gasped and shook her head." Have you considered reporting to the cops?"

"No, I've not".

"So go. Don't worry, I'll go with ya!"

" Thanks ".

...She then dragged Rachel to her feet. And they left.

I̶N̶ A̶N̶ I̶S̶O̶L̶A̶T̶E̶D̶ I̶S̶L̶A̶N̶D̶.....

"Remove their masks!" Daisy ordered and some hefty men stepped forward and unmasked the young girls on the ground.

"Now, for introduction, I'm Daisy, Daisy Bertram and from now hence forth, I'll be known as your mom. Also, I...

The a young girl brutally interrupted her.

"Liar! You not my mother! I want my mother!"

"You want your mother. Don't you?" She asked requoting the young girl's sentence. And she nodded in approval.

"Okay, for starters, what's your name?"

"The name's Gina, Gina Franklin."

"And we're are you from?"


"Now, you see that horizon?"

"Uh uh".

"After that horizon and that lake you'll see your mother. Now hurry! 𝒀𝒂 𝒂𝒊𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏'."

An the young girl ran. Daisy turned to one of the hefty men and winked. He smiled and raised up his large gun which seemed heavy and aimed at the innocent girl who kept on running with hope. Then he pulled the trigger and the bullet flew out and hit her. Gina drooped dead with a thud. Daisy turned to the remaining girls and smiled.

"Sooooo, anyone wanna met mama?"

"No ma!" They all chorused.

"Interesting, now back to business. Let's all know our selves. I'm Daisy from America, and you're?

"Kitana from China".

"Victoria from Chicago".

"Blythe from Vietnam".

" Aina from Columbia"

" Emily from Vegas ".

"Salvatore from El Salvador".

"Rebecca from Germany ".

"Becky from Italy ".

"Martina from Malta".

"Well, you all came for a reason.To be trained. I don't care if you don't want to be trained but one thing I'm sure of is you're gonna die so, it's your piece of cake Take it or leave it. Or you wanna fall dead like Gina over there?"

"No ma!"

"It's Mom, actually "

" No Mom!"

"Then behave properly. Dub, take them to somewhere conducive to stay". As she finished talking, she kicked a pile of sand and left while the girls were huddled inside.