
Chapter: A Matchup to Come!

Zane flinched with pain as he landed flat on his feet. A jump from the top of a fifty-story building was anything but pleasant. Even with the activation of King Jupiter's abilities, he had sustained damage to both his legs and even his spine. Thankfully, due to his high regenerative abilities, Zane's injuries had been healed in no time.

Layla was also still huddled up in his arms, stunned with disbelief of the recklessness Zane had just displayed. She knew they were in a desperate situation, but jumping off a fifty-story building was not sage.

"Zane! Are you crazy?! What if we had died!?" Scolded Layla in fright.

"Well, we need to get out of here, and I did say it was my apology to you," smirked Zane.

"Jumping off a skyscraper is your idea of an apology?!"

"Oh, come on... You're making me feel bad. I thought you'd like to know what it's like to fall with style!"

"My gosh, you're an idiot... You're lucky I'm in love with an idiot like you..."