

Huguel dealing everyday with his loneliness and suicidal thoughts, Huguel is getting tired of society judging his mental problems, Huguel wants to change that, Huguel is going to change the favela forever

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43 Chs


season 2) Huguel new reigning


His phone rang. He picked it up and answered it without looking at the caller ID. He felt exhausted.

Hugo: Hello?

A deep voice replied to him

Voice: hello, it's me

The voice sounded familiar but Hugo couldn't place it

Huguel: who is this?

The voice: I'm your boss

Huguels face lit up as soon as he heard that word. He loved working for Mr. Platten

Huguel: what do you want?

Mr. Platten: I have some questions for you about the accident last night

Huguel: oh yeah

Huguel remembered what had happened that night. He was drinking with Valtteri and his gang when suddenly some guys showed up and started threatening everyone else. Hugo didn't pay attention to them, but somehow he was dragged into the alley by them

Everything got dark. He couldn't see anything, there was only pain and the smell of gasoline. Hugo wanted to scream but he was too afraid that someone might hear him. So, instead he bit his lips until they bled.

When he woke up again, he was in a hospital and the guy standing in front of him was a stranger to him. He looked at Hugo and noticed that he had tears in his eyes. He walked closer to Hugo and held his hands,

Voice: Hugo, are you alright? I heard you were badly hurt. Do you remember?

Huguels head was throbbing painfully and his ears were buzzing. He closed his eyes and felt nauseous. He just nodded.

Voice: okay good. Listen to me Hugo, I'm sorry if I startled you last night. I'm sure you must be very tired but please talk with me. I'll explain everything, and then you can leave. Okay?

Huguels eyes were wide open, staring straight at the man in front of him.

Huguels: I want to go home. Can you drive me home?

Voice: of course we can. Do you need a ride? Do you feel better now? We can drive you home

Huguels: no, thank you, I can walk.

Voice: well alright then, please let's get going

As soon as Hugo left the hospital, he started running. He didn't have a clue where he was going, he just needed to put as much distance between himself and the place as possible.

As Hugo ran, everything seemed to blur in front of his eyes. He couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing.

After what seemed hours, Hugo arrived back at his flat. He was exhausted, his throat felt dry, and there was a huge lump in his throat. He opened the door to his house and quickly threw off his shoes and coat. When he entered his bedroom, he immediately collapsed onto the floor and fell asleep, forgetting how hungry and tired he was.

Victor: Hugo

He shook Hugo's shoulders gently, hoping that he'd wake up.

V: Hugo honey! Wake up. Are you ok?

Huguel groaned slightly

Hugo: wha..?

Victor: are you drunk? Or are you having another episode?

Huguel: no I'm not.

Hearing those two words made him realize that he wasn't dreaming or hallucinating, he was awake.

Hugue slowly sat up from the ground and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. His headache seemed to fade away, but his stomach was growling again. Hugo glanced at his clock on his night stand. It was already past noon. Hugo realized that his stomach was growling too loudly to ignore. Hugo jumped up from his bed and walked out of his bedroom towards the kitchen. His entire body was sore and sore, but Hugo felt more alive than he ever has before.

Hugo: excuse me, what time is it

Victor: it's 10AM.

Huguel: why are you awake? Aren't you going to bed early today?

Victor: I decided not to work today, I know you need some rest.

Huguene: thank you

Victor: I'm sorry about your car though. I hope I wasn't too late last night. I didn't arrive at the hotel until 3am and by the time I went to the hospital, they said your friend had checked in already. I guess we'll meet him later, but don't worry we'll bring him back to the hospital.

Hugue: ok, but you know what I mean, right? Don't scare me like that

Hugo: sorry honey

Hugue smiled widely when he saw Victor.

Victor: what are you smiling about?

Hugue: nothing, it's just nice to see you.

Victor: me? You should be saying that to me. I told you I'll be there for you.

Hugue sighed. They both knew that Victor wasn't there for him.

Hugue: Victor, how many times do I have to repeat myself... you are not my family. Your not my boyfriend, you are my boss, nothing more than that

Victor: Hugo please calm down

Hugue: listen I just want some privacy.

Victor: Hugo I understand that you're upset and maybe a little angry with me. I really am sorry but I didn't mean to scare you yesterday.

Hugue: I'm not angry. I'm hurt and confused.

Victor: I know. I promise to find out the truth from the police, they won't lie to me

Hugue: it doesn't matter. Let's forget about it.

Hugue headed towards the bathroom to freshen up. As soon as Hugo came out, he caught sight of a piece of paper lying on the coffee table and grabbed it curiously. It read 'do not touch'

Hugue: what's this?

Hugue turned the note around, but he didn't recognize it.

Victor: what's what?

Hugue: this. Do not touch.

Victor: what do you mean Hugo?

Hugo: this. I think you have it wrong.

Chapter 15

Season 4

The alarm clock sounded and Hugo's eyes fluttered open. His head was hurting so bad. He looked at the time and it was 8:50am. He could still remember what happened yesterday evening. Hugo felt so ashamed as he recalled what had happened.

How could someone like me have done such a thing?! Why did I allow that guy to make me drink that stupid rum? I'm supposed to be stronger than this! I can't believe I drank that cheap stuff. Hugo thought to himself and clenched his fists in anger.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Hugo finally sat up from his bed. The first thing he did was run into the bathroom and try to wash his face as fast as possible. Then, he changed into his favourite pair of jeans and his blue shirt. After finishing putting the rest of his clothes on, he headed downstairs to the kitchen. Victor was sitting on one of the stools at the counter, reading the newspaper, waiting for Hugo

"Good morning", Hugo greeted his older brother

"Morning", Victor responded, his eyes glued to the page

They were interrupted when the doorbell rung. Hugo rushed over to the front door, Victor following close behind. Hugo swung the door open, expecting to see Mr. Platten

Instead, he found three boys dressed in black suits staring at him with their cold expressions. There was also another man wearing black and purple suit inside the shop. Both boys had guns in their hands. One boy spoke with a British accent "hello Mr. Karmon, we're here to collect our reward."

Hugo stepped aside to let the men through the door. The second boy spoke again: "the payment should already have arrived, so please follow us". The man in purple handed Hugo a small bag and the third boy passed the money to Hugo. He followed the men through to the elevator, but he stopped on his tracks once he caught sight of something in the distance

It was a huge mansion. Even from far away, it gave off an intimidating aura. Hugo gulped as he realized that this mansion belonged to one of the richest businessmen in New York City, the biggest in America. What kind of job do these people do exactly? Is that all he needed to know? Hugo wondered as the men led him to the main room.

In front of them, there were about six men in black leather jackets, armed with automatic weapons. Two of them pointed at Hugo while the other two approached Victor and started questioning him.

"We're gonna ask you a few questions Mr. Karmon. Please cooperate", one of them said.

Hugo swallowed nervously.

Hugo: what is it?

The man: who is that man next to you? What is his name?

Hugo: uhm... Victor Karmon.

The leader: okay, what's your relationship to Mr. Karmon?

Hugo: um he is my best friend, but I don't see him often cause, uhm, well.. because of my job. But he usually comes here to visit me sometimes, because he likes my cooking and he thinks that I'm awesome. I'm pretty talented after all. That' s why he visits me. Because he wants to help me achieve my dream. And he's always helping me.

The men asked Victor a few more questions, but he answered them honestly and calmly. They then turned their attention back towards Hugo. The leader nodded to the two agents and the two men removed their guns and walked out of the room. Hugo watched as the men left the building, and he closed the door behind them. He leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor, tears starting to flow freely from his eyes.

Once Hugo finally collected himself enough to walk around the living room, he noticed that the man he saw outside his apartment was gone. So were all the valuables that Victor had brought over. This must be a robbery attempt if the men wanted money so badly. Hugo felt a mixture of emotions. First he was afraid that they would hurt Victor, but then he became furious that they threatened his life just so they could take some money.

Hug: oh god I need to protect him. How am I gonna keep him safe? I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have agreed to come live with him. This is all my fault. All the stress has gotten the best of me. If I never accepted Victor's offer, none of this would have happened.

While Hugo was pacing around the house