
Hue in my world (Bl)

[Based on the BL: Color Rush 18+ content and themes] "Someone being obsessed with me?......Doesn't sound that bad to me...." Dhiraj, a CEO , is deeply unsatisfied with his long strand of one sight stands and wants to seek more. He wants to be someone who would be totally obsessed with him. Just like monochromes are with their chromes. If only he was someone's chrome he wishes. Little did he knew his wish might just come true, when he stumbled upon a young man wearing thick black glasses, Nakul, who's a monochrome. [The story is set in an Alternate Universe. Monochromes- people who can only see things in black or white; Chromes- people whose presence give monochromes the ability to see colors] Tropes and themes: Possessive/obsessive lover, Sunshine x Grumpy, self centered husky x precious black cat, Fluff-Smut combo [Man x man/ gay romance; the storyline will contain mature content]

Yug_Meow · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

Why I HAD to go at his place

The day for their 5th "hangout" arrived and Nakul seemed to be looking forward to it. He had noticed that he was feeling less sluggish and more lively than before. He found himself smiling often and for some reason his mind was in a state of tranquility.

[A/N: I guess we know what the reason is]

It was 6:30 in the evening and he was waiting for the usual string of events. Soon a car that he knew was visible. It was Dhiraj. Nakul opened the door and got in the car.

"Hi" Nakul greeted Dhiraj

"Hey" Dhiraj replied in a croaky voice while giving a meek smile.

Nakul knew something was off. He stared at Dhiraj a bit more and soon noticed that Dhiraj's eyes looked droopy. As if he was having a hard time to keep them open. A few seconds later Dhiraj coughed. But that man was still pressing a smile on his face, purposefully ignoring it all. It was at that moment Nakul knew what was wrong.

"You have a fever?" a concerned Nakul enquired.

"No....I don't" Dhiraj simply brushed it off. He started the engine when Nakul commanded him to stop.

"Stop. Answer me properly"

"Nakul, there's nothing wrong with me" Dhiraj tried assuring Nakul, but his sore raspy voice made it seem otherwise. Nakul lunged his hand forward and touched Dhiraj's forehead then his cheeks and later his neck in order to confirm if he had fever, which he did.

Dhiraj's forehead was somewhat burning. And Nakul was just unable to comprehend why this man had to come to him instead of getting some rest.

"Dhiraj....you're burning up. You need to rest" advised Nakul. It was more in a "you-have-no-other-option-but-to-do-this" tone.

Dhiraj was a bit taken aback at how Nakul's eyes showed a tint of concern in them. A part of him felt....at ease but he didn't want to let go of the chance to spend time with his babe.

Showing reluctance, he replied, "I am fine. you don't need to worry. Let's just spend some time together and I'll just feel.....better."

[A/N: His Baby is his medicine😌]

'Are you kidding me?' "You should be resting. We aren't going anywhere and you are going to get some rest." Nakul passed the final verdict. "Why did you even come to meet when you should clearly be resting?"

Nakul had no idea why this man was being so reckless with his own health. He just kept gawking at Dhiraj waiting for an answer. And when Dhiraj realized that conversation was something he wouldn't be able to let go off, he reluctantly replied,

"I....was afraid. That if I miss this chance to meet you and try to postpone it, you will still write it off as a date"

Nakul didn't know how he should react to that statement. His 1-month ago version would have definitely done that. But things were different now. Maybe he wouldn't mind spending some time with that man. He just let go of a sigh.

"Let's postpone this for today and-"

"You won't write this day off, right?"

"No. I won't. I'll just drop you at your place today. Get out. I'll drive"

The 2 men exchanged their seats and soon Nakul drove off to Dhiraj's place.

It was around 8 pm when Nakul reached Dhiraj's place. It took nearly an hour's drive from his place to reach Dhiraj's place. And Nakul couldn't help but wonder if that man traveled that much distance every week just so he could spend some time with Nakul. He wasn't sure how he should feel about that fact.

Nakul parked the car in the parking of the lavish building Dhiraj resided in. Now even though Nakul could've just left after leaving Dhiraj, he still found him helping the man walk towards the elevator.

"Thanks for today" Dhiraj said with a blush all across his cheeks. He had never expected Nakul to be so kind to him. They share an awkward smile. And although Dhiraj wasn't sure if he should ask Nakul what he had in his mind, he just blurted it out "Would you like to come up?"

"Okay" Nakul found himself replying. 'Why the fuck did I just agree to it?' He tried to shun his brain about the question of what had just happened. It was so ironic to his usual self. So he felt it's better not to focus on it at all.

Dhiraj hit the top floor button and the elevator started moving upwards. The awkward silence between had started to become unbearable for Nakul. So breaking the silence he asked Dhiraj, "When did you start feeling feverish?"

"I don't exactly remember. I felt exhausted when I woke up"

"So you have been feeling this way since morning but you ignored it?" Nakul scolded Dhiraj.

"Well not really. I think the fever started hitting in the afternoon."

"Okay. Do you have some meds at your place?"

"Yeah. I do"

The elevator reached the top floor and soon they were in Dhiraj's penthouse. It gave off a classic millionaire vibe to Nakul. It was elite but not godly. Elegant yet minimalistic.

"I wanted to bring you over to my place under some different scenarios, but I guess this is how things had to happen. So yeah....this is.....my place. I hope you like it!!" It seemed as if Dhiraj seeked a certain level of validation from Nakul.

"It's quite beautiful." but Nakul's mind moved on to the need of the minute, "I think you should change into something more comfortable so you can take the meds and get some rest."

"Yeah. sure. I'll take the pills."

"I hope you have eaten something."

"Yeah. I had lunch."

Lunch wasn't the answer Nakul was expecting. He expected more of a late evening snack.

"When did you have your lunch?"

"Around 1?"

"Its 8:15"


"So?! So you are supposed to eat something before you take the medicine. Where's the rice? I'll make something real quick"

"The kitchen's and storage is there" Dhiraj pointed towards the kitchen platform and without wasting much time Nakul started to look around for the ingredients.

Dhiraj was stunned. Because the way he saw the situation was that - things worked out in his favor. He was spending more time with Nakul. In fact, Nakul was at his place, in his kitchen making food for him!! What more does he need? Suppressing his smirk at that thought he was kind of glad that he had a fever. He quietly watched Nakul going through the cabinets to find everything that was required and start cooking.

An hour later, Nakul was done with his Khichadi. The Plain steamed rice with a pinch of turmeric was just the right meal a patient suffering from fever will need. He served 2 plates of it and extended Dhiraj's towards him.

"I know it isn't some fancy ass restaurant food. But this is what you need right now. Eat it without making any fuss" Nakul instructed Dhiraj with the assumption that this plain food won't be to Dhiraj's liking.

But contrary to Nakul's assumptions, Dhiraj was thrilled about the fact he got to eat something that Nakul cooked....and that too specially for him. He slowly ate the rice, savoring every bit of it.

After the dinner, Dhiraj took his meds. And there wasn't any reason left for Nakul to stick around him left. But Dhiraj decided to push his luck a bit more.

"So I guess I should leave now" Nakul suggested. But his mind felt reluctant to leave the sick man alone.

"Nakul...can't you stay here for the night? I mean it's pretty late now. How will you go back home?"

"I....."Nakul felt hesitant for some reason, "-I'll manage. I'll call in an uber. Or figure out something. You take rest" He pressed a small smile on his face.

But Dhiraj wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"Nakul.....Please. I....I don't want to be left alone right now."

A part of Nakul just wanted to give in but the other said, 'there's no reason to be here in the 1st place you fool. Get out of here.' "I....." he had no idea what he should do.

"Please....just for tonight" the man's voice had a desperation. All he ached for was Nakul's presence. And when Nakul's eyes met that strong yet pleading gaze, his throat went dry. It was becoming harder and harder for him to say no to those eyes.

"Ahh.....I'll just stay till you feel asleep. I'll leave after that" Nakul reluctantly replied.

'That's enough for me babe.' Dhiraj was satisfied with that too.

"I'll sit here-" Nakul said pointing at a couch in front of Dhiraj's bed, "And I'll leave once you sleep."



Nakul sat on the sofa and Dhiraj just kept staring at him. Maybe it was the strong medicine that he took but his head was feeling funny. He didn't give a damn if Nakul would think he's a creep staring so intensely at another man. He just wanted Nakul to be with him. And that was enough.

Nakul was looking out of the huge window in the meantime. He could just feel Dhiraj's eyes staring at him but he didn't want their eyes to meet. So he just kept staring out of the window in darkness. He had started feeling a bit of fatigue too. Maybe he was just tired. Maybe he had caught Dhiraj's fever. He didn't really care about it though.

He just...wanted to lie down in that silence. That silence felt...strangely comforting for some reason. He lied on that couch and took a glance at Dhiraj. He had fallen asleep. And this was the chance for him to leave. He should, right?

He kept staring at the ceiling and didn't realize when he too had fallen into a deep sleep.

* * *

Things are gonna get intresting from now on!!

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