Kessler woke up as hiccup in how to train your dragons what will he do Will try to do 1-2 chapters a week my goal is to get around 100 to 200 chapters total maybe more or less depends on if I can continue with it I’ll do as many chapters as I can so if I can do a good plot it might become 300 to 400 chapters thanks
Kessler Adams a 18 year old genius died today due to a plasma blast in his lab that was set on fire late last night and died early this morning his accomplishments are helping engineer a cancer curing machine as well as being one of the doctors that cured the new disease that broke out in 2120. He will be missed and we are heart broken to see such a man with a
promising future get cut short.
Somewhere on a island in the middle of a vast new world. That on one stormy night a crying two year old woke up and looked around Kessler wondered ' what is going on where am I, who am I as the memories came flooding in dragons, vikings, and last but not least his name Hiccup the son of Stoick the Vast and heir to the tribe chief of their tribe. Stoick came up to his bed and rocked him but Hiccup/Kessler saw the pain in his eyes from his losses in the last year his wife was gone and he lost 5 of his best men. Ones of his generation the best of the best now ashes at the bottom of the sea. Kessler now hiccup reached up at his fathers face and grabbed it gently to remind him he was not alone.