
Tarot Club : Misunderstanding (3).

With no one having anything else to offer given that they were all a little wary of speaking in Mr. Devil's presence the next minute was silent before Loki spoke.

"If that is all then we shall end the gathering here."

"By your will." Loki controlled Mr. World to say after standing up with a formal bow causing the remaining people to follow.

With a simple wave Loki disconnected the connection of everyone but Hermione with the Sefirah Castle causing them vanish. And since Hermione was still here, Loki changed the illlusion of Mr. World to behave similarly and vanish from view, leaving just the two of them in the castle.

"Have you come to a conclusion?"

Hermione who was a little nervous started to speak slowly.

"I have Mr. Error."


"I would like to ask you for help Mr. Error." Hermione said quickly with a bow.

'Help? From me? Wasn't she going to choose the Mystery Pryer pathway?'

Loki was stunned at the sudden outcome that he hadn't expected, but nevertheless, he placed his elbows on the edge of the table and rested his chin on his intertwined fingers.

"Help? I hope you know it comes with a price?" Loki asked politely while maintaining an impression of mystery.

'Does she want to actually choose the path I offered her but she wants to reject Professor McGonagall without feeling bad?'

'But she seemed so interested in choosing the Mystery Pryer pathway…'

'Is Mione so good at acting?'

'...no I must be misunderstanding something…'

Meanwhile, Hermione's head was thinking something similar.

'Yes! Hermione do this! Explain to him how you have another opportunity to become a Beyonder so that Mr. Error will come up with the idea of dropping his offer himself!!'

'If he thinks he came up with the idea, perhaps he won't be as angry as I'd guessed.'

Hermione stood up from her bow and explained her situation.

"A Professor in my school just offered me the opportunity to become a Beyonder of the Mystery Pryer pathway so..."

"You want to trick the teacher into thinking you have accepted her potion while really you want to choose my offer?" Loki said activating his spirit vision and looking at Hermione.

'She's super panicked…am I that scary to her?'

Hermione on the other hand was flabberghasted.

'Ho- How did it turn into this!?'

'Wouldn't' you usually conclude that you wanted to choose the safer option and not some mysterious Potion some random god offered!?'

"I see…" Loki accepted Hermione's silence as she agreeing with what he said since he saw the words 'mysterious potion', 'safer option' and 'god' on her body of heart and mind.

'I guess she's thinking that having a god look after her would be the best option?'

'But why does she trust me so much?'

"I shall forward your request to my adorer. Your potion will be ready along with the solution for your troubles soon, at most by the next gathering."

Hermione was too stunned to speak.

'Wha- WHAT!?'

But Hermione couldn't gather the courage to clear up the festering misunderstanding, it seemed as if she was destined to drink this new potion that she knew nothing about.

She slowly bowed and said, "By your will." to mimic those before her so that she could get out of this place and situation that was turning worse and worse for her by the second.

"You may leave." Loki said and waved his hand, disconnecting Hermione from the Sefirah Castle.

As soon as Hermione arrived in her bedroom she turned around and buried her head under her pillow before letting out a muffled angry shout.


'How stupid is he!?'

'How is a God this stupid!!??'

'Is he smooth-brained!?'

'Does he think I'm his fan or something!?'


Hermione struck the bed while flailing her legs around but in the end, she collapsed because she'd gotten exhausted.

With a sigh Loki thought about Hermione's request.

'How can I make her pretend to be a Mystery Pryer?'

'Does the Sequence 9 of the Door pathway, the Apprentice have the ability to perform divination?'

'I don't think so…and I have an idea that could trick everyone else…I think so?'

'But I have to experiment to find out if I can actually do this.'

Loki waved his hand and caused an illusion similar to himself appear in the Sefirah Castle, along with the humanoid illusion Loki used the Sefirah Castle to form a paper and pen.

Then leaving the castle to return back to his room, Loki quickly sacrificed the ring of harvest and placed it on the illusion's finger.

Exiting the Sefirah Castle, Loki closed his eyes and concentrated. Just as he was about to give up, he felt a tangible control over something beyond space and time.

'I can still feel my illusion that's inside the Sefirah Castle!'

Controlling from far away, Loki directed his illusion to pick up the pen he left in the Sefirah Castle and write a statement on it.

'I can still use the soul of the Mystery Pryer in the Ring of Harvest for a divination!'

With his eyes closed Loki entered cogitation and exploited his connection to the illusion inside the Sefirah Castle to send the Ring of Harvest some of his spirituality to use the soul of the Mystery Pryer.

With his illusion's hand raised over the paper from which a topaz pendulum hung, Loki repeated the divination statement seven times inside his mind.

Opening his eyes, Loki tried to feel how the pendulum was moving but he couldn't figure anything out.

But when he quickly entered the sefirah castle he saw the Topaz pendulum on the illusion moving clockwise.

'Oh! It works!! I just need to find a way to connect the pendulum moving to a realistic effect in the real world and then Hermione can pretend to divine.'

'There's one trouble though…she'll be able to divine things without any interference, which means she might divine about something related to a True God or High sequence Beyonder if she's not careful.'

'Eh. A simple warning should do…right?'

'Yeah…Mione's a stickler for rules…so she shouldn't try and do anything stupid.'

With his experiment successful, Loki went back to his room and fell asleep with a plan to improve the method to help Hermione pretend to be a Mystery Pryer by tomorrow.

Waking up the next day and having breakfast at the Slytherin table, Loki walked up to his Potions class and on the way met Hermione.

"How're you doing Mione?"

Hermione sent a sharp glare his way and then proceeded to ignore him as she began to walk faster to find herself the potions chambers.

"What happened?" Loki asked puzzled.

"Look." Hermione said stopping in her tracks as she turned to look at Loki, "I'm not in a good mood so don't annoy me right now! Is that too much to understand?"

"Woah! Woah! Alright. You don't need to be so rude about it…"

"sigh I'm just not in a good mood right now Loki. See you. I hope you do well in class today."

"...." Loki watched Hermione leave and activated spirit vision to check on her health and emotions.

'She seems fine and rational…what's wrong with her then?'

'Perhaps she's angry that she has to wait to become a Beyonder?'


'Whatever…I need to carve some runes.'

'I hope I can finish preparing everything soon, or I'm sure Professor McGonagall might get suspicious about why Mione is taking so long to come to a decision.'


A/N : Join my Patreon (p@treon.com/hooin_kyoma_au) to read 20 chapters ahead for just $3.