

As soon as Loki heard Harry's voice a calm smile spread to his lips, he wiped it away from his face just as quickly however.

'Looks like 'Adam' took the bait. He rearranged things to happen according to his plot for the year.'

Snape pulled out his wand and calmly swung it to cause the door to open soundlessly.

No one noticed the door opening since it was behind a bend, allowing Snape to enter the Shrieking Shack with soft steps, his wand pointed at Sirius Black who was looking away from him.

"Just give him to us Harry! We can prove it!!" Lupin pleaded.

"Prove what!? That you're here to kill me!? To finish the work that you left unfinished thirteen years ago!? The night you killed my parents!?" Harry screamed while Hermione and Ron kept their wands pointed at Sirius and Lupin.

"No Harry! He isn't after you!! If only you'd let us prove ourselves!!" Lupin pleaded once again but before Harry could speak a third voice interrupted them all.

"I've been trying to explain to the Headmaster that you've been helping your friend enter the castle Lupin. A shame he isn't here to personally see just how much you've let him down." Snape exhumed in a serious tone with a smirk on his face.

Sirius and Lupin immediately turned around and so did the children.

"Severus." Sirius spat as his face which was scowling and maddened somehow turned even uglier. "Why am I not surprised? Come to ruin someone else's life?"

"Black." Snape spat back, his wand pointed right at Sirius. "And what are you here for? Make new sacrifices in the name of your madness?"

Both Sirius and Severus wore deep scowls on their faces as they looked at each other.

"Now, now, why don't the two of you calm down." Lupin tried to be the voice of reason within the brewing conflict but the two immediately shut him down without even looking at him.

""Shut it!""

Eventually, Loki slipped out of the corner behind Severus and peeked his head into the room.

"What is everyone doing?" Loki asked as he looked at the three parts the room had inadvertently gotten divided into.

"Loki!!" Hermione said with some excitement.

"Has it not been solved yet?" Loki asked looking at Hermione.

"No! They keep telling us that they want to prove something to us. They're trying to trap Harry!! I hadn't expected Professor Lupin would join them too…but…" Hermione rambled on until her eyes shifted from Loki and fell upon Professor Snape, who just sneered.

"So you figured it out too, you hid it well Miss Granger." Snape praised. "You've almost made me happy enough to give you five points for Gryffindor."

Loki looked at Snape with a sense of betrayal, his mouth agape but Lupin interrupted once again.

"Please, let's keep out personal biases for other races out of this. This is a question of life and death. Let us show it. Let us prove it. Look! I don't even have my wands out. I can't possibly harm you-"

"We both know that's not true.", Severus said with a frown while keeping his wand pointed at Lupin whose eyes widened since Snape was hinting at their Beyonder abilities.

"What does he mean Professor?" Harry asked while keeping his wands trained at Lupin and Sirius.

"You don't need to drag them into-"

"The Headmaster has kept them blinded for long enough. Their stupidity has led them into enough situations where their ignorance remains at the crowns of their heads." Snape said each word with pause, his tone strict and his chin lifted in arrogance and pride.

"James and Lily wouldn't have wante-" Sirius started but Snape interrupted him ruthlessly.

"You wouldn't know what Lily would've wanted even for the life of another. You filthy traitor." Snape spat, his anger palpable while Sirius recoiled in horror at having been reminded of something.

All the children in the room became shocked seeing how Snape lost control, his eyes had turned red and his hands trembled.

Snape's overall calm or spite didn't show, he looked angry and no child knew why.

"You knew my mother, Professor?" Harry asked softly creating a tense pause where no one spoke, everyone waiting for Snape's next words.

"...she was a Beyonder. In the same pathway as me." Snape finally said, his voice trembling recalling faint memories he held close to his heart.

"A…Beyonder?" Harry asked as he turned around and looked at Hermione and for the first time even she didn't have a proper answer to something a teacher had said.

Snape looked at them for a while and then spoke softly, "Did you never think how your very dear friend, Loki, got his ability to peer into the future from, Miss Granger?"

Loki's eyes widened and he looked at Snape sharply for dragging him into it but didn't say anything to interrupt him.

"How a normal student who doesn't stand out in much else than his academics can suddenly tell people's fortunes?" Snape asked again.

"....I thought it was just a bloodline ability…like Professor Trelawney?" Hermione said, unsure.

"Bloodline? I thought you were better. Do you really think the 'purebloods' have superior bloodlines? When the dunderhead in your group is one?"

Everyone looked at Ron who uncomfortably squirmed under their gazes.

"Beyonders gain their abilities by drinking potions of their corresponding pathways. There are Nineteen officially recognised pathways, each different, unique in its own way. Your friend here has drunk the potion corresponding to the Mystery Pryer pathway."

The children all looked at Loki who just glared at Snape, but nodded softly after looking at them.

"I did drink the potion for the Mystery Pryer, it gave me the mystical ability to perform divinations. I'm a Beyonder."

Hermione's mouth hung loose, as did Harry's and Ron's.

"I..didn't know.." Hermione said softly.

"It was meant to be a secret." Loki said as he carried on Snape's explanation from there, "Beyonders keep their identities a secret, not only because normal people would grow jealous of them," Loki paused and looked at Sirius and Lupin.

"-but also because it can help us in tough situations since our abilities do not require the use of a wand, like them-" Loki said pointing at the two with his wand. 

"They could very well be Beyonders and hurt you without their wands." Loki ended his explanation and looked at Hermione.

"Ah!" Hermione had an epiphany, causing everyone to look at her. "You mean Professor Lupin…"

"What's wrong with Professor Lupin?" Harry asked innocently.

Hermione looked around the room as she looked at Lupin seriously and a little scared, but then she gulped down her fear as she spoke out, "He doesn't need a wand to hurt us because he's a Beyonder of the werewolf sort."

Loki frowned since he had known about it, but he was pretty sure 'Adam' wouldn't have allowed Lupin into the school if he wasn't a 'good' guy.

And all his experiences, from the train to the classes and the help Lupin had given him regarding the Patronus charm were all nice and made him stand out from the DADA professors who had arrived at Hogwarts before.

Yet to keep up the pretence, Loki kept his wand trained on Lupin. Also because he was on Snape's team through and through, even though he'd revealed his identity of being a Beyonder.


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