

With his new abilities sorted and tested, Loki removed the wall of spirituality around his room and relaxed in his bed.

The quidditch match was going to start in an hour and everyone was supposed to get ready to leave in a few minutes.

As soon as Loki cleared the wall of spirituality, the air around him trembled, before splitting open to allow a dark bony hand to escape from it and leave behind a letter in front of Loki.

"Huh? Who sent me a letter right now?"

Picking up the letter, Loki was surprised when he saw it was from Dominic.


The letter was short and sweet.

After asking about his well-being and other such general things about Hogwarts, Dominic wrote the letter to inform Loki about his acceptance into the Unspeakable.

[I was lucky! The average acceptance time after the posting of an application is about three years, but mine was accepted in two.

I heard from my colleagues that one of my seniors had messed up in his job and so they suspended him. Apparently, an event at Hogwarts requires more personnel so I was chosen.

I should also be posted around the Quidditch World Cup camping grounds.]

'An event at Hogwarts?' Loki thought, conveniently ignoring that he might be the reason Dominic got the job.

'I can already guess the event will have something to do with You-Know-Who.'

Loki frowned and thought about it a little, trying to imagine how Voldemort could annoy him this year, but without any important information about the event, all Loki could think of was that the event might involve dangerous tasks that Voldemort might use to kill them.

Loki wrote a quick reply to Dominic and congratulated him on his new job and wrote to ask him where he was posted in the Quidditch World Cup camping grounds so they could meet face to face.

*Knock* *Knock*

Loki opened the door after sending away Dominic's spirit and looked at the intruder.

It was Prenelle.

Except Loki could hardly recognise her, there was war paint on her face. She had dressed up as a fan of Ireland and had several trinkets on her that represented the Ireland Quidditch team.

"Wow…I can't say I'm surprised. Is Nicholas supporting Bulgaria?" Loki asked with some excitement as Prenelle's infectious smile infected him.

"Yes! I am!" Nicholas said with a smile as he pushed Prenelle aside. "You'll support Bulgaria with me won't you!?"

Loki looked at the two of them and with a wry smile pulled out his wand and tapped his cheeks.

Under the stunned gazes of Nicolas, the flag of Ireland was painted onto his face.

"Ha! Take that! Should've treated him better when you taught him Nick!" Prenelle shouted in joy and dragged Loki away with her.

Suddenly the door opposite Loki's opened and Fleur walked out of it.

Nicholas looked at her and spoke with excitement, "You're supporting Bulgaria right, Fleur?"

Fleur's lips twitched as she watched how innocently Nicholas was looking at her but she quickly put on a smile and spoke, "Of course Mr. Flamel, I will support them."

"Good!! I knew I couldn't rely on that stupid disciple of mine! Here, wear this!" Nicholas pulled out a cap with Bulgaria's colours and handed it over to Fleur who with a slight blush put it on her head.

And a fire lit up in Nicholas's eyes.

'I'll show them who's better when Bulgaria wins!!'

'Don't come crying back to me then!'

All the members of the alchemist group gathered in the stands along with the rest of the people and not a VIP room since Prenelle wanted to experience the raw emotions of the people and felt that they had to be too courteous inside the VIP room.

The match started with both sides showing off their mascots.

The Bulgarian team was paraded into the grounds by Veela who Prenelle graciously called, "FOR THE STREETSSS!! YOU'RE NOT EVEN REAL WOMEN!!!!" while placing one of her legs on the stands and booing, making Fleur extremely uncomfortable.

The Irish team was paraded into the grounds by Leprachauns who were showering the stands with fake gold. This time it was Nicholas's turn to boo the team along with Fleur.

Loki looked at Fleur as a soft smile blossomed on his face.


In spite of laughing creepily inside his mind, Loki kept a positive face on the outside while speaking to her.

"Fleur! How about a bet? If you win I'll do something you want, and if I win how about you do something I want?"

"What are we doing?" Fleur asked with suspicion.

"Nothing much, it's just that whoever wins the bet will get to introduce the other as a loser!" A smile was threatening to break out on Loki's lips which everyone noticed but decided not to say anything about.

Fleur's eyes narrowed as she glared at Loki.

"What are you worried that you'll lose? Loser?" Loki teased.

"Don't worry Fleur! Trust me! Bulgaria will win!! I'm sure he's just trying to get under your skin to affect our cheers for the team! I'm sure he doesn't know anything about the outcome, after all, it's impossible to divine about the outcome because of the interference."

Fleur looked at Nicholas and nodded, "Ok. I axcept. Get ready to be called a loser for the rest of your life."

"Hehe~ I mean, of course. Of course." Loki nodded and went back to cheering for the Ireland team with Prenelle.

The Ireland team was strong, and the match had become one-sided.

Anyone watching the match for the last forty minutes would say that Bulgaria was going to lose. It was only the hope that Victor Krum, the Bulgarian seeker, would catch the snitch that was keeping the tension alive.

"We can still win Fleur, don't worry about the bet! I'm sure Viktor Krum will catch the golden snitch!" Nicholas pacified the panicking Fleur.

The score was a hundred sixty to ten in Ireland's favour. Their defence was so good that almost none of the attempts at hooping the quaffle had gotten past them and their keeper.

With bated breaths, Loki along with the entire stadium waited when the commentator Ludo Bagman announced the following, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! ARE YOU SEEING WHAT I'M SEEING!!!!???? VICTOR KRUM IS IN A DIVE!!!! HAS HE SPOTTED THE SNITCH!!?!?"

Each player on their brooms from the Bulgarian team froze mid-air to watch Krum, their beaters doing their best to direct bulgers towards the Ireland seeker to prevent him from catching up to Krum.

The score was a hundred sixty to ten, if Krum caught the snitch now they would tie and the cup would go to both since there were no tie-breakers in Quidditch.

An outcome all fans detested.

In the sharp dive where the entire stadium, filled with nearly eighty thousand people, watched silently by tipping off the edges of their seats with clenched hands, doubts crept into Loki's mind.

'Was my divination wrong?'

'Perhaps the Sefirah Castle was unable to get rid of the interference?'

Loki's eyes followed Krum and with his omnioculars he could see just how fast his fingers were inching to the golden snitch that was flying just out of his reach.

And just like that within a blink, Krum's fingers had wrapped around the snitch!

"HE'S GOT IT!! HE'S GOT ITT!!!" Ludo Bagman shouted with joy.

Loki felt the absolute enormity of joy that was released from Fleur and Nicholas when they heard Bagman and when they saw Krum catch the snitch.

Half of the entire stadium shouted at once!

Blanketed under the deafening cheers, however, everyone suddenly heard the referee's whistle and watched his hands which were pointing towards the Ireland team.

'Ireland team?'

'Did he get the sides wrong?'

'Bulgaria won right?'


There was a short silence in the entire stadium and the other half whose hearts had just sunk rose up, Prenelle stood on her chair and shouted.


Controlled by a fit of happiness, Loki turned around and looked right at Fleur who was stunned along with Nicholas, "Yo!!! Loser!!! Or should I say, losers?"


A/N : Join my Patreon (p@treon.com/hooin_kyoma_au) to read 20 chapters ahead for just $3.