
Ancient Runes.

To cover the first book he'd gotten Loki picked up a different book to read in the library, this book also interested him and felt like it was a normal book that he could show to others.

With the book on Occlumency stuffed neatly inside his satchel under all the other books, Loki moved to where Dominic was sitting and began to read the second book.

"Oh? Ancient Runes for Alchemists? Why did you get that book?" Dominic asked with surprise on his face.

"Because I saw that all the spells in the textbooks followed patterns, patterns that look a lot like the runes in this book."

"You have a keen eye, ask me if you don't understand anything and I might be able to help.", Dominic extended a helping hand.


After their short conversation silence fell back into the library disturbed only by the students occasionally pouring into the library to find reference books to finish their summer homework that hadn't been completed, along with the rhythmic scratching of quills on parchments.

Loki's eyes in the beginning sought out Hermione wondering if he'd hurt the little witch by asking her to stay away from him, but as he read further into the book, he became completely absorbed in it.

'Alchemy is the art of mimicking charms by etching its basic components into different treated materials that can be activated by pouring in the required amount of spirituality.'

'An alchemist is a master of both potions and charms work since in simple words, alchemy is the art of breaking down and translating magic into rune work so that anyone with a little spirituality irrespective of skill can manifest the effects of the charm.'

'This has also caused some alchemists to call the items produced in this way charms.'

'Potions are used to extend the life of the various materials so that the alchemical item can be reused multiple times.'

The book then delved into various alchemical examples from a simple device to wake you up in the morning to complex devices like the one that could give you magical vision and the ability to see through objects.

'So spirit vision but a little inferior?'

'But if there's an item that can give people spirit vision that means there's also a charm to do so?'

As Loki flipped through the pages for the special vision item, he felt that the potions used were a little complicated for him to understand but then as he studied the ingredients in the potion of an item that could allow you to see through darkness his eyes widened as something clicked in his mind.

'Spleen of a vampire bat is the main ingredient of this potion? Where have I heard this before?'

'This! This potion uses the main ingredients of the Sleepless potion of the darkness pathway!'

"Loki. You done?" Dominic suddenly asked.

"Huh? Is it time to leave already?"

"Yeah, it's seven thirty already, you need to eat breakfast too before classes."

"Oh?" Loki looked reluctant to part ways with the alchemy book but Dominic reminded him, "You can check out the book if you want to read it. Though I don't doubt some of those potion recipes are going to go above your head."

"I can check this book out!?" Loki asked in surprise.

'I thought they wouldn't allow me to take away such ancient books!' 

"Yeah, let's go. It's getting late."

Checking out the book with a warning from Madam Pince that she'd do whatever happens to the book to him Loki wordlessly took one book over the counter and one hidden inside his bag that no one bothered to check.

Arriving at the great hall, Loki looked at the teacher's tables and spotted very few teachers at the tables so early in the morning.

'There's only the giant man, Professor McGonagall, a half-goblin teacher, and a teacher whose name I don't know who appears to be in her forties.'

'Where's Dumbledore? Did he run away from work again? Leaving all his responsibilities to the underpaid staff?'

Sitting beside Dominic on the Slytherin table in the great hall, Loki could feel the pointed stares of all the students at the table but he shrugged them off without a sound.

He didn't even open his mouth when Draco said, "Enjoying your detention mudblood?"

Draco tried several other insults to get Loki to pay attention to him but Loki remained silent, imagining that Draco was the demon that ate you once you spoke to it.

But it seemed like saying nothing still offended him since he said afterwards, "My father will hear about this!"

"Here's your timetable.", Dominic said handing Loki a slip of paper taken out of his pocket.

"Potions? First Class? Seriously?" Loki voiced his concern.

"Why? Don't like Professor Snape?" Dominic asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I just think it is going to be uncharacteristic of him to speak so many words. It'll be hilarious."

Dominic snorted into his sandwich and ignored Loki for the rest of the breakfast lest he choke on his food.

"I assume you'll find your way to the classroom in the dungeons?" Dominic asked.

"Of course I will, I know where his office is, had my first detention with him yesterday."

"Good. Then I will leave you to it. I have a class with Professor McGonagall."


Loki left the table along with Dominic and when they split their ways, Loki pulled out his wand and cast the levitation charm on his clothes and satchel and suddenly felt like a great burden had been taken off his shoulders.

'God this feels good! Praise Dominic!'

'But….won't it be better if I get used to walking around with the weights first? So that I can grow my muscles along with my magical capabilities?'

'Eh…but I have my potion for that, I'm sure I'll eventually gain super strength from some potion on the way.'

'Wingardium Leviosa for the win.'

With his robes bellowing behind him, Loki began walking, but then he suddenly stopped, 'Oh my god! Is this how Professor Snape makes his robes float behind him? Ha! I've discovered a secret that is worth a hundred points on its own! Haha! I wonder what his reaction will be once I show him that I can do it too!'

Loki walked into the dungeons and navigated into the potions classroom, with no one else in the room Loki found himself a spot in the centre of the room behind a desk and sat down there.

"It looks no different in the day than it did in the night.", Loki noted.

'I need to figure out a way to digest my potion faster.' Loki thought as he closed his eyes to relax a little.

'Why are the tables in this classroom so wide and long though?'

'Is it because each student will have their own cauldrons to cook potions in?'

'But aren't there too few tables for that?'


'But who will I partner with!? I doubt any Slytherin wants to partner with me.'

'Ehh…I'm sure he'll figure something out for me.' Loki nodded his confidence rising a few levels thanks to Snape.

Loki watched as a fearful boy came stumbling into the classroom and when he moved past Loki, he spotted a small slip of paper hanging out of his pockets.

Loki pulled out the paper without alerting the boy and looked at what was written on it since his intuition said it was moderately valuable.

'Well, I know what to steal now. But the trouble is how do I profit from it.' Loki thought as he slipped back the piece of paper into the boy's pocket.