
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Livros e literatura
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109 Chs

Chapter 19: Alakazam

If you want to read more chapters ahead from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Whoosh" Harry whispered as he tried to use his mana to pull the stone out of hiding.

"Come to me you thingamajigger!"


"Accidentalus magickus!"

"Wiggle wiggle wiggle!"

Unfortunately, Harry's attempts at finding some sort of secret summoning spell were unsuccessful, and soon he was forced to resort back to scrounging through the bushes and grass hoping for some clues.

As he was just about to give up, his eyes caught sight of the pile of grass and leaves that sat unassumingly near the back fence of the garden.

Near instantly, his Gamer's Mind made a set of connections in a truly Sherlockian fashion.

Once he'd have passed out on Sunday, his Aunt would've probably been the first one to find him. She would've certainly seen him holding on to or touching the stone, and either afraid or repulsed as usual by anything unusual, she would've tossed it into a nearby pile of garbage.

A pile of garbage that hadn't yet been cleaned up, since he hadn't been there since the last few days.

It was scary how much his relatives depended on him just to maintain a normal living standard.

Emboldened by his new theory, he renewed his search efforts, starting with the trash bin in front of the house.

Not finding anything there, he turned to the leaf pile near the back of the garden. After ruffling through it for a while, he finally struck gold.

His hand brushed again onto a smooth surface, and Harry's vision suddenly flashed red. He panicked for a moment, afraid that he was going to pass out again, until he realized that his mana wasn't falling.

Warily, he looked at what he was touching.

It was the same stone he remembered, except now he sort of recognized that the squiggly lines as some of the runes he had read about in the book 'Ancient Languages of the Rare Kind'. He used observe on it.

Lily Potter's Blood Wardstone

Mana : 5,000,000/5,000,000

Ancient wardstone modified to use Lily Potter's blood to protect those bearing her blood. Center and anchor of Surrey wards.

Multiplies supplied power by 50,000 to support the protective spells anchored to it.

Choose one of the following perks.

Forever protected : You will gain a permanent private ward, giving you Home turf boost

Home Sweet Home : Number 4 Privet Drive will gain a permanent ward, protecting it from any adverse influences until you turn 17.

Current Choice: Home Sweet Home

"Mother of God!" Harry muttered, eyes wide as tennis balls as he looked at the wildly large amount of mana stored in that stone.

His eyes darted down the description to the last line, and his brow folded into a frown. That just wouldn't do.

No magic of his was going to be used in protecting the Dursleys. If there was one thing he was sure of, that was it.

Immediately, he changed the perk choice. Three words summed up his choice pretty well.

Screw the Dursleys.

Wardstone acquired as a perk!

Grants 1000 HP and 1000 MP when activated it at the cost of -25 MP per minute. All wounds are healed. All ailments cured. 20 Str,20 Vit, 20 Dex.

This was going to be one of his most useful perks. Harry just knew it. The stone dissolved into his hands as his boosts faded, awaiting his activation command.

Just then Harry caught sight of Mrs. Monroe of Number 8, looking out of her window. She was known by most as the most paranoid harpy of the neighborhood.

Wary to use the Apparition skill again, quickly Harry activated his skill, Sneaking. He quietly walked into his house, thankful for having remembered to open the door, closed it behind him, and went into his bed, unaware of the devastating mistake he had just made.

Outside, the frail man who had been hidden under a tree outside the house across the road from Harry's was awoken from his nap by a sudden buzz in his hand.

All day long, he had been waiting to find a chance opening in the Dursley home wards so that he could get into the house and finish what his master had started all those years ago.

With an angry grunt, he woke up, careful not to let a leg or arm slip out from underneath the Invisibility Cloak he was using as his blanket. He lifted his hand to his face to look at what had awoken him.

It was his wand. Ever since he had gotten to Privet Drive and started keeping an eye on the youngest Potter, the glowing orange light on his wand's tip had been telling him that if he dared step up to the Potter's house, he would be incinerated into fine dust.

Except that light was gone, replaced by a gentle green orb pulsating away happily.

He could only gape at it with wide eyes. How?! How had this happened?! How had the wards guarding Potter gone down?!

The rustling of the grass from the direction of Number Four made him look away from his wand to see what was going on.

A crouched Potter slowly sneaked up to the front door of the house, and then promptly slipped into the house before closing the door carefully.

'It's Potter… the kid somehow managed to break his own wards!' he realized with a start, and a wide grin spread across his face.

Irony was a beautiful thing.

A giddy sort of laughter filled the entire street, and Mrs. Monroe looked around curiously, wondering where it was coming from.

Harry woke up with the same blue box over his head that he'd had the previous morning.


You have slept in your own bed; HP and MP have been restored 100% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

He swiped it away, walked out of his cupboard, and looked around with a yawn.

The time was 7 in the morning. Just early enough to finish his chores before school. Stretching a bit to free up his muscles, Harry headed upstairs and took a shower, before heading into the kitchen and starting to work on the breakfast.

After making 30 hotcakes, just about enough to fill Dudley and Vernon for a few hours, he changed into his uniform and grabbed his bag.


If you want to read more chapters ahead from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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