
HP: The Heir of Merlin

A young girl starts her journey in the Wizarding World in an alley with nothing but the clothes she is wearing and an envelope left by her missing parents, it's contents left as her only direction in this world.But she isn't like the others around her. How will she fare without the knowledge of what is to come? What happened to her parents? What is she? This is my first story, so all criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please be constructive and reasonable. There will be some romance, but it won't be a driving point of this story. All credits go to J.K. Rowling except for my AU Changes. AU and OC stuff will be posted after the first few chapters. feel free to ask questions. I will answer them as I can and as it doesn't spoil the story. On Hiatus- I'm going to try to stockpile some chapters before I release anymore I aim for each chapter to be 1000+ words because I plan to update only once per week. This isn't set in stone because my mom is having health issues and I am currently the primary housekeeper, cook, and am caring for my mom. So please be patient with me and my update schedule.

Nyx_The_Fox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter One

3rd Person POV

Nyx woke up in a dirty alley way. She had no idea how she got here. The last thing she remembered was her home being on fire and her parents fighting others like them. With this in mind she looks around her for her parents.

She can't see them anywhere near her, but she does see an envelope sitting beside her. She reaches over and grabs it, noticing that it is rather bulky. She opens the envelope and sees a letter along with a ring and a necklace. She takes the letter out and reads it.

'If you are reading this then something has happened to us. I hope that you were able to make it out safely, and as such I have written this letter to give you some direction in what to do without us.

You need to go to the humans. Go to one of their police stations. Tell them you don't know where you are, or who your parents are. You don't remember anything. They will have you go through some tests to make sure you are ok and to verify what you say. Stay consistent. If all goes well you will be taken to an orphanage, a place for children who don't have parents.

Once you turn eleven a letter will come for you. Don't let anyone else read this letter. It will be from a school for other humans with magic, luckily you have magic and will end up on their registry. Shortly after this letter arrives someone from the school will come to get you to inform your guardian of this and to take you to get what you need. While you are at the shop you will need to go to a place called Gringotts and ask to go to your vault. Show them the ring. You can also ask for a bloodline test once there, but this is up to you.

After you attend school you will be able to stay at friends' homes or take apprenticeships during the breaks. Chose wisely my love. I hope that you follow my directions. Make friends. Fall in love. Live your life to the fullest.

If we are alive we will come for you when we are able. It may take awhile. Don't wait for us. Your father and I love you very much, please be careful around the humans. You can losen up some around the magicals, but still be careful. I am so sorry we had to leave you my baby.

Love, Mom and Dad.'

As Nyx read the letter tears came to her eyes.

'This is really happening. They are really gone.' She thinks. 'I need to do what they said. It must be for the best if they wrote it in this letter.'

Nyx takes out the necklace and the ring and put them on. The necklace is on a simple gold chain that has a small locket, the door of the locket has a tree engraved on it with several emeralds acting as leaves. On the back of it there is an engraving of a wand. There is a picture of her family inside of the locket.

The ring is a simple band with a small emerald set in it, along with some engravings. On one side of the emerald is a wolf, and on the other is a dragon.

Nyx puts the ring on the necklace and puts the necklace on, she then tucks the necklace and ring inside her shirt. She heads out of the alley and asks the first person she sees for directions to the nearest police station. She follows these directions and ends up at the station. She stands outside for a few minutes going over what she needs to do and say.

'Act worried, act scared, act confused. Stick to the story. I just remember my name.' As she thinks this she heads into the building.

"H-hello, can you help me sir?" She asks the officer at the front desk.

"Sure, What can I help you with young lady?" The officer responds.

"Um, I don't know where my parents are." She replies with a small voice.

"I'll get you back with them soon, don't worry. What is your name?" He says

"My name is Nyx Storm." She says, her voice sounding slightly more cheerful.

"Alright. And what are your parents' names?" The officer asks.

"I- I don't remember, I- I'm sorry." Her voice sounds scared.

"That's alright. Do you know what phone number I can reach them at? Or your address?" He sounds slightly worried.

"I can't remember, I don't remember anything!" She looks panicked at this point.

"It's okay, we will find out what happened. But I need you to come with me. I am going to have to call someone to check that you are alright. Then someone is going to watch you until we can find your parents." He stands up and leads her towards the office area. Nyx follows him to a desk where he has her sit down. The officer then picks up the phone and calls someone. After the call ends he has her wait at the desk with him.

After thirty minutes a middle aged guy approaches them and introduces himself as the doctor who will be examining her. After the examination he says that there is nothing physically wrong besides some cuts and bruises. He thinks that the amnesia is a result of a head injury.

When the doctor leaves someone is called to watch her while the police do what they can to find her parents though it is a lost cause with just her name.

After a couple hours the officer from the desk comes to her with a young woman in a nun outfit and explains that the nun lady is there to bring her to the orphanage she will have to stay at until they can find her parents. The nun is introduced as Sister Anna.

"I hope you are able to be comfortable with us during this time." Sister Anna says while driving to the orphanage, "The other children are excited to see someone new. We haven't had any new residents for a few months luckily."

Nyx just nods at the sister and goes back to looking out the window. Soon a large, gated, brick building looms out of the distance with several children playing within the yard.

"We only have 20 children here right now. I hope you are able to get along with them and make some friends." Sister Anna remarks.

Sister Anna pulls through the gate and parks in front of the house. She asks Nyx to head inside without her, she has something to do, she will meet Nyx after she is done.

Nyx heads inside and looks around the place. It has a large entrance area with a staircase in the front leading to the second floor. She sees some children to the right, at a dining table. She goes and greets them. During introductions, one of the kids ask why she is at the orphanage. She tells them that she can't remember much and can't find her parents. Sister Anna shows up around this time.

"Oh, your making friends already! I'm sorry to interrupt, but I will show you around now and show you were you will be staying for the time being." Sister Anna says as she approaches. "You will have a room to yourself for the time being. But if we have anyone else join us, you may have to share."

Sister Anna shows her to her room, and then around the rest of the orphanage, pointing out where important places are such as the dining area, the kitchen and the bathrooms.

Soon it is night and Nyx heads to bed. As she lays in bed she takes out her locket and looks at the picture in it.

"I did it Mom, Dad. I'm at the orphanage. I'm going to follow your directions. Thank you for leaving them for me." She closes the locket and goes to sleep.

I hope to get started with the main storyline within the first five chapters. Please leave suggestions in the comments. I hope you enjoy this story.

Nyx_The_Foxcreators' thoughts