A more powerful, knowledgeable and much better trained Harry -but not Super!Harry, there won't be any suddenly acquired powers here just improvement of a preexisting talent and many years of effort- a differently evolving Severus as I believe he could have been had things turned out differently. After all, you must keep in mind, Lily lives in this story. Yet, you shouldn't expect he will get over his issues that easy. This story is Harry and Severus centered but it's not slash; it's a father/son relationship in every meaning of the word. For the rest? Just read on!
"There you go!" Severus exclaimed from somewhere behind Harry's back, startling him enough to drop his book. The boy turned around rapidly; Severus had brought back the wood as promised it seemed. Harry started laughing at the sight.
"Severus, you do remember you're a wizard, right?" He asked trying to breathe normally.
"Yes." Severus stated cocking one eyebrow in confusion.
"And that you could have used your wand to cut some wood?" He stated eyeing the axe on the potions master's right hand. Severus smiled.
"I decided to go with the traditional approach." He offered chuckling. "Plus, I felt like breaking some sweat."
"Yes, you look like it too." Harry agreed mock seriously.
"Fine, be like that; I can always take the wood I brought you and…"
"Okay! I'll stop, promise!" Harry stated and pulled out his wand to levitate the pieces of wood from the floor. He had been practicing silent spells lately and he had quite the success with the simple ones; he had tried a Stupefy too but decided to read some more on the silent spells' theory before recasting that; Severus swore the grand tapestry in the main hall would never look the same. Harry, up to that moment, couldn't for the life of him understand how the tapestry had frozen; he wasn't even aiming at it! Putting all thoughts of his spell casting aside, he looked at the eight different branches floating in front of him, all in the perfect size and cleared from leaves or smaller branches that had once been attached on them.
"The three thicker ones are oak, the three light ones are willow and the other two are ash." Severus stated.
"They're perfect, Sev. Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me; I just want to be there the first time you make one of them into a working broomstick!" The potions master stated with a smirk; it was bound to happen after all; if Harry could make a Philosopher's Stone, a broomstick should be a walk in the park.
"If you don't mind being a lab-rat I would have you test them too." Harry stated happily.
"Oh I don't mind!" Severus looked like a five year-old with that wide smile and the twinkling in his eyes.
"Just don't sue afterwards and you can use whatever I make all you want." Harry stated with a smile. It had been a slow process from then on; he had chosen to start with a willow branch and the first he had to do was give it the right shape. If anyone had told him he would be using Arithmancy for any Quidditch related activity a few months ago, he would have them admitted at St Mango's in the blink of an eye. Still, here he was, carefully working over charts to ascertain the broom would have the right form. He had even tried his hand in a few designs of how he wanted the end result to look like, but he was still a far cry from happy about it.
The weeks passed -complete with a surprise trip for five days in Tunisia courtesy of Severus- and before Harry knew it, it was the last week of August. It was the night before his family's programmed trip at Diagon Alley and Harry found himself in his room at Potter Manor, going over one of his designs. It held some promise, he thought as he rolled up the parchment and set out for a bit of studying on advanced Transfiguration before dinner; he was studying on permanent transformation of inanimate objects, a subject usually dealt with at the seventh year in Hogwarts. Needless to say, he was captivated.
He ended up studying till after midnight and only just managed to brush his teeth before falling asleep. He was almost certain he heard a banging noise from the next room -his brother's- but he was fast asleep before getting to ponder on it. Next day had started quite interestingly as the whole house seemed to be in various states of sleep when Lily saw fit to wake them up at seven in the morning. Adrian was still wearing his pyjamas' bottoms with his robes looking a little preoccupied about something, James was murmuring of the unfairness of it all and the brutality of being awaken so early and Sirius looked right down mutinous, having carried his pillow in the kitchen with him; he was presently sleeping with his head on the kitchen table.
"He can sleep anywhere, can't he?" Remus asked, looking at his life-long friend, smiling.
"Lucky bastard…" James muttered, making his sons giggle and Lily slap him around his head.
"James, watch your language!" She admonished, making her husband roll his eyes. "I married a five year-old."
"Seems so." Harry chirped over his cereal. He was the only one seemingly unaffected from the early hour.
"You seem awfully cheerful this morning." Adrian said annoyed. "It's unnatural."
"No, I'm just brilliant that way." Harry quipped, causing the table to laugh and Sirius to mutter something incomprehensible in his sleep. Remus moved towards the dozing dog animagus and pulled the pillow underneath his head, causing him to wake up rather abruptly.