
Chapter 76 : The Gift of Sight



He started unwrapping and found a hand-made flute from Hagrid, a brand new and equally hand-made emerald green sweater from Mrs. Weasley -Harry loved those and the warm feeling that was hidden in every stitch- a book of spells best utilized for pranks from Sirius and a yearly subscription to Transfiguration Weekly courtesy of Remus, accompanied a note stating that, though he might not understand everything he read, it would do him good if even half of what Minerva had claimed about his potential was accurate. And coming from Minerva McGonagall, the werewolf had stated, it probably was. Remus had no way of knowing the boy had wanted to subscribe in that magazine for ages but didn't know how to get it past his parents; he made a mental note to thank him personally for that.

His parents had got him brand new Quidditch supply, including a preservation kit for his new broomstick which Harry regarded with a smile. They were in Paris, their letter informed him, and apparently having a blast. He took a small bite of the delicious chocolate fudge that accompanied Mrs. Weasley's sweater before Fred and George burst in to kidnap them for a family outing as they called it. Harry found himself smiling all the way to the end of the day -it definitely had something to do with the flower adorned bonnet which Dumbledore wore instead of his wizard's hat; Harry could see the tiny indicators of Severus doing his best to hold back his laughter too.

He walked briskly towards Severus's office, an hour before curfew, having mentioned to his brother that he had -quite conveniently- forgotten his potions textbook in the dungeons but never had gotten around to reclaim it. Ron couldn't understand why in the world Harry would want to visit the dungeons voluntarily on Christmas of all days and the green eyed boy quickly reminded him of the three feet long essay they had to write on the eight basic ingredients of potion-making. Ron just blanched and nodded sullenly as Harry left the common room. He knocked on Severus's office and entered swiftly, locking the door behind him and getting rid of any concealment charms he was sporting.

"Merry Christmas, Dad!" The boy exclaimed as he ran to hug the potions master who returned the gesture.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Harry!" Said honorary proclaimed Dad wished back. "So, how was your first Christmas away from home?"

"Odd." Harry announced immediately. "But any day when Dumbledore chooses to wear a bonnet would be odd." Severus burst into the laughter he hadn't allowed himself all day.

"That man sometimes is too much for my poor nerves; try keeping an impassive face when sitting next to that!" The potions master agreed and pulled out his wand, waving it once, summoning two packages from behind his desk. "I suppose you would want your presents." He stated with a smirk.

"I would rather like them, yes." Harry agreed neutrally before grinning at the parcels in his hands. They both looked like books of some sort and he first unpacked the one that looked smaller; it turned out to be the gift from Nicholas and Perenelle; it was truly a book, from the alchemist's personal collection, according to the letter that accompanied it. Rubedo was its title and Harry stood gapping at it for a few moments, before Severus broke the silence.

"I take it you didn't expect such a gift?" The potions master asked bemused.

"Expect? It's the… that's the…" Harry mumbled incoherently.

"In full sentences now, if you please." Severus stated chuckling as Harry recomposed himself.

"It's a book on the last step of creating the Philosopher's Stone." Harry spoke in a soft voice. "The last chapter of the Magnum Opus, the secret of all secrets in alchemy." Severus was now staring at the book just as awed as Harry. "Can you understand what this is? Nicholas must have written this himself!" Harry exclaimed as he reverently turned the pages of the -now clearly- hand written book. This was it; the final stage in becoming a full fledged alchemist.

"Are you trying to tell me that Nicholas sent you the guidelines to create a Philosopher's Stone?" Severus asked in a disbelieving voice.

"No, not the guidelines." Harry explained touching the book gently, almost afraid it would disappear. "It's the text that describes how the process looks like, the end result if you like; every alchemist has to find their way to reach it but… It's like Nicholas has deemed me worthy to try and reach that level. This is… This is huge, Sev." Harry explained seriously and Severus placed his hand on his shoulder, understanding what this moment must mean to him.

"You did great, kid." He stated simply and Harry smiled before blanching and starting to panic.

"But… It's too soon!" He exclaimed suddenly. "How could I be ready?"

"Harry, breathe!" The potions master ordered. "You said it yourself; these are not the guidelines; it could take you years to reach that level." The boy seemed to calm down at Severus's logic.

"Sorry for that." He apologized blushing. "It's just… Nicholas's present kind of caught me by surprise."

"I noticed." The potions master offered with a smirk. Harry placed the book carefully on the Severus's desk and started unwrapping the potions master's present. First thing that he noticed was a silver ring with carved runes on it that Severus explained was charmed with a powerful trace-me-not spell. "As long as you have it on," the potions master explained "you will not appear on any magical tracing device; it even blocks your trace to the Ministry, provided you'll contain yourself to only a couple of minor spells in a Muggle populated area. I just figured it would be easier than renewing that spell every week." Harry smiled and placed the ring on the thumb of his right hand, covering it up with a concealment spell. He moved to the main part of the gift. It was another book, entitled…

"No way!" Harry exclaimed, running to hug Severus as tight as he could, a copy of The Art of the Broom-smith held tight in his hands. "Where did you find that book?" He asked excited.

"I may or may not have bought a percentage of Obscurus Publications, the agency that once again may or may not print the original textbooks for the broomstick manufacturers." Severus stated calmly looking at the gaping boy.

"Really?" The older wizard nodded with a smirk. "Wicked!"

"It is." Severus offered before dissolving into laughter. "But seriously now, this is just the first book of a series. Once you finish it, I'll give you the rest to read."

"Thanks, Dad!" Harry stated brightly.

"Don't mention it; if you're truly interested into learning something new I'd be loath to not help you with it." The potions master reassured him. Harry smiled and pulled out a small package from his pocket, neatly wrapped in a dark blue paper with a gold ribbon. "What's that?" Severus asked confused.

"A dungbomb, only wrapped very nicely." Harry stated dryly. "It's your Christmas present!" Severus's eyes widened; Harry always got him a present every Christmas -he was the only one that did anymore actually- but this year he had expected that with school and everything… Not that Harry could give him a better gift than calling him Dad, still he couldn't help but feel that warmth spreading in his chest.

"Thank you, Harry." The potions master stated, taking the gift from the boys extended hand.

"Open it first…" Harry mumbled. "It really isn't much; I mean, I made it by myself since I didn't have time to buy anything… If you don't like it…" Severus in the meantime had unwrapped his gift carefully and opened the small box to find an equally small, sealed glass vial, wrapped with a wire of some off black metal, containing what seemed to be iridescent crystals of some deep blue substance and a small heliodor with a carved sigil on it. The vial was filled with what seemed to be a translucent oil and was emitting a faint blue glow and a strong surge of magic.

"Is that…" Severus trailed off, looking at the tiny vial in shock.

