
Chapter 59 : Into the World of Magic



"That's great, Harry. Really great." And he smiled proudly.

"I've been reading our new books." The green eyed boy stated as he lowered the coin on the floor and gave it to his brother.

"Mom will be glad to know at least one of us took after her!" Adrian stated laughing, causing Harry and Ron to follow suit. They were still laughing when the door opened again to reveal Draco Malfoy. There had been a mutual dislike between the Malfoy and the Potter families for years but Harry had tried to oversee it when he had first been introduced to the Malfoy heir. Unfortunately, the blond hadn't extended the same courtesy.

"The Potter twins and the weasel." He sneered flanked by two of his friends. They were much larger than the blond and as tall as Harry when he wasn't under a concealment charm. "Still unable to tell the wrong sort from the bad I see?" He asked staring at Ron.

"I think we manage just fine thank you." Harry stated calmly and to stress the discussion was, as far as he was concerned, over he picked up his spellbook and resumed reading. Or at least pretended to, waiting for the three boys to leave. That was when Draco picked the moment to not only insult Ron's family but to also order his lackeys -Crabbe and Goyle- to grab their remaining chocolate frogs. Harry just sighed and pulled out his wand again. He cast two simple yet effective leg binding spells, causing the two advancing boys to trip and fall on the floor.

"That was brilliant mate!" Ron exclaimed as Adrian hooted. Harry just stared at a dumbfounded Draco and spoke calmly.

"I'll lift the curses if you take your friends and leave, Malfoy." The blond started at him wide-eyed while the two boys on the floor waited for his decision. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes." He stated.

"Okay then." And like that he lifted the curses with a flick of his wand and Crabbe and Goyle stood up hastily and stumbled out of the compartment. "And I would appreciate it if you didn't insult my friends in the future, Malfoy." Harry added; Draco's eyes turned into slits as he huffed once again before walking away.

"You really did read ahead on our books, didn't you?" Adrian asked smiling brightly.

"Yeah I did." Harry answered shrugging.

"That was brilliant!" Ron repeated as they sat down on their seats. They only managed to exchange a few words before Hermione returned to their compartment to inform them that they were reaching Hogwarts any moment now. The boys ushered her out so they could change into their black robes, something they had barely managed to do before the announcement to leave their trunks in the train and get ready to disembark sounded from invisible speakers; Harry was fairly certain it was a charm of some sort. Severus had started teaching him how to sense enchantments, but he had only managed to get the basics before the term started. Harry took in a deep breath and descended the few steps that separated him from the platform.

"Firs' years! Firs' years this way!" Hagrid's voice sounded in the distance, calling them all to him. Here we go, Harry thought and followed the Gamekeeper's voice.

Harry took in a deep breath and descended the few steps that separated him from the platform.

"Firs' years! Firs' years this way!" Hagrid's voice sounded in the distance, calling them all to him. Here we go, Harry thought and followed the gatekeeper's voice.

Harry found himself in a boat along with his brother and Ron, following the rest of the students through the lake and towards the majestic castle in the distance; the green eyed wizard found his mind divided between excitement and terror. He repeated to himself that he had nothing to fear, quite unsuccessfully. But he'd be loath to allow his fear to stop him so he simply looked at the castle and tried to breathe. Not an easy task.

The first years were greeted by Professor McGonagall who was looking as strict as ever, her smart eyes looking over the frightened eleven year olds. She led them all to a small room down the hall. It was hard to be awed by the castle, Harry thought as he looked upwards towards the arched ceiling; no place like Hogwarts! Professor McGonagall explained what the Houses were and gave them the main idea of the Sorting Ceremony that was about to begin before leaving them to wait, with a final admonishing to straighten their clothes and look smart, as she put it, her eyes staying a bit on a smudge Ron had on his nose and Neville's cloak. Neville, who had found his toad, Trevor, by then, started to nervously fumble with his cloak while Ron rubbed his nose.

Harry himself had to fight to not fidget or try and straighten down his hair; he only managed to do so when remembering it was part of the glamour spell and any attempts on taming it wouldn't have any effect whatsoever. Not that his unruly hair could be helped otherwise. But when Minerva McGonagall gave you that look, you couldn't help but wondering if there was something you could do to straighten your clothing, or saluting her.

Professor McGonagall returned and asked them to form a line before leading them through a grand door to the Great Hall; there, seated at the four Houses' tables, were the students of the school, illuminated by the light of thousand floating candles. The sky on the enchanted ceiling was the perfect image of the night sky above and, even if Harry knew it was an enchantment, he found himself trying to locate the various constellations, the familiar action soothing his nerves a little. In the far end of the room the green eyed wizard could just discern the black clad figure of Severus Snape. He smiled slightly; whatever happened he would not be alone, not with Sev there.

