
Chapter 49 : The Alchemist's Promise



"Let's make it a morning appointment then; next Saturday at ten?" The alchemist asked.

"Ten would be just fine." Severus agreed as Harry nodded, clutching the book to his chest. Nicholas nodded with a smile; but there was something… Inwardly he sighed; indulging his curiosity had been the main reason why he had chosen to live for that long after all.

"Lovely then; now what do you say Perenelle takes Harry for something to eat while we talk for a while?" Severus looked at the old wizards stonily. "There's just something I've been meaning to ask. Nothing bad, I assure you." Severus nodded and a curious Perenelle escorted and equally confused Harry to the kitchen. Once the door closed, Severus turned to face the old alchemist; this didn't foreshadow well, he imagined.

"How can I be of service?" The potions master asked calmly.

"I just couldn't help but realize a couple of things and I wanted to run them by you." Nicholas stated, clasping his hands behind his back; he started pacing.

"By all means, I'll be glad to listen."

"Firstly, we have established that you're not Harry's father." Nicholas stated as Severus nodded once. "Yet you seem to be with him almost every day?"

"I'm watching over him for his parents, I have already told you so." The potions master stated icily.

"Every day though?" Nicholas asked. "You seem to be in place to make an arrangement for all his Saturdays."

"His parents are away a lot."

"Yes, his parents." Nicholas stated running a finger on the back of a leather book, facing away from Severus. "I suppose Harry has parents, ergo a last name." Severus recoiled at the statement slightly. Of course this would come up sooner or later. And what could he say to that?

"I can assure you that Harry has both parents and a last name." He simply commented. Nicholas chuckled.

"And then there's the other thing I noticed; I was looking at you and Harry this morning and something just felt… off." Severus regarded him coolly as his heart was beating like crazy.


"Yes. The way you looked was just wrong. I'm six hundred years old Severus; I used to pride myself that I can see through any glamour spell but you? You sure pulled a number on me, young man!" The alchemist exclaimed as Severus blanched.

"I would say that I don't know what you're talking about but I'll choose not to insult us both. So instead I'll ask; what are you going to do with that knowledge?" The potions master asked steadying himself.

"Severus, curiosity has always been a trait of mine." Nicholas stated smiling. "I can't help it. I just want to know."

"Very well." Severus started weighing his opportunities. "Harry's last name is Potter; he's the twin brother of the Boy Who Lived." No need to tell him the whole truth, he decided. Harry had to be kept safe. "And yes, we both use glamour spells, but the reason why is private. Having sorted that out, I may not have your experience, but I am a master Occlumence; I'll guard my secrets." Severus stated icily. There.

"I have no doubt you will." Nicholas stated thoughtful. "Harry is a… special young man. He's intelligent, you know he is, he has a will to learn and I'd be damned if I didn't notice his talent. And he's a great boy; he has been raised well. By you mostly I presume." Severus looked at him confused.

"I have lived long enough to keep many secrets Severus; in the beginning I found it hard to do so but now?"

"Now what?"

"I have discovered that the best way to keep a secret is simply to never learn it!" Nicholas stated, laughing at the openly shocked face of the potions master.

"Excuse me?" The potions master asked for the second time in the last ten minutes.

"It's simple, really." The alchemist said. "You don't have to tell me why this disguise is necessary and I will not ask. But I would like you and Harry to feel you don't have to disguise yourselves while in these halls; nobody enters my home without permission and both Perenelle and I have mastered Occlumency centuries ago." Nicholas stated.

"So you're telling me that you won't tell a soul about this?" Severus asked seriously. "Not even Dumbledore?"

"Albus is a friend of mine and an old colleague but I don't see why this should concern him. No, he will hear nothing of this. I'm ready to take the Unbreakable Oath if needed and so will Perenelle once I explain the situation to her." That caught Severus off guard.

"But why?" He asked moving closer to the alchemist. "Why would you do such a thing?" Nicholas chuckled.

"My age has come up a lot during this conversation, but I will bring it up once again; in all my years I have never chosen to teach a single person, Severus." That revelation did come as a small shock to the black clad man.

"Then Harry?"

"Harry as I said has showed an aptitude for alchemy. He wasn't the first person that I have ever met to show such a talent but he was the only one that has showed such a character in so young an age." Nicholas explained. "He's going to do great things, that boy. And I want to help." And at the sincerity of his words, Severus could only smile.

