
Chapter 48 : The Alchemical Apprentice



"Honestly, sir?" Harry asked after a few more minutes of thought.

"As long as you call me Nicholas then yes, an honest answer would be what I seek."

"I had never thought about it but it… Well, it rather scares me." Nicholas's eyes twinkled as a small smile crept on his face.

"Unlimited gold and no fear of dying scares you?" He asked softly. "Many people dream about that their whole lives!"

"Yes but…" Harry began, trying to put his thoughts into words. "All the money in the world can't buy you love. And, if you live forever, how do you deal with what you leave behind? With the people who are left behind too… Did that make any sense?" Harry had tried to think what going on forever could be like. And it was great until he thought of Severus dead, his family gone, even Minnie. Then, it was lonely.

"I've walked this earth for over six centuries, Harry." Nicholas stated in a calm voice and chuckled as Harry's eyes widened. "Yes, six centuries! And I've never gotten an answer to that question that has made more sense than yours." The alchemist stated and approached Harry to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you?" Harry asked confused, his face burning.

"No." Nicholas said with a smile. "Thank you, Harry." The alchemist chuckled once more and then his smiled widened as he reached a decision. "Tell me Harry, would you be interested in learning more about alchemy?" The boy almost forgot how to breathe.

"Really?" He asked in shock. Nicholas nodded. "I would love to!"

"Splendid then!" Nicholas stated as his smile widened. "How about I give you the basics today?" He asked and chuckled again at Harry's vivid nodding; he pulled out his wand and conjured two chairs next to a desk filled with various unknown instruments and motioned Harry to sit, taking a place across him. "First things first Harry; let's talk about the Tria Prima or, as they're otherwise known, the Three Primes…"

The hours went by like a breeze for the alchemist and the green eyed boy and it was only after Perenelle came to knock on the laboratory's door that they realized just how long it had been. Nicholas, who had just finished explaining what the Elemental Deriver was, turned towards the door with a start.

"I see you kept yourselves busy." She commended as Severus simply looked at the unlikely scene unfolding in front of his eyes; the greatest alchemist in history was explaining Harry how a strange alchemical instrument worked.

"We did." Nicholas agreed with a smile. "I suppose it's time for you to leave?" He asked and Severus nodded.

"It's almost eight thirty." The potions master informed them, smiling slightly as Harry's eyes widened. Eight thirty? The boy thought. Whatever had happened to seven thirty?

"In that case…" Nicholas pulled out his wand and summoned an empty parchment and an old one from the bookcase; with swift copying spell, he duplicated the table of what seemed to be three columns of runes and their explanations. He also summoned an old book from one of the top selves. "I want you to take these, Harry, and study them carefully." Harry smiled and nodded, almost glowing once he received the book and scroll.

"Thank you, Nicholas!"

"Excuse me?" Severus asked confused.

"Oh I knew I had forgotten something!" Nicholas commented with a sigh. "Severus, could you indulge an old man, I wonder?"

"What are you up to, Nicholas?" His wife asked, smiling mostly at the boy standing next to her husband.

"Indulge you, Nicholas?" The potions master asked. If this was going where he thought it was…

"From the few minutes we spent together…"

"Over three hours." Perenelle admonished.

"… I noticed that Harry shows an aptitude for my art." Nicholas continued with a smile.

"An aptitude?" Severus asked; he kept as calm as possible on the outside but on the inside he was doing a victory dance.

"Yes. I would like to make it an appointment between the two of us, let's say every Saturday? I would like it very much if I could teach him about alchemy." Nicholas explained as Harry nodded emphatically. Severus smiled proudly, unable to keep that emotion from his face.

"I see no reason why you should not."

"Thank you, Sev!" Harry exclaimed and run to hug the potions master. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Don't mention it, kid." The black clad man stated, ruffling Harry's unruly hair affectionately. Nicholas, who observed the scene fondly, did a double take at the two wizards. Could it really be that simple? And then it was gone, before he could think it through.

