A more powerful, knowledgeable and much better trained Harry -but not Super!Harry, there won't be any suddenly acquired powers here just improvement of a preexisting talent and many years of effort- a differently evolving Severus as I believe he could have been had things turned out differently. After all, you must keep in mind, Lily lives in this story. Yet, you shouldn't expect he will get over his issues that easy. This story is Harry and Severus centered but it's not slash; it's a father/son relationship in every meaning of the word. For the rest? Just read on!
"Is James home yet?" He asked as he sat down on the couch rubbing his eyes.
"No, my parents and Adrian made a last moment stop to Diagon Alley; something they needed for tomorrow's training session but I have no idea what." Remus nodded and sighed tiredly, making the boy's heart constrict. He hated that Remus had to go through that torture every month; he was a great guy and he surely didn't deserve all that suffering. And thinking back on the story he heard of how he came to be a werewolf he felt like tracking that Fenrir character and teaching him a good lesson himself. Maybe he would do that one day.
"I'll just wait then."
"Do you want me to get you something to drink?" The boy asked concerned.
"Some water would be nice." The werewolf admitted.
"Water would be nice but I was thinking of something stronger." Harry said with a smile, making Remus look up at him surprised. "Don't get me wrong Moony but you look like death." The man chuckled mirthlessly but nodded.
"No offence taken." Harry smiled and called Gus, one of the two Potter family house elves and asked for a glass of firewhiskey and a bar of milk chocolate, making Remus chuckle appreciatively. "It's good to see somebody in the Potter household has grasped the importance of chocolate." The amber eyed man stated.
"Remus, if I had learned one thing from you, that would be that everything feels better after a bar of chocolate!" And as if on queue, Gus reappeared with a pop and handed the tired man the required items. Remus sighed and sipped on his drink in silence as Harry sat quietly, giving him time to rest. A few minutes later the flames in the fireplace burned green once more and the black clad professor -Severus still wore black in sake of appearances at school- stepped out the flames. His eyes immediately fell on Harry before darting to the slumped form of Remus on the couch.
"Good afternoon Harry, Lupin." He stated in a monotone voice, the façade of the stern potions master on while a third party was in the room. Remus rose to shake his hand, which Severus did without hesitation. From the three remaining Marauders -Peter Pettigrew was widely treated as dead- the potions master regarded only Remus with respect. Harry had been informed of the prank his father and Sirius had attempted to play on Severus while in school, surprisingly not from the intended victim but from the werewolf himself; Remus had been worried that Severus would treat Harry with prejudice because of the long living feud between him and his father and wanted him to know how it had all started. Harry had swiftly reassured him that prejudice was not an issue and had wisely refrained from revealing any knowledge of the feelings he always suspected Severus held for his mother.
"Good afternoon Severus." Remus greeted the professor with a tired but polite smile. "You have come to pick Harry up I assume?"
"Yes." Severus answered laconically as Remus sat back down on the couch rubbing his tired eyes with a sigh, missing the concerned look that was etched on the black clad man's face. "Are you ready to go, Potter?" he asked instead of commenting.
"Ready professor." Harry offered with a smirk that went unnoticed by the werewolf, carrying out the charade. They bid goodbye to the werewolf and flooed in Severus's office and from there to the castle.
"Lupin looked awful." Severus commented as they stepped out in the large hall.
"First day after the full moon." Harry reminded him. "Unless someone comes up with a more permanent solution than the Wolfsbane, he will look like that for three days each month. Maybe more." Severus had paused on his way to the kitchen -it was pointless to eat in the dinning room where the table was meant to seat more than forty people with ease- and Harry turned to find a determined expression plastered on his face. "Sev…" He started as he regarded the newly ignited fire in the young potions master's eyes.
"You made an excellent point, Harry." He simply stated and left in a fluid motion of his black cape. Harry managed to see him climbing the -admittedly breathtaking- double staircase in the main hall, easily guessing he was heading for the library. There was no force in the world that could compete with a decided Severus Snape, Harry thought shrugging as he continued his way to the kitchen. Something told him he would have to take Severus's dinner to his study that night.
"Good evening master Harry." Minnie greeted him as he entered the kitchen. "Hasn't master Severus arrived with yous, sir?" She asked concerned.
"Oh he has." The boy answered absentmindedly. "He just needed to visit the library first."
"Is everything alright sir?" The house elf asked confused.
"Yes, Minnie." Harry said with a smile. "But I'm afraid I've created a monster."
And that was the reason why, once again, Harry found himself walking to the dungeons, reminding Severus he had to eat to survive. He knocked on the door to the potions lab twice.
"Come on in Harry." Sounded the voice of the potions master. Harry opened the door and smiled fondly at Severus who was brewing a standard Wolfsbane in a cauldron. "Good morning Harry." The older wizard stated distractedly.
"Good morning to you too Sev!" Came the amused greeting from the boy. "You need to shave." He stated as he noticed the stubble on Severus's face. "And eat breakfast while you're at it, before Minnie hunts you down and force feeds you." That seemed to break his concentration.
"I skipped breakfast again didn't I?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.