
Chapter 26 : Silbreith Chronicles



"Where do you find all that energy?" Severus asked feigning astonishment.

"I won, I won, I won, I…" Harry's sing song voice fainted as he took in his surroundings. The hall was larger than he had imagined it to be, the style much similar to Hogwarts, the stained glass windows showering summer light in a room that appeared frozen in the Middle Ages.

"I take you approve?" Severus asked smirking.

"You think?" Was all the answer he got.

"Minnie, Alfie!" The potions' master called, causing two house elves to appear with a loud crackling sound; one was male and one female, both donning what looked like a pillowcase with a coat of arms embodied on the white, clean fabric.

"Master Severus is here! We are happy to receive you sir!" A squeaky voice exclaimed, her owner the female elf called Minnie. Both house elves approached and bowed deeply.

"Harry, these are Minnie and Alfie." Severus introduced them. "Minnie is the head house elf of the castle and Alfie is her husband."

"How many house elves live here?" Harry asked confused as to why a head elf was needed.

"Twelve." Severus offered. "This is a big estate Harry." The potions master reminded the boy who nodded in awed agreement.

"Hello Minnie, Alfie; I'm Harry. Nice to meet you." The boy greeted them politely, causing the two elves to smile and then look confused between him and Severus.

"It's an honor to meet you too, Master Harry." Minnie spoke for both of them once more. "Forgive us for staring Master Harry, but we didn't know Master Severus had a son." Severus's eyes widened in surprise as Harry blushed.

"Harry is not my son, not biologically at least." Severus stated, stressing the biologically part. "Why would you say he's my son though?" Severus wondered, thinking the assumption a long shot and knowing house elves generally tried to assume as less as possible.

"Forgive us, Master Severus." Minnie said hurriedly bowing her head. "But Master Harry looks like you sir; something in his eyes, something in his magic." The elf looked disgruntled. "But if Minnie was wrong, Minnie will…"

"None of that now that I'm the master of this estate Minnie. You are forbidden to punish yourself, understand?" Severus interrupted her, guessing -correctly- what she was about to say.

"Thank you sir; the Master is most kind sir." The female elf said bowing, tears of gratitude in her eyes.

"Besides Minnie, in a way, you were right; Harry is to be treated exactly as my son while he resides inside these halls. Pass the word on to the other elves too." The two house elves nodded.

"Thank you!" Harry exclaimed and threw his arms around Severus. "Dad." He added in a whisper. Severus smiled and ordered the house elves to show Harry the available bedrooms so he could pick the one he liked the most, while he withdrew to the quarters appointed to the head of the Prince, now Snape, line to think.

The words of his house elf rang still in his ears. Something in Harry's magic she had said, and it hadn't been the first time he had heard words like that being uttered. Hadn't Merlin said something similar? Now, Severus knew there was no way a magical adoption could have taken place as the Potters would have had to disown Harry first, something that was highly unlikely to happen. But there was always a different possibility altogether to be considered and Harry had indeed shown a tendency to attract old magic… It was something he would have to look at and what time would be better to start but now?

Now, Severus knew there was no way a magical adoption could have taken place as the Potters would have had to disown Harry first, something that was highly unlikely to happen. But there was always a different possibility to be considered altogether and Harry had indeed shown a tendency to attract old magic… It was something he would have to look at and what time would be better to start but now?

Harry was pacing the floors of his new home -and it was home indeed, for he could no longer deny where his heart felt it found its haven- looking around in awe. Sev had always managed to surprise him, but the seven year old wizard, despite his vivid imagination, had not seen that one coming; a castle, really! And to add to that, a castle that used to be a keep, the headquarters of a family of warriors that once upon a time, a long, long time ago, led their armies into battles against goblins and dueling kingdoms.

It didn't take more than that for Harry's mind to start producing images of a time long gone as he run through corridors and pathways, pretending to be a knight or a great warlock on a mission. With no fear of getting lost -Minnie had said all he needed to do was call for her before she went off to supervise the lunch preparations and an apparent renovation at the west tower- he climbed up and down stairs and run through galleries, a great line of Severus' ancestors and prominent figures of the magical world looking over him, smiling from their portraits. It had been a shared opinion amongst them that the boy's appearance had brought a new lease of life inside these halls and to their master as well.

Harry must have been walking around for a full hour before he came upon a set of great, double wooden doors. They reached all the way up to the ceiling and Harry couldn't help himself -he did have a curiosity streak after all and Severus hadn't said he was disallowed from entering any rooms in the castle. And those doors reaching all the way to the ceiling were unbelievably inviting… With a sigh and a soft smile he made up his mind.

