
Chapter 105 : The Secret of the Chamber



"We don't want to get caught here, trust me." Ron countered and they moved to leave; but it was not to be. The feast must have ended for the whole student body seemed to leave the Great Hall and flood the corridor. Harry dared to peek behind the tapestry when the voices got closer and, once realizing a group of students -all standing on their toes, some even jumping up and down, trying to see what was going on- was positioned right in front of him, he slid out from his hiding place and mingled with the student body. He managed to make his way to his Housemates, his mind heavy with thoughts. He wanted to visit Severus immediately, to tell him everything that had happened, but he knew leaving the Gryffindor tower that night, even under an invisibility cloak, would be dangerous; there were bound to be extra security measures and the potions master would most probably be patrolling the grounds.

Adrian, Ron and Hermione had been all but questioned about being found in the vicinity of the incident and Harry felt guilty for not saying he was there first; but how could he even begin to explain he had followed a voice there? That was the same reason he decided not to visit Severus after all; the potions master gave him a few strange glances during their potions lessons but Harry, though admitting something was bothering him, opted on not clarifying what it was before examining the subject further himself.

Adrian was being avoided -for the first time ever- from some students but was trying not to think about it too much. Instead of dealing with those students, he chose to group closer with Ron and Hermione and the sight of those three whispering at the Common Room was a daily occurrence. Harry, feeling he couldn't take on worrying about them too, tried to procure a copy of Hogwarts a History but all the books available had been already taken from the library and the wait list was two weeks long.

But where else could he find out what the Chamber of Secrets was? He could of course ask Severus, but Harry wanted to approach him with another idea than being crazy and hearing homicidal voices. His questions on the subject were answered, surprisingly, by Professor Binns. Apparently, the Chamber of Secrets was built by Salazar Slytherin himself and it contained a terrible monster bend on ridding the school of Muggleborns and Squibs. Harry's mood couldn't get much worse. Between studying, trying to find evidence that no, he wasn't crazy, and Quidditch practice, he had started sympathizing with the spiders he one day found fleeing the castle.

As the days drew nearer and nearer to the first Quidditch match of the season, Harry's nerves were close to snapping. Lessons with Lockhart had been a nightmare; not keen on bringing any more live creatures in his class, he was happy to read passages from his books and reenact some scenes; usually it was Adrian he chose for said reenactment but, when his brother refused to play the werewolf, Harry was pleased to see Lockhart pale and lose that infuriating smile of his at the boy's far-too-real-for-comfort howl.

Neville -with whom Harry had been getting to spend more time with- had congratulated him while trying to stifle his laughter in his fist as he returned to their shared desk. They mostly sat together at class lately and Harry had been proud to say that his new friend had been tentatively getting out of his shell. It felt good to have a friend that he could call his own in midst of everything that was happening at Hogwarts -and in his head.

And things only took a turn for the worse when, a day before the Quidditch match, Alicia Spinnet was injured falling down the stairs; the girl swore she couldn't remember tripping but with a huge bump on her head and a slight concussion, it wasn't unexpected. What also wasn't unexpected was that Madam Pomfrey had forbidden her to play Quidditch the next day. Adrian took her place instead and Harry had to practically force feed him that night. He tried to calm him down, reminding him that their parents would be there for the match but that only succeeded in terrorizing him even more. No matter what Harry said, he couldn't shake his brother's crazy idea that Sirius and James would never allow him to live it down if they lost tomorrow.

Harry was staring at the curtains of his bed that night unable to sleep that night. Despite his many worries, the game was what stuck out most at the moment and Harry found himself tossing and turning on his bed. Any further thoughts he might have had on the subject were brought to a standstill when his brother's startled voice echoed in the room. At first, Harry supposed it was a nightmare but was about to check on Adrian anyway when he head him talk.

"What are you doing here, Dobby?" Dobby? Harry thought confused.

"Dobby has come to warn you sir." The voice answered; Harry had heard many of his species speak before and he knew without a doubt that his brother was talking to a house elf; Adrian's face as he looked at the elves in the kitchens flew to his mind. So he knew this house elf? From where?

"Warn me of what?" Adrian whispered.

"Adrian Potter should not have returned to Hogwarts, sir! Dobby had hoped that when Adrian Potter couldn't board the train…"

"How do you know about… It was you! You stopped us from boarding the train!" Adrian accused the house elf silently. Someone -Neville judging from the spot where the sound originated from- snored loudly and the conversation between the unlikely pair became even more hushed; somehow, Harry had no problem listening to them.

"Dobby ironed his hands afterwards as a punishment, sir." The elf stated piteously and Harry shook his head resigned; it was truly hard to stay mad at a house elf for long.

"You can't keep me away from Hogwarts Dobby, I told you so." So this Dobby was trying to keep him away from the school? Why?

"Terrible things are happening in Hogwarts, sir. Dobby wants only what's best for you, sir. And now that the Chamber is opened again…" A gasp was heard and Harry wasn't certain whether it was Adrian or the house elf that produced it.

"The Chamber had been opened before?" Adrian asked eagerly. Nice question there, Harry thought as he moved closer to his curtains, trying to catch every word that might come from the elf.

"Dobby shouldn't say… bad Dobby!" And then a few thuds were heard along with his brother's whispered protests that clearly showed Dobby was punishing himself.

"Stop Dobby, it's an order!" Even if Adrian wasn't the elf's master, the direct order was obviously enough to prevent the elf of causing extended damage to himself.

"Adrian Potter must leave Hogwarts sir, or terrible things will happen, sir." Yes, we got it, terrible things will happen, care to elaborate? Harry thought anxiously.

"My brother and friends are here Dobby and one of them is Muggleborn; I can't leave them and go!" The house elf was sent in a delirious speech of Adrian's greatness and his chivalrous heart while the hazel eyed Potter tried to convince him into saying what he knew of the Chamber. Unfortunately, their increasing in volume conversation woke somebody up.

"Watsup?" A groggy voice sounded from the other side of the room before a soft cracking noise announced the house elf leaving.

"Ron, you won't believe what happened again!" Adrian whispered to his redhead friend; Harry had the fleeting suspicion he would have to fly tomorrow with only a few hours of sleep. He was right.

