
Chapter 53

"Fred, George, here!" Lee Jordan said as he waved at the twins who had just entered the hall. "You are finally willing to show up."

"Why are you all here?" George said after he sat down next to Lee and greeted the others.

"Why can't we be here?" Lee Jordan said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes at the two of them. "Its supper time. Where else are we must eat?"

"Fair enough. Can you pass the grilled courgettes and aubergines please?" Fred said as he loaded his plate with pork bangers and a wide range of vegetables. "Thank you. What did you guys do in Defence against the Dark Arts?"

"We went over the main content from the last lesson and learned the basics about Lethifolds and the rest of the lesson. They tested us on the charm from the last lesson," Angelina responded in a grumpy tone. "I heard because of you two, we lost Gryffindor 30 points and poor Albert earned them all back by answering all the questions. You should have seen the death stares the Ravenclaw gave him."

Fred put his fork downed and stared at Angelina, and murmured, "We only lost twenty points."

"Professor Binns deducted ten points due to you two not being in his lesson in the afternoon," Albert said as he raised his head to look at the twins. "Where were you two during lesson time?"

Fred and George looked at each other, smiling. At the same time, they said, "Secret."

"Oh yeah, before I forget," Lee Jordan said as he put his spoon down and look at the Weasley brothers. "Filch told me to tell you that your punishment will begin tomorrow night. He expects you to be waiting outside the trophy room by sundown."

"You don't need to wash the chamber pot anymore. This time, shine the trophies until you can see your face in it and it doesn't crack," Albert said as he wiped the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief. "By the way, I met William not too long ago. It appeared he had just finished washing the chamber pot in the school infirmary."

"Please don't speak about such vulgar topic when in the presence of food," Shannon said as she glanced at Albert with an angry look. "That will ruin everyone's appetite."

"I remember we have astronomy in the evening," Alicia said as she changed the subject. "Have any of you ben to the Astronomy Tower? Lee?"

"No, I haven't," Lee Jordan said as he shook his head. "Does anyone here know what time class starts?"

"Half-past nine, if I remember correctly," Albert said as he got his timetable out and quickly skimmed it. "Astronomy... where is it? Found it! Nine-thirty."

"Why is it so late?" Angelina said as she also got out her timetable her backpack and glanced at it. It really was that late. For your information, curfew begins at eleven o'clock.

"Don't worry, we visited the Astronomy Tower after lunch," Fred said.

"That's great!" Albert said as he nodded at the Fred's response. "You will show everyone how to get there. Don't forget to bring your telescopes. By the way, here are my notes for Defence Against the Dark Arts and History."

Albert took out two stacks of notes from his schoolbag and placed them on the table.

"I'll copy it first!" Lee Jordan said as he reached out for the notes.

"We can copy one subject, and copy the other one later," George said as the twins moved faster than Lee Jordan.

"Be more civilised when taking a seat at the dining table. Anyway, how is your essay for Charms and Transfiguration looking and have you finished learning the spell? Both of them are due in tomorrow," Alicia said as she swept the twins an unfriendly glare. "My match has not changed too much when compared to what I did in the lesson."

"I can do them, but not that well. By the way, I almost forgot the spell from Defence Against the Dark Arts today. Shannon, how are your two spells going?" Angelina said with a frustrated grunt at the end. She was angry at herself for not being more proactive and try practicing the spell in her free time. She only did the bare minimum in class and no she was falling behind compared to her friends.

"I've only got Lumos down," Shannon said. She has been practicing Wand Lighting Charm diligently since Albert helped her, and she barely mastered it.

"Don't worry about it too much," Albert said, as he comforted Shannon. "Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick should leave us time to practise in class. And you'll have their help."

"Albert doesn't need to worry about practicing spells. He just needs to do the essays. It's enviable," Fred said.

Albert rolled his eyes when he heard what Fred said.

"What about you?" George asked the other roommate.

"Well, Lumos almost down to the tee however Transfiguration is a while other ball game," Lee Jordan said.

"What? Lee? When did you master the Wand Lighting Charm?" Fred asked while he and George looked at their roommates in surprise. Fred and George were surprised. They were at similar stages in their mastery of spells, but Lee was now ahead of them.

"The past two days. Lumos was quite easy and did that quickly with Albert's help bit even with Albert's help, I can't get Transfiguration down," Lee Jordan said.

"Looks like everyone but Albert struggled with Transfiguration, then?" Alicia said. When she said that, the tiny friend group looked up at Albert and showed him their best attempts at puppy-doll eyes.

Albert was a little shocked at their reaction.

"Can you, like, teach everyone here?" Fred asked as he put his arm around Albert's neck. "Are there any shortcuts that you could teach so we can learn it faster?"

"There are no shortcuts. You only need to practise is until it becomes second nature to you," Albert said with a helpless look. "Professor McGonagall also said visualisation is important so you could try to image it better in your head before doing it"


Just before eight in the evening, the tiny friend group gathered in the Great Hall, and decided they were going to practice Lumos and Mutare Metallium together.

When they got there, they found everyone didn't have a matchstick, so George up to ask the professor in the Great Hall for some. Lucky for them, the school had restocked their teaching supplies in the Great Hall yesterday.

Professor McGonagall said that transfiguration is a hard discipline of magic to learn, and most of them concluded that they wouldn't be able to succeed before going to Astronomy class. They have been here practicing for about one hour and ten minutes.

"Why is it so difficult? It's not rocket science, isn't it?" Shannon complained.

"Well magic is a branch of science that we have yet to understand, so it might be classed as rocket science," Albert said.

When a girl walked by, and she heard a few complaints, so she stayed to join the conversation. "Transfiguration itself is not that hard. It's just that people our age don't want to spend a long time on one thing and easily get distracted. If you focus more on the spell and visualise it, it will become easier to do. And as you get older, it's easier for people to block out distractions and therefore Transfiguration becomes just that little easier."

"Good evening, Katrina. Why are you leaving so soon? We have fifteen minutes before astrology starts," Albert said.

"I'm going to the toilet first. I left early so I won't be late," Katrina said.

"Then see you in the next lesson. Bye," Albert said.

"Bye," Katrina said before walking away.

"I hope our astrology class isn't with Ravenclaw," Angelina murmured. she didn't like those bookworms that much.

"Some people in Ravenclaw are weird, but our Astrology class is with Hufflepuff." Alicia said. "Shouldn't we be leaving now, otherwise we'll be late?"