They crowded the Gryffindor common room with student after lunch. Most people were sitting and chatting while some were playing games like exploding snap and gobblestone. Because of limited sitting arrangement, some students were sitting on the floor while some were sitting on the armrest and tables.
Albert had no intention of staying here for too long. He posted the timetables of the first and second years on the notice board with some pictures he took today. He placed his camera and stuff he didn't need, which wasn't much, in his room before leaving for the library.
Currently, there were no students in the library, and not even Ravenclaw. Only Madam Pince, the librarian, was there. She is sitting alone behind the counter reading a book. As Albert walked toward the counter, Madam Pince got up in surprise and went to the counter.
"I assume you have read the rules of the library before entering, yes?" she said as she waited for Albert to nod before resuming. "Then how may I be of help to you today?"
"I am looking for books on the Disillusionment Charm and any other spells that have similar effects. Do you know where to find them?" Albert asked nervously.
"Little trouble maker, you are. Head towards Area C, Bookshelf 5. Don't worry, kid, I don't have to tell anyone what books students are checking out, so you are fine to learn that. But don't make too much noise," Madam Pince said.
"Thank you," Albert said as he headed off to find Area C, Bookshelf 5.
As he walked down the aisle, the musty scent of old books greeted him and he took a deep breath, relishing a familiar scent. The room was dim, the only light coming from the tall windows that allowed the light shower to beat against the glass. Albert made his way to Area C Bookshelf 5, his eyes scanning the titles across the long shelf as he searched for the one he needed.
He found some books that caught his attention like 'Charms, Jinxes and Hexes created in the Eighteenth Century'. He opened the book to find thirty-three spells created in the Eighteenth century with how to cast them, how they were invented and its effect on society. It was a very useful book, but not the one he wanted. However, he found a book called 'The Greatest Charms, Jinxes and Hexes to be Created'. It mentioned the Disillusionment charm, but not how to cast it.
He almost gave up hope until he finally he found it: 'Disillusionment Charm and Co. The basic for any Aspiring Aurors'. He pulled the book from the shelf and flipped through the pages, briefly scanning the instructions and diagram. As he held the book, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. At that moment, he heard a familiar chime ring in his head twice. The system had generated two new missions. They read:
{The Great Library of Hogwarts-ia:
One of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world was the Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt. The Library was part of a larger research institution called the Museion, which was dedicated to the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts. The Library flourished under the patronage of the Ptolemaic dynasty and functioned as a major center of learning in similar fashion to Hogwarts Library. Hogwarts contains books from many fallen noble households and were obscure branches of magic that have been lost in passaging time. Your mission is to read one hundred books that are at least one inch thick.
Mission Progress: 0 / 100
Reward: Three random spells upgraded to level 3 }
{The Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge:
Poverty and the things we lack in our world began in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. The fruit, which grew on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, was the catalyst for the fall of man. They created the original sin: the greed for knowledge beyond what they could comprehend. Your mission is to persuade five professors to allow you to borrow one book each from the Restricted Section.
Mission Progress: 0 / 5
Reward: Access to five books from the Restricted Section; One skill leveled up }
"Both missions will be time consuming," Albert whispered. He looked over to see Madam Pince staring at him to tell him to be quiet. Albert was panicking. How could he read one hundred books the same thickness as his pinky finger? He was lucky, considering both missions did not have time limits. He thinks he could finish the first mission within three years before the whole basilisk ordeal. The second mission was nearly impossible. It was hard enough to get one signed permission slip, excluding Professor Lockhart, but to get five, he had better chances of making Snape like Harry Potter than completing that. However, the reward for both missions makes it worth it.
After finishing understanding what the missions entailed, Albert held the book in his and found a table to sit at. He discovered the fact chameleons can camouflage with its surroundings inspired the creation of the Disillusionment Charm. The spell creates a find veil of magic to cover the caster and then refracts lights depending on the light intensity to create a pseudo invisibility spell. It is hard to spot but easy to find as it doesn't hide the noise, smell, or heat. Looks like he has to find individual spells to fix that problem. Suddenly, he heard a book hit the fall. He looked up to see the same red-head Ravenclaw from the Great Hall at breakfast. She silently mouthed "sorry" and went about her day.
Albert took this as a cue and decided to leave the library. He took the book to Madam Pince and before he forgot, asked her where he could find the 'Guide to the Art of Potion Making for Beginners'. He retrieved it and signed the books out. After saying goodbye, he left the library. He walked towards the intersection to go up the stairs when he saw the twins and Lee Jordan run up to him. He waited for them to reach him and catch their breath.
"Where have you guys been?" Albert asked, as he looked at the tired boys in front of him. "You look like a pack of dogs have chased you for an hour. Once we get back to the dorms, you guys are having a shower."
"Guess what? Guess what?" George said.
"It doesn't matter. We went through the passage behind the mirror," Fred said.
"The one on the fifth floor. You'll never guess where it leads," Lee said as he waited for Albert to answer. Seeing as he didn't, the three boys looked at each other before saying in unison, "HOGSMEADE"
"Hogsmeade?" Albert looked confused.
"Yeah, the path leads to Hogsmeade," Lee Jorden reiterated.
"And you spent the whole time there?" Albert asked.
"Nah mate, you should have seen how long the path was," George said.
"It took us one hour to get through and another to get back. We only spend half an hour there," Fred said.
"So what did you do while we were gone?" Lee Jorden asked.
"I got these two bad boys from the library," he said as he showed them the cover of the two books. He explained one is the book Snape recommended, and the other contains the Disillusionment Charm.
"You found it?" George asked.
"Yes, I did," Albert said in a sassy tone.
"Looks like it's been a productive for all of us," Fred said.
"Though I have to warn you. Looking over the spell, it looks hard to cast. Anyway, let's get back to the dorm and you three into the shower." Albert said as he walks to the Gryffindor common room.