
Chapter 18

It was a real shame that most of the witches and wizards could not appreciate the sight of Hogwarts castle. It was a full moon today and the chilly rain pouring made the children's spine tingle.

"Why do we have to take a boat to get to Hogwarts while the others take carriages?" Albert asked as he look at the other three. They were shivering and their teeth continued to chatter in the frigid atmosphere.

"No idea. I'm just cold. And wet," Lee Jorden said, trying to warm himself up.

"Us too. It's so fricking cold!" The twins said in unison. They hugged each other, trying to warm themself so they don't freeze to death.

Albert could only shake his head in disappointment at how ill-informed they were. Albert then answered his own question. "This is actually the same route the founders took when they first found Hogwarts. Why four people to a boat when there's clearly room to fit too more? Well, my friends, it is to symbolise the four founders themself. It is a tradition that has been handed down to us since the first generation of students at Hogwarts. And also, the view here is absolutely stunning."

"Nice to know," Lee said while being pre-occupied with the view.

"Be careful of your heads. Duck!" the giant bellowed. All the first years ducked. The small boat carried them across the lake and came to a halt at the docks. The first years quickly got off the boats.

"I'm so wet. I hate the rain," one of the twins said as the other sneezed.

"How did you do it? Why aren't you wet like the rest of us?" Lee Jorden said as he compared his state to Albert's.

"A simple Water Repelling Charm and a Warming Charm." Albert said without giving it too much thought.

"Righty all. Follow me. Keep to the path." The giant said as he lifted his oil lamp and gestured to the children to follow him. The first years travelled along a grey cobble-stoned path until they reached the front foyer before the Hogwarts gate. They made their way up the stone stair and followed the giant through the well lit corridors until they reached a large oak door.

A witch wearing emerald robes came out of those doors and stood in front of the children. She started to count to make sure all the first years arrived.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I'll take over from here." The witch said to the giant and then she turned to the children and cast a wide | scourgify | to make the children look presentable. "For those who do not know. I am Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor. I would officially like to say 'Welcome to Hogwarts'. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, we will sort you into your houses. The sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. Now come along, children. We do not have too much time to spare."

The children promptly followed Professor McGonagall into the Great Hall. Albert and his group fell behind the crowd as Albert took time to admire his surroundings.

"Quickly," Fred said as he grabbed Albert's hand and pulled him along. He then asked, "What were you looking at that made you stop in the middle of this crowd like a statue?"

"I was thinking about the lamps there." Albert said, as he pointed to the lamps dotted around the Great Hall. They produced no smoke and were all the same colour. "Do you think that's a magical flame or an ordinary one? And how do you tell?"

I left Fred speechless. Who would think of that at this very moment? He was very certain that Albert would be sorted into Ravenclaw. Albert, however, was looking at the prompt that appeared right in front of him. It read:

{Key Location: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Mission Title: I'm Dora the Explorer

Hogwarts castle is a large, eight-storey building infused with magic. It has one hundred and forty-two staircases, throughout its many towers and turrets and very deep dungeons. Under the combined watch of the four founders: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin, they built the castle.. There are countless secret hidden between these walls and as an explorer, it is your mission to find them all. Your rewards are determined by how much of Hogwarts you have discovered.

Current Progress: 1 %

Rewards: 1,000 - 100,000 Experience points, 1 - 10 Skill points}

"Oh. My. God." Albert couldn't help but let out. He was astonished. This is definitely the best mission it has issued him. But it seemed that the system was forcing him to become a night wanderer. As the system has issued Albert this mission, he has put mastering the Disillusionment Charm near the top of his list.

Professor McGonagall broke away from the crowd and went to the head table. She then fetched a stool and a dusty old hat. She then got out her wand and cast | Sonorus |

"Quiet down everybody. The sorting ceremony will commence in a few minutes." Professor McGonagall said as the hall quietened down. The hat then jumped out of the hand and sat on the stool. The hat just broke into song.

[One thousand years ago, this story starts

There were four sorcerers with strong and kind hearts

Bold Gryffindor from wild moor

Fair Ravenclaw from glen

Sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad

Shrewd Slytherin from fen

They had a dream to teach all that they knew

Witches and wizards came far, and it grew

'Til a castle stood tall by the shores of a lake

And a thousand years later, the magic remains

Brave Godric Gryffindor favoured the strong

Those who had courage and knew right from wrong

And Rowena Ravenclaw taught only the best

So kind Helga Hufflepuff would teach all the rest

But Salazar Slytherin had his own plans

He thought the Muggle-born didn't understand

The subtleties of magic and so he devised

The Chamber of Secrets with a monster inside

Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sings me a song

Speak in my head, tell me where I belong. ]

The hall broke into an applause that lasted for a minute. Then Professor McGonagall re-cast |Sonorus|. "Right then, children. Settle down. Thank you Sorting hat for that wonderful introduction. Now, when I call your name, you will walk here and sit on the stool. The Sorting hat will decide which house you belong to." She then turned around to fetch a list of all the first years, sorted alphabetically by surname.

While this was happening, the first years broke into a conversation.

"Are you not nervous?" A girl asked Albert. She was the one that Albert stopped from slipping over.

"No. Not Really. As long as I'm not sorted into Slytherin, I'll be happy."