
CH 38: A Great Plan For Hermione

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

"Did she now?" I murmured, already running a couple of alternative scenarios based on that change. I was planning to tease her with another dream sequence, but with such a good opportunity, it would be a pity not to move to the next stage of the plan. The fake dreams were fun, but only in the way a snack was delicious, but ultimately unsatisfying compared to the full meal of a real conquest. "Do you know where she is?"







"Yes, young master," Kreacher answered before describing the usual path she took for her midnight walks, another facet to his competence.

"Thanks, Kreacher," said before apparating away, apparating a few hundred meters away from the path he had described, not wanting to alarm her with the distinctive sound of it. Kreacher's information turned out to be accurate, as I managed to find her in less than a minute, not even needing to cast a spell.

I would have liked to say my heart boomed with excitement as soon as my eyes met with her figure, or at least my pants become uncomfortably tight with anticipation, but that would have been an exaggeration. She was dressed boringly, a skirt that reached to her ankles, flowing wide, accompanied by an equally loose blouse. Even the color was uninspired, a boring brown, adding insult to the injury. I couldn't wait until dragging her along to a shopping expedition, putting her figure in clothes that would give justification to her traits. It promised to be fun both for the moment and for its aftermath.

Under the cover of the invisibility cloak, the opportunity to tease her was too tempting to ignore. I carefully sneaked behind her so she wouldn't see the flash of the spell, and hit her with a strong compulsion. She stopped with an unexpected shudder, then looked around searchingly for someone, but the park was empty. Even with that, she looked like she was about to walk away, but a bench caught her attention. She carefully examined her surroundings once more even as a blush crept to her cheeks, then walked towards the bench with most concealment with rapid steps.

She sat down, her hands already caressing her breasts over her blouse, showing the spell already starting to work. Normally, it was very hard to make people act through compulsions, especially strong-willed people like Hermione, but there was a couple of factors that slanted the equation to my favor. She was annoyed and frustrated, creating a fertile ground for the spell to latch. More importantly, she was quite sure that she was alone, meaning she didn't have the slightest suspicion for a case of foul play.

It was tempting to watch her as she tried to build up confidence for a public act of masturbation, but I needed to hurry up if I wanted to set the other players before she finished. I cast another spell on her, this one to reduce her situational awareness, and teleported away.

I appeared in one of the snatcher centers, where Voldemort's cannon fodder rested between the missions where they hunted for the people that triggered the taboo on his name. A rapid rain of imperiuses later, all four men that were hanging in the lobby were under my tight control.

I walked in the detention center, casting a few spells to change the environment to a shape that would suit my needs better, not to mention preventing other detainees to perceive what would go there minutes later. Then, I created a portkey and ordered them to hold on, not wanting to test their ability to apparate while under magical control. Also, they were under strict orders to keep silent, not to alert Hermione with our arrival, before my order. After a twisting pull in my guts, we were once again near Hermione, this time walking on the same path she took minutes earlier. The same path that would bring in front of the bench she was currently occupying.

I was glad that the men I brought was already under magical control, and slated to lose the night's memories after the plan was over. After all, I was a possessive bastard, and wanted to be the only one that saw the image of Hermione with her skirt bunched around her waist and her panties around her ankles, her fingers teasing her knob rapidly for an orgasm that proved too stubborn to arrive.

"Begin," I whispered, initiating them to follow the earlier orders they had received. The snatchers started walking down the street, laughing and cheering like a bunch of drunk hooligans, the only difference is that they were wearing robes instead of football shirts.

The expression on Hermione's face was delicious as their commotion had broken through the spells I cast to keep her unaware. She was frozen with indecision as she found herself in a compromising position in front of four strangers, and the robes they were wearing, marking them as wizards, didn't make things any easier. Her hand froze midway, trying to decide between pulling her panties and reaching for her wand.

That indecision cost her the only chance she had as the snatchers noticed her presence, triggering the next part of my orders. One of the snatchers pulled his wand at her sight. "Look, a muggle whore," he exclaimed, followed by a petrification spell, clumsily cast. But even if it was clumsy and weak, I expected it to hit and incapacitate her.

Things worked differently than I envisioned. Even when caught flatfooted by the sudden turn of events, she managed to dodge the attack by leaning on the side, grabbing her wand simultaneously. At that moment, I thought that my plan had been screwed. She was going to apparate out, screwing up my efforts. But, surprisingly, a stunner left her wand instead, downing one of her attackers.

I let out a relaxed sigh as I raised my wand. Even against one to three, and with her panties around her ankles to impede her mobility, I wasn't willing to bet for three deadbeats against her. I took aim, and a disarming hex left my wand at the same time another stunner left hers. The spell was already in halfway and when she noticed it. She tried to dodge, but her panties delayed her enough to keep her on the path of the spell. Even then, she managed to raise a shield, impressively strong considering split second she had to concentrate, but it wasn't a match to a spell from the Elder Wand. The red light broke through the barrier, and her wand flew away, and a follow-up spell wrapped her in conjured ropes, deliciously helpless.

Still, it was impressive that she said nothing as her attackers circled around her, brainstorming explicitly about the naughty thing they would do to punish the uppity mudblood. It didn't need a mention that they couldn't actually do anything. She was my reward, and even these drones with their mind under the domination of my magic weren't allowed to touch her. They continued to follow my orders and put the other portkey on her, teleporting her to the cell I had prepared earlier. I was about to apparate after picking up her wand when I noticed another thing she inadvertently left. Her panties. I put them on my pocket as well before apparating back to the corridor.

I watched as the snatcher left her, still talking about all the fun things they were about to do to her after finishing the paperwork. I waited in the cell, still under the cover of the invisibility cloak, watching as her brave face collapsed into panic and worry when she thought she was free of observers.