
HP: Restore the glory of the Black family

The birth of the savior gradually dispersed the black fog enveloping London's sky, and the infamous Dark Lord actually lost to a child. The Ministry of Magic also began to reap the fruits of victory. Pureblood families avoided trial by claiming they were under the Imperius Curse, but they still paid a high price. The Black family had been pureblood for thousands of years, yet only Sirius remained in Azkaban. At the Ministry of Magic's trial meeting, Fudge attempted to claim the Black inheritance, stating that the Black family had no heirs. "Who said the Black family has no one?" Cottrell Black emerged, and the third son of the Black family returned from abroad. Cole said, as long as I am here, the Black family will not die. The glory of Black will once again shine in the wizarding world. Original: 霍格沃茨:重振布莱克家族荣光 Author: Seven Is Lucky *Denial of responsibility* Except for the translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to remove it, please leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translated it. More chapters at pat reon.com/Palachada

Palachada · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1. Sirius's Trial. The Black Family: Who Remains?

In 1982, as London was shrouded in fog and the economic crisis hurried citizens along their way, the city streets buzzed with rushing passersby.

Among them, gentlemen in strict suits and ties, oblivious to the unusual characters surrounding them.

Occasionally, wizards in robes would pass through the crowd, casting cautious glances around and not allowing themselves a hint of a smile.

One by one, they disappeared into phone booths, like gates to another world, and did not return.

If someone were watching, they would have noticed that at least a hundred people had entered the small booth.

In the heart of London, where the British Ministry of Magic is located, something important was to happen today.

In the Ministry's underground, a multitude of wizards gathered, and here, within the safety of its walls, they could finally speak freely.

"That man is dead, and we no longer have to hide."

"Yes, I will go to my aunt in Bulgaria and bring back my family."

Contained joy shone in their eyes as they looked towards the Tribunal Hall of the Ministry of Magic.

In the courtroom, Cornelius Fudge, the new Minister of Magic, radiated enthusiasm. He glanced sideways at Barty Crouch, sitting not far away.

"If it weren't for his son's deed, he might be the one standing in my place," Fudge thought to himself.

His gaze then shifted to Dumbledore - the only legendary white wizard in the magical world.

At that moment, Dumbledore, dressed in a gray robe, looked through a veil of sadness. This struck Fudge, knowing Dumbledore had just smiled in the face of danger threatening the Ministry.

"Please, quiet!" Fudge banged the gavel on the table, calling the gathered magic experts to order.

He didn't say a word, but pride washed over him, seeing the greatest wizards of the world silenced. Though he knew most of them were just showing respect to Dumbledore beside him, Fudge knew he owed his position to this great wizard's support.

"Mr. Lucius Malfoy, do you claim to have been under the Imperius Curse cast by an unknown wizard, and therefore served him?"

The eyes of the assembled wizards were fixed on the blond below, with many showing contempt.

Lucius clenched his wand. The Malfoy family must not fall by his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Minister, it was the shameful influence of the Dark Lord that subjugated me to his will," Lucius stated with dignity, maintaining the tone of a pure-blood noble even now.

Laughter and jeers echoed from the stands, but Lucius's expression remained unchanged, thinking to himself, "Ah, if only they knew what I know about their secrets..."

Fudge smiled, saying nothing, quietly watching Lucius. He had heard such defenses many times before.

Lucius touched the ring on his finger, knowing in his heart that without sacrifices today, he would not pass this test. He did not want to spend the rest of his days in Azkaban.

"Minister, gentlemen of the jury, the Malfoy family is willing to donate one hundred thousand gold galleons for the reconstruction of the Ministry of Magic."

Fudge nodded, satisfied. One hundred thousand galleons was a significant amount, considering his modest salary of four hundred galleons a month.

"These pure-blood aristocrats, indeed, possess wealth," he thought to himself, already planning how to use these funds.

Lucius signaled a wizard he had befriended in the crowd.

"Minister, everyone knows the atrocities of the Dark Lord. Many obeyed his orders because of the Imperius Curse. We cannot simply judge them."

"Yes, respected Minister Fudge, the magical world can't afford more upheavals."

These words of threat and agreement made Fudge frown. He knew he could not ignore the influence of these pure-blood aristocrats, even as a newly appointed minister.

Seeing Dumbledore remaining silent, Fudge declared: "It is hereby announced that Lucius Malfoy was under the Imperius Curse and is found not guilty."

When the gavel fell, Lucius breathed a sigh of relief. The price for freedom was high, but the Malfoys emerged from this situation without losing face.

Lucius exchanged looks with his wife holding their son, a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes, and he headed towards the exit.

Fudge shook his head indifferently, readying for the next case of the day.

"Everyone knows that Sirius Black betrayed the Potters and committed an abominable crime. The Ministry of Magic has decided to immediately send Sirius to Azkaban."

Fudge's voice echoed through the magical trumpet, and Dumbledore suddenly stirred.

Sirius, the only Gryffindor in the Black family, was now off track.

Dumbledore couldn't hide his sorrow for this former student.

"Bellatrix Lestrange's use of the Unforgivable Curses on the Longbottoms was an abominable crime, and she is sentenced to life in Azkaban."

After this decision, everyone understood: the Black family, one of the oldest in the magical world, was on the brink of extinction.

The remaining heirs of the Black family, Bella and Narcissa, had married off and lost their inheritance rights.

Sirius was sent to Azkaban, Regulus Arcturus Black disappeared, and it seemed the family, enduring for millennia, had no direct descendants left.

But they were little concerned about the fate of the Black family; they were only interested in potential benefits.


all, the Blacks had numerous assets in the UK: stores on Diagon Alley, many manors in the magical world - all these represented shining gold galleons.

Despite the Blacks' connections with many of them, now, who wouldn't want to bite off a piece of their wealth?

"Since there are no heirs in the Black family, the Black family's stores and estates will be managed by the Ministry of Magic, and the annual income will be sent to the Black family's old residence," Fudge declared grandly, feeling thrilled. Who knows whether the funds will reach their intended destination?

Though wizards from leading families silently disapproved, secretly considering Fudge greedy, they had just survived the crisis with the mysterious wizard and, looking at Dumbledore beside him, dared not object.

Preparing to strike the gavel, Fudge was stopped.

"Who said there's no one left in the Black family?"

A wizard with black hair and golden eyes entered the hall.

Everyone stared at this aristocratic wizard with curiosity. Even without knowing the name, every pure-blood wizard could guess: this was one of their own.

With shoulder-length black hair, a handsome face, and a slight smile on his lips, anyone who saw him would be captivated.

Anger welled up in Fudge's heart. As a newly appointed minister, he would not allow anyone to challenge him, except of course, the person next to him.

"Who are you and who let you in?"

"Cottrell Black, Minister Fudge. And, as you can imagine, the Black family."

Cole's quiet yet confident voice sounded in the courtroom.