
Chapter 229 : That Rat 8

"Avada Kedavra". Nick suddenly turned around and at shouted. 

A green light was lingering at the edge of the wand, shot out directly at Orion. This attack was powerful. Anyone could tell that by the colour and ripple that spell was making around the place. 

Usually, the light tells how powerful a spell is. This one light was enough to make the entire Shack glow up in the eerie green light. 

The attack was so fast and stunned that almost everyone was taken aback. Stunned and shocked. 

But Orion wasn't, for someone who has watched countless movies and anime, the cliche scene of a villain stabbing a hero in the back was way too much overused. 

But Orion has to say, the attack was powerful. Powerful enough that on one look Orion can say that his infinity can't stop his attack. That was the only problem with Infinity. It stops attacks only under a certain level. 

That is because Infinity is a 360-degree technique. As long as he has that activity, there is a space barrier around him. Nothing comes close to him as long as infinity is active. It's not exactly like Gojo's infinity which he can manipulate so easily. Orion's infinity is not like that. It's just an invisible shield which doesn't let anything come close to him as long as he has the technique active. 

But that is also a problem, like the shield being weak because it's not focused on one side, but rather covering the entire 360. And yes it's not exactly a shield but it works like that. As long as something comes close to him when the technique is active, infinity will increase more space there, practically making it feel like the object stopped in the air, but in reality, it's moving, just more space is appearing right before it can cover the distance between itself and Orion. 

So yeah it's pretty hard to keep it active for a long time so Orion only has it when fighting and it's useless under a certain level of attacks. 

But again, he can always focus his shield in one place. This is something which he has to do consciously like a spell and not an automatic shield which once activated he just has to provide with magic.

So that's what Orion did, he raised his hand up and blocked the green light coming at him. He was ready for the attack from the beginning so there was no surprise on his part. 

The powerful spell was suspended in the air again, but this time Orion's hands were up, representing that he was actually working this time to stop the attack.

"Haaaaa" Orion growled a little before redirecting the attack out of the shack. It blasted the wall and another wall of the shack was gone before others could know it. 




Rose, Hermione and Sirius were stunned, they wanted to say something, do something but before they saw Orion vanishing from his place. 

Orion using force speed, closes the gap between himself and Nick in an instant. He was so fast that even Nick wasn't able to react. 

Making a fist he draws it back. Not holding back this time. He punches hard. Directly hitting Nick in the face.

Crack ! 

There was a clear sound of breaking jaw and then he flew out of the shack with such force that he even flew out several metres. 


"Nick" shouted Hermione as she ran out after the boy. And it wasn't long before the shack just couldn't take it anymore and collapse. 

Orion hurried wrapped Rose, Sirius, Pettigrew and even Hermione under his force shield. Nick was naturally by now outside of the shack so he wasn't hurt. To Orion's dismay. 

Of course, the boy was out and unconscious at this point. His Jaw was broken and he even had an injury to his neck by that powerful punch by Orion. 

"Reparo Maxima" Orion shouted. And just after a few seconds, the completely destroyed shack started to move, fixing itself slowly. 

Before even the shack could completely fix itself, Hermione ran out of it, as soon as Orion removed this force shield, and ran towards the unconscious boy. 

Checking what happened to him and even had her wand out just in case. 

Everyone came out, and both Sirius and Rose stood not knowing what they should do. Nick clearly attacked Orion with a killing curse, so they weren't much concerned with him at this point. 

"What did you do," Hermione asked with concern in her voice. 

"Punch him really hard. Nothing compares to the killing curse so don't worry the bastard won't be dead, unfortunately," Orion said with a cold voice. 

This was a good opportunity, he could just kill Nick and be done with it, but unlike what he told Nick before, he really wasn't ready to fight off death. 

Killing Nick right now might really bring that entity here. 

Gritting his teeth, Orion just started walking. 

"Tell him when he wakes up. If he goes after me, Rose here or anyone close to me. I will kill him, doesn't matter who is backing him." Orion said with a commanding voice to Hermione as he moved out with Rose and Sirius.

Which is followed by Rose giving him a glare like asking him what the f*** going on here. Of course, she still didn't know. Just like Daphne. 

When it comes to Sirius and Pettigrew. Orion decided to give Pettigrew to Sirius. It doesn't matter what he decides to do with him now, it doesn't matter to him anymore. 




Some time later.

"So both of you really want to know what's going on. I mean you guys now are strong. Not as much as I would like but way better than what you were at the start of the year." Orion asked.

"Yes, anything and everything you know." both Rose and Daphne reply firmly. They were apparent about knowing what was happening with both Orion and Nick, now more than anything. 

Sighing, Orion just sat down, knowing that one day he had to explain what was going on to them. They are involved in this shit no matter if they like it or not. Especially Rose so it's better that they know this. 

"Alright, then take some popcorn, I have a long history to explain before I can even begin explaining the so-called drama of my life.


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