
HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

(Check out my new HP fanfic! It's better than this one and the best on the platform!) In the Wizarding world, everyone knows what's Magic. But... does anyone know what's pure magic? Join Chris as he explores the wizarding world and realizes that... the books couldn't even describe the half of it. There's more to it than just a Tom, Harry, and Dumbledore. .... Chris is a smart and talented college student, but he had no motivation in life. What would he get after studying for hours like a dog? Money? He could find easier ways to get that. Then, fortunately, or unfortunately, he died and reincarnated to the Harry Potter world. "I have magic?!" Finally, he had found something which he could never get bored of—Magic! The eccentric genius with a penchant for breaking rules has got his hands on magic in his favorite world. He finally has a purpose in life— to explore magic to its very limits! -> Starting Point: A muggle-born orphan with nothing to call his own. (This book becomes great in the later chapters. The beginning chapters need rewriting since I was just writing for fun in the beginning so quality isn't as good as the later chapters, though they are still bearable since this book has 20k collections. The MC is a bit evil/scummy in the beginning but his character improves as his relations with the other characters deepen.) ********************************************** (Magic theory), (unique magic), (MC with high potential), (romance), (Harrypotterworld),(comedy), (Dueling), (Power Flexing) ********************************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Link: Patreon.com/Snollygoster (You can read ahead and take part in polls here.) ********************************************** I'll be posting this on Royalroad.com as well. Discord: https://discord.gg/TR3KKAhu9r ********************************************** ->Word count: 1000-1500 words upto Chapter 70 1500-2000 words from chapter 71 to 90 2000-3000 words from chapter 90 onwards ********************************************** Disclaimer: So, most of this obviously belongs to J.K.-Billionaire-Rowling. I'm just writing a fanfiction out of it. The cover art is sadly, not mine either. (Also, the title used to be "I Have Magic" but since the story is more about exploring this great variable called "Pure Magic," I change the name a bit. ) Also, try reading "HP: A Magical Journey" as well, if you haven't already read it. The book's great and the author helped me out a lot!

Snollygoster · Livros e literatura
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175 Chs

Chapter 27

((A.N.: I wasn't gonna post it tonight. But seeing that the rankings have been renewed and mine going down, I thought I might as well release as much as I have written. The next chapter would be big as compensation.))

Looking back, it was none other than my favorite pink haired girl.

"Dora! Come sit with us. Let me introduce you to my new friends." I said with a happy smile on my face.

"Hannah, Susan, meet Dora Tonks. She has awesome abilities. She's going to become an Auror. As you can see, she's also a Hufflepuff." I said to both of the girls.

Then I turned to Dora who had sat beside me.

"Dora, meet Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott. We met at the train. But at that time, we didn't talk much. We just read books while discussing them." I said then continued.

"They were just telling me about thier first night in each others houses." I said.

"Oh, hey girls, welcome to the puffs. You guys have any problem, tell me." Tonks greeted them cheerfully.

"Thank you" said Hannah.

"You're going to become an Auror?" Asked Susan in curiosity it seems she's not the type to go into formalities.

"Yeah! I mean I want to. Don't listen to this guy's nonsense. I'm very bad at some things. So I'm not sure I'll pass the qualifications." Tonks said a bit sheepishly while slapping my shoulder playfully.

"Oh, Dora. Have some more confidence in yourself. You're working very hard. And, with your unique and awfully useful ability, I'm sure they'll have no choice but to drag you in their department even if you don't want to." I said

"Oh by the way, Susan's Aunt would be your department head if you become an Auror." I added.

Dora quickly thought of the implications and-

"Oh! Is your aunt really Amelia Bones?! That's wicked!

After that, the three girls seemed to hit it off, fan-girling Amelia Bones.


Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had potions together. Our herbology was with the Slitherins. We did have charms a with Griffindors though it wasn't mentioned in the books. Guess Harry just didn't pay any attention to the Ravenclaw house so it wasn't mentioned.

I won't say much about the classes. I just did the took the standard reincarnator approach. Turned the match into a needle on my first try getting 5 points for Ravenclaw. In Charms lesson, there was a bushy haired girl who was very eager to please Flitwick and tried to answer every single question. And me and Harry were just sitting together, chatting about our house and classes by writing in our parchments.

"How was your time here so far?" I wrote.

He hesitated to write. Then wrote-

"It's been good.''

"Not used to the staring?"I wrote back.

"Yeah. It feels..."


"Told you. You just need some friends."

"Yeah. But I haven't found any. There's this red haired kid who keep annoying me by asking weird question and staring at my scar. His name is Ronald Weasley." He wrote and then gestured stealthily towards the redhead with in his other hand. Then wrote-, "Others, I haven't talked talked much with them."

"Try hanging out with that nervous looking kid. His name is Neville Longbottom." I said as I sneakily gestured to Neville will my wand.

"Longbottom? One of the sacred 28?" he read my word and got surprised by the surname.

"Yeah. His parents were supposedly friends with yours and fought the war together"

"Really? But, why is he so... nervous."

"His parents were also attacked during the war. Mustn't have had a good childhood without them. Think what you would've been like if the Dursleys still hated you for being a wizard."

"Oh? He also doesn't have parents?"

"I don't know. But that's the likely possiblity. Grandma just told me they were tortured." I wrote, then added "When you talk to him, don't mention his parents."

"Yeah, I know. I'm not like that annoying Ronald."

The classes continued. I performed whatever Flitwick taught in the first time, but sometimes on second time to look extremely talented but not suspicious. I answered whatever flitwick asked me, he's quite generous in awarding point quite. He's just teaching lumos and some basic stuff.

In the potions and herbology were uneventful. Snape gave his characteristic speech of how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death and shit. Though he didn't target anyone yet. He just docked about equal Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

After the day was over, I had dinner with my would be followers.

"Seriously, how are you so good at charms and tranfiguration?" asked a Padma patil

"Well, I did learn everything from the books before coming here." I replied.

"Hey! everyone is Ravenclaw here. We all did that much." said Anthony Goldstein.

."Well, if it makes you feel better, my situation was similar in the muggle schools. I had skipped several years ahead because I had already learned everything of that years."

"But how were you talking to Harry Potter?! I saw two communicate through writing." Asked Sue Li.

"Yeah, I saw it too."

"Yeah Me too!"

"Are you two friends?"

I looked at them, speechless.

"You guys should have better things to do in classes than staring at the-boy-who-lived."

I said and everyone averted their eyes at that. Terry Boot, who was staring at Harry at this moment also felt ashamed.
