
Chapter 102: Habitual!

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"This is where we practice."

Right on cue, the instruments begin playing a slow tune, and Harry, seeing the discomfort of the newcomers, begins dancing with Hermione.

"Why did the door disappear?" Daphne demands, pointing her wand at me.

"We didn't want to leave it open for anyone else," I say, "it will come back when we want to leave."

"I want to leave," she says immediately.

"Oh, come on, Daph, what's the problem? We've got plenty of time before dinner! Now let's go, William, dance with me!" Astoria says, grabbing my hand and dragging me out to the floor.

Suddenly I'm quite nervous, but Astoria unhesitatingly tucks my right hand behind her back, lays her left on my chest, and then clasps my free hand. Muscle memory takes over and soon we're slowly twirling around the dance floor.

"Are you nervous?" Astoria asks in surprise.

"Yes," I say honestly.

She laughs at that. "You don't even flinch when my sister points her wand at you several times – even after she Stunned you last time – but you're nervous about dancing?"

"Talking my way out of getting hexed requires far less skill than dancing with a pretty girl," I say with my usual grin.

She arches an eyebrow in a most Daphne-like fashion. "As opposed to an ugly one?"

"You got me there," I admit, "but that just goes to show that girls like you do wreak havoc on my mental faculties."

"Except your ability to flirt, apparently," she says.

"Sorry," I say with a grin, "it's habitual at this point."

"Uh huh. Ready for a spin and dip?"

"Absolutely n—" I begin, but she spins herself away, smiling brightly, then curls herself back in close. Instinctively I place my hand on her back and she elegantly arches back over it, surprising me with how little weight she puts on my hand.

"Back straight, and don't lean over so far, I won't fall," she instructs, adjusting the position of my body while still arched over my hand.

"Uh, sorry," I say eloquently.

She laughs softly when she pulls herself back up and we continue the dance. "Apparently you do have your limits."

I raise an eyebrow. "Testing me, are you?"

"I'm only trying to ensure I have an acceptable dance partner, of course."

"Sorry about your luck, then."

"Oh no, I suppose you'll just have to do," she says, sighing dramatically while hiding a smile. "Unfortunately."

The song changes after a few more loops, so we break apart and I see that Daphne, Blaise, and Tracey are still standing where we left them, looking uncomfortable. The latter seems to be uncomfortable because she wants to dance, though. 

"You should go cut in with Harry and give him some pointers, too," I tell Astoria. "I'll go ask Daphne."

She smiles at me. "You sure you want to risk it?"

I grin back. "Asking is the easy part." Astoria goes in the opposite direction while I head toward Daphne, holding out my hand in invitation when I reach her. "May I have this dance, Daphne?"

She presses her lips together and gives me her icy stare. I let her eyes bore into mine without dropping my crooked smile. "Fine."

My smile widens and I lead her out to the dance floor, where Astoria is twirling away with an uncomfortable-looking Harry while Hermione looks a bit sullen. Daphne stands more rigidly at first, but she loosens up as we move along.

"You won't be trying those moves on me," Daphne says.

"I wouldn't dream of trying my moves on you," I say with a smile that earns a glare. "Besides, the spin and dip was all Astoria's doing."

Her eyes widen slightly and then she turns a frown on her sister.

"She was pointing out how ridiculous I am for being nervous to dance with her even though I don't flinch when you point your wand at me," I say.

"That's not the only reason you're ridiculous," she says coolly.

"Like wanting to be your friend despite your intense dislike for me?"

"Quit being so dramatic. My dislike for you is not that strong."

I laugh. "You say the sweetest things to me."

She snorts but says nothing. After a few moments her expression turns serious again. "Remember, you promised not to involve my sister in any of your plots."

"And I will keep that promise," I reply, just as seriously.

She stares at me a moment before replying. "Well, then, why aren't you involving me?"

I lift my eyebrows. "I'm not sure you dislike me little enough yet."

Her glare makes it clear that she does not find this amusing.

I sigh. "Look, I like you, Daphne, but you don't really give off the same impression about me. It's fine when we're in public, but among friends..." I shake my head. "Put yourself in my shoes: do you think I should trust you right now with a secret that could very well mean my death?"

"I already know enough to irreparably damage your cause," she points out with a frown.

I try not to show my concern as I realize the truth of that statement. "True, but you don't know enough to get me pretty much immediately killed, yet."

"I wouldn't do that," she says quietly.

I wish I could do whatever it is that she does to tell if I'm being truthful. Instead I simply remain quiet for a few moments, formulating a response.

"If I were a Slytherin, wouldn't you expect me to consider that everything you do might be a calculated ploy to extract my secrets? Wouldn't you expect me to make sure that, if you are just using me to further your own goals, those goals coincide with mine?"

Her eyes snap to mine. "Not every Slytherin is like that!"


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