

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Livros e literatura
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213 Chs

Chapter 22: Dangerous Women

The headmaster did everything in his power not to answer that accusation. He hemmed and hawed and soon enough had no choice but to be truthful. Well, as truthful as that man could be.

"The animals you came upon, which you should not have, were there to protect things in the school," he said, leaning back in his chair like he had just answered the question of the universe. "Which means you entered the forbidden corridor," he added as an afterthought.

"Sure did," confessed Wade, not the least bit worried. "The author made me do it," he said, making Harry facepalm.

"What happened to the stone?" Albus asked, thinking the boy had taken it, but didn't know what it was.

"No idea," Deadpool lied with a straight face. The stone must be more important than he thought. He'd ask Luna about it later.

"Pity," the old man said, believing him.

"The acromantula are protecting what?" Deadpool asked, knowing the troll and the dog had been protecting the rock they just talked about. The basilisk might have been protection for the school at one time, but it had gone crazy. "And the dementors?" he asked, not wanting to forget about them.

"The acromantula protect the forest," was the answer.

"From what?" Harry asked, not believing that for a second.

"From the students wandering," the old man said, like it was completely normal for giant spiders to stop the children from going into the forest.

"That's bullshit," Wade said, folding his arms across his chest.

"No, once they know about the acromantula, they tend to stay away," the headmaster reasoned.

"I still call bullshit. They would eat any student that roamed the forest," Harry said, anger apparent in his voice.

"See how useful that is," the old man said, nodding his head sagely.

"We're still going to kill them," Harry said to Deadpool and Sirius.

"You? Kill the acromantula?" McGonagall said in disbelief.

"We've been doing it all week. That's what we were doing last night when you caught up with us," Harry said, looking at her like she had dementia.

"Oh, yes," the old woman said as if remembering something she didn't want to.

"The dementors?" Wade asked again. This time pulling a knife out from… somewhere and tossing it up and down.

"I do not know where or why the dementors were here. I can only speculate that the Minister placed them here because of Black," Dumbledore said, having not gone through his post since last evening. He was sure there was a notice in there about just that.

"I'm going to kill that midget," Deadpool said, stabbing the arm of his chair with the knife.

"I'll help you," Harry said, wishing he had his own knife, instead thumping the arm with his fist.

"Now, let us not discuss the murder of a high ranking official," Albus said, with a smile on his lips. He knew they were just blowing off steam. "I would not like having to arrest you," he said in a jovial manner.

"You're daft," Harry said, looking at another adult like they were too old to be doing the jobs they held.

Before they could talk more, a portal opened up in the headmaster's office. Out stepped an attractive bald-headed woman of undetermined age. "Wade Wilson, your time here is almost finished," she said, ignoring the teachers for now. She nodded to Harry and Sirius, who was still watching the rat.

"I can go back to my own time? I thought Strange said I had to stay awhile," Deadpool said, getting up and approaching the lady. He sent a glare to the author for not warning him, but she ignored him and continued typing.

"Strange does not control the time that we are in. You have a few more things to do here, and all will be done. Then I will come and take you back to your time," she said, holding up her hand to stop him from coming closer.

"Wait, who are you?" Flitwick asked, seeing that the headmaster and McGonagall were in a state of shock.

"You may call me the Ancient One, Professor Flitwick," the bald woman said, nodding in his direction.

"How did you know my name?" the smaller man asked, not sure what to make of the woman.

"I know many things," she said, ominously. "Like what Wade Wilson will need to do before he can go home," she reiterated, turning back to the costumed man.

"What else do I have to do?" Wade asked, not liking that she was stopping him from going home now.

"You have three tasks to complete, that don't include murder," she said, moving to go back to the sanctum. "This portal will not take you home. I will come in three days and you, and those you bring with you, will go back to your time," she said mysteriously as she stepped through. The portal closed behind her. Leaving a thoughtful Deadpool and Harry, a shocked headmaster and deputy, and a concerned Flitwick. Sirius was still watching Peter.

"Damn, she didn't tell me what tasks," Wade said, stomping back to his chair. "I want to go home now. Do you have any idea how long it has been since I had sex with my girl?" he said, slumping down in his chair.

"That's more than I wanted to know," Harry said, blushing like the boy he was. "As for what you need to do, well, we have that task tonight," he reminded him, not sure what the other two tasks were.

"Right, I forgot about that," Deadpool said, going over in his mind the things he wanted to do before he left.

"Did you need to explore anything?" Harry said, they were both ignoring the flabbergasted teachers, who were still in shock that a woman had breached the wards and was planning on doing it again in three days' time.

Flitwick seemed to be trying to get the other two to snap out of it, but he was failing. Some security. They were too caught up in the so-called impenetrable wards, that when they were breached, the two head people just shut down.

"Yeah, I did want to go through all the junk I found last night," the masked man said, snapping his fingers. "And I want to finish off what we started in the forest," he added as an afterthought.

"There you go then," Harry said, patting his arm in a comforting gesture. "I'll help all I can," he said, determined to do just that. "I'm sure Luna will too. Let's not forget Sirius. Besides, there's something I want to talk to you about. Not here though," he added, looking at the chibi man seriously.

"I know you will," Deadpool said, giving him a grin that could not be seen, but was heard. "I'll welcome any help," he stated, wondering what the boy wanted to talk to him about.

"We should get on that soon," Harry said, turning back to the adults in the room.

"Yes, when we've finished here," Wade said, also giving his attention to the adults. "I still call bullshit on your so-called defensive animals. I'm writing to everyone I know and letting them know you are putting the children in your care in danger. As a matter of fact, I'll just print out a form letter and have every student send it to their family. Good luck keeping your job," he said, looking at Sirius, who nodded in understanding. "That's another thing I have to do. I guess she was wrong, or one of the things I'm doing is not as important," he said, tapping his chin in thought.

"Will I get my trial now?" the dogman asked, turning to the group of adults. Well, he was an adult, but he wasn't with the group on the other side of the room. He kept one eye on the rat.

"I will see to it personally," Flitwick said, his trust in Dumbledore was waning under the news about the deadly animals, and the fact that he was shocked into inaction. "Actually, let me start now." He then turned to the fireplace and called the DMLE to turn in Peter. He talked for five minutes then stood. "They'll be here momentarily."

Soon enough, two Aurors stepped through with a strict looking woman, who was wearing a monocle. She looked important, and everyone sat straighter when she entered the room. Like they didn't want her attention on them.

"What is this I hear that Pettigrew is alive?" she demanded as soon as she entered. Then she spotted Deadpool, "Why are you dressed like that?" she said, with a great deal of distrust. Moody had had her drilled into not trusting anyone in a mask. Though at the time they were at war with the Death Eaters, and they never dressed like that.

"I'm hideously scarred," was the truthful answer. He didn't feel like bullshitting her. While he wasn't afraid of her, she could make his remaining time here difficult. There was a part of him that wanted to be cheeky, but he wanted the criminal to pay first. He once more glared at the author, who stuck her tongue out at him.

She eyeballed him and decided it wasn't important enough to pursue. It was a child after all, they were prone to dressing strangely. "Where is Pettigrew?" she asked instead, looking around the room, her eyes landed on Sirius. She reached for her wand.

"Right there," Black answered, making himself known for the first time. He was pointing to the cage with the rat.

"Black," she hissed, and waved her Aurors to grab him, but Deadpool pulled his katanas and held them off. Harry stood at his friend's side, his fist balled, ready to fight if he had to. "Why are you protecting a murderer? He is the reason the Potters are dead," she demanded, her eyes narrowed at the kid with the swords and the boy poised to fight.

"Because, you are losing sight of the fact that the man he supposedly murdered is sitting right in front of you," the chibi man said, still standing guard over his friend's godfather. They stood, a firm force to be reckoned with. "The cage," he said, waving his katana to the rat on the desk.

She turned to the cage and then preformed the spell to check the rat. It came back that it was indeed a man. She put the cage on the ground, expanded it and reversed the rat to a man. There in front of her was Peter Pettigrew. His picture was in the Merlin Awards room at the ministry. She walked by it every day. There was no mistaking him, though there were more rodent like features on the man. However, he was definitely Pettigrew.

"This, changes everything," she huffed, turning the still stunned Peter back into his rodent form, shrinking the cage again, and waving the Aurors to stop trying to get to Black. "Why didn't you say anything during your trial?" she asked Sirius. "There is no way this didn't come up," she said, thinking someone paid to put the man behind bars. Rigged court cases were the norm in Wizarding Britain. That's how the Malfoys got off. It was before her time, and those incidences were far in between now. Though, she did have to deal with the likes of Malfoy and Fudge.

"I never got one," was the bland answer.

"Fuck," she said as she started to pace. "Due to that bureaucratic error, I can't even arrest you," she huffed, pissed that someone dropped the ball so many years ago. A rigged case was completely different than none at all.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, confused. "Not that I want you to arrest an innocent man, but I am confused," he added quickly, going to stand by his godfather now that he didn't have to stop them from arresting him.

"A suspect can only be held for thirty days without a trial," she explained, coming to stand by Flitwick. "After that they must be charged, tried, or let go. He was in prison for ten years without a trial, which means he can't be tried for those crimes now," she said, tapping her wand against her leg in agitation.

"Does that mean I'm free?" Sirius asked, not sure how to take that bit of news.

"Yes, but everyone will doubt your innocence," she said, still tapping her wand. "I can get a trial for Peter as soon as possible, but I would prefer if you didn't go public until then," she said, knowing the clusterfuck that this was.

"I can do that," he said, turning into a dog, and sitting next to Harry. Whose hand came down to pet him.

"That'll work," Amelia said, turning to her Aurors, and waving them to take the cage. "I will retroactively register you," she said as she went to the fireplace. "Dumbledore, expect a summons soon," she directed to the headmaster, who had been quiet this whole time.

"Of course, Amelia," he said, genteelly, waving his hand in a negligent manner. Nothing had been going his way since that boy had entered his office. He didn't know who the boy was, but chaos seemed to follow him.

"Well, that's us off. now that I know I've got things to do, I need to get started," Deadpool said, going towards the door.

"What things, may I ask?" Dumbledore inquired, like they would answer him.

"Private things, and letters to write," Wade said, opening the door and stepping out it. Harry and Snuffles followed.

"Albus, I want to know more about these deadly animals you have at the school," Flitwick was heard to say before the door closed.

"It's still early," Harry pointed out. "We can go through that junk you found," he said, going down the stairs right behind his friend.

"Good thing it's Saturday," Deadpool said, stepping off the stairs, and right into Luna.

"Yes, it is," she agreed, grabbing his shoulders so he wouldn't stumble.

"Does that mean you'll be joining us?" he asked, righting himself, and grabbing her hand. They started skipping down the hall towards the staircases.

"Of course, but not for your gravedigging tonight. Just for your treasure hunt today," she said, swinging their joined hands.

"Goodie," he cheered and continued to skip down the hall.