
A Summer Of Change

June 30h, 1977

High mountains and low valleys, tumultuous rivers, plains, flower-covered fields surged past them as the bright red Hogwarts Express followed the railway track through the wild Scottish scenery.

Thanks to Lily's ingenious spatial extension charm, Harry was sharing a compartment with the Marauders, Marlene, Florence, and Lily's best friend, Mary McDonald. Jokes were shared, games of exploding Snap repeated themselves, and everyone was looking forward to the summer.

'Everyone but one person.'

Harry was well aware that the blonde snuggled up against his side was slowly growing distant from the rest of the group. Her bright smile became forced; her attention started drifting away every so often as visible concern invaded her stunning facial features.

When the first signs of civilization passed by outside the window, announcing the approaching end of their journey, Marlene stopped taking part in their conversations altogether. The hand Harry was stroking affectionately became slightly sweaty and although his girlfriend tried to appear as calm, collected, and confident as ever, Harry could tell that her nerves were running high.

"Hey." He whispered as he tilted her head back towards him and pecked her lips: "It's going to be fine, love."

Marlene regarded him for a few seconds before releasing a deep breath. She snuggled against his side and leaned her head on his shoulder, fingers intertwined with his and one hand resting on his chest. "I'm less worried about what to do if they're not there than if they do show up on the platform."

"I can remain with you this time if you'd like."

"I'd like that." Marlene nodded into his shoulder and closed her eyes.

All too soon the train rolled into King's Cross station, where it was already awaited by hundreds of people, mostly family members. Harry took both their trunks and gestured for Marlene to lead the way out of the compartment, following their friends.

Thick steam spewed from the Express' funnel with a loud hiss as they stepped down onto the platform, eyes roaming over the heads of the crowd, looking for the well-dressed, blonde heads of the McKinnon family.

"They're not here." Marlene's fingers tightened around his, her voice carried hints of disappointment overshadowed by relief at not having to suffer another confrontation.

"So it would seem." Harry trailed soft circles over her back: "But perhaps it's better this way."

"Perhaps." Marlene took a deep breath and held her head high and proud, tossing blonde curls over one shoulder: "Well, I should probably go and look for Florence then..."

"Or- " He chuckled as he pulled her closer by the waist and spun her around to face him, grinning down at her: "Or, you could spend the entire summer with me."

"You'd really want me to?" Marlene swallowed heavily: "I'm not sure love... I don't want to bother the Potters too much."

"I already wrote to them and they agreed to let you stay with me." Harry flashed her a smile: "It won't be a problem."

"What did you tell them, Harry?" The blonde's blue eyes sparkled dangerously, narrowing on him.

"They didn't ask for any details when I wrote to them." Harry calmed her: "I'm assuming that as a pureblood witch from a prominent family, Dorea will have an idea what it might be about though. They know that we've started getting physical over the last summer..."

"Well done, Harry, that will be one embarrassing talk..." Marlene snorted. "She will probably lecture me about being safe, but I doubt it will be a scolding, full of disappointment and shame, like my mother's."

"The Potters love you, Marlene, especially Dorea." Harry pressed a kiss to her forehead and took her hand: "Let's go find them."

"Okay." Marlene bid her bottom lip and allowed Harry to lead her through the masses of reunited students and families until they spotted the unruly hair of Charlus Potter, who was taking his son into a hug.

Dorea shot Harry a wink in recognition as she spotted them approaching. However, she first greeted Lily, who had accompanied her boyfriend and waited a few meters away from the Potters, looking rather nervous.

"And who would you be, young lady?"

"Uhm- " A small blush crept over Harry's mother's cheeks, clashing with her freckles. Today she met her boyfriend's parents, for what Harry assumed to be the very first time.

"Mum, dad..." James led her over by the hand, his expression one of immense pride: "This is Lily Evans, fellow seventh-year Gryffindor to be, a prodigy in Charms and, most importantly, my girlfriend!"

"Well, since my son has mentioned you rather frequently since his first year at Hogwarts, allow me to call you by your first name, Lily." Dorea beamed, ignoring the groan coming from James. She crossed the few steps to the redhead and took the puzzled girl into an affectionate hug: "It's great to finally meet you, my dear. Please, call me Dorea."

"Thank you, Dorea." Lily said sincerely: "I'm very happy to meet you as well."

"Make sure to visit over the summer." Charlus greeted Lily a bit more formally, brushing his lips over her knuckles: "We'd love to get to know the young witch that has our boy talking about nothing else."

"Alright, alright, that's enough, you two!" James interfered, taking his girlfriend by the hand: "I'm invited to Lily's parents for lunch and I can't wait to meet the oaf of a man her sister recently engaged to, so that's where we're heading right now. See you guys later, bye!"

"They look so lovely together, don't they!" Dorea sighed.

"They really do." Harry chuckled as his parents vanished into the crowd until Dorea and Charlus turned back to them. 'Let's see how he likes Vernon though.'

"And I bet it was you two who set them up together. I've witnessed grins like that my entire life with Potter men!" Dorea smirked, pointing at Marlene and him accusingly: "Come here, you foolish boy!"

They greeted each other as warmly as ever, with his grandparents showing no reservations towards Marlene at all.

"Well, then, since the two of you have your trunks, we best get going back home." Charlus smiled and walked over to take Marlene's luggage for her: "Let's get out of here and have Harry side-along you to our Manor."

Reaching the apparition area, Harry tightened his hold on Marlene's hand and twisted the world past him until they staggered over the very same cobblestone road that led from the ancestral home of the Potters to the small village of Godric's Hollow.

Marlene spun around once, looking surprised only for the briefest moment before she murmured: "Fidelius..."

"This one was the hardest." Harry nodded: "The grounds were even larger than your Manor and subduing the wards to cast the spell was almost as exhausting as doing so on Lord Black's property."

The echo of a soft snap announced the arrival of Charlus and Dorea right behind them. The Potter Patriarch approached the young couple, glancing around suspiciously until he leaned down to Marlene's ear:

"Potter Manor is located five miles north of Godric's Hollow."

Harry watched as her eyes widened for a second, not in surprise, but because he knew she loved witnessing incredible pieces of magic, such as the Fidelius charm.

"Well then, Marlene, I have prepared the guest room next to Harry's room for you." Dorea smiled at the girl as they stepped through the entrance of the manor: "Why don't you follow me with your trunk so I can show you where everything is at? I know you've spent some time here last summer already, but the easier you find your way around our manor, the more comfortable your stay will hopefully be."

"Yes, of course, Dorea." Marlene nodded, knowing fully well that the older witch also had other reasons to separate them.

"So- uhm- why don't you join me in my study for a little chat, Harry?" Charlus spoke up rather awkwardly while they watched the two witches walking up the large staircase to the upper levels of the Manor.

Harry heeded his grandfather with an amused grin, feeling actually rather curious about what might follow. Sirius had given him the birds and the bees talk during his stay at Grimmauld Place the summer before his fifth year. He would have never expected to hear that talk a second time, especially not from his grandfather.

"Well, Harry- " Charlus sat down behind his mahogany desk and gestured for Harry to take a seat as well: " -I suppose I should start by saying that you are not our son and that neither Dorea nor I wish to try to replace your parents. We simply offer our advice, from one generation to another, just as we have done for our own son, which reminds me that I should definitely share words with James again soon." Charlus added with a chuckle.

Harry grinned, holding up a hand to indicate that it was completely fine: "Dorea and you are the closest thing I will ever have to real parents. You have invited me into your home, fed me, clothed me, and offered me a place to stay for more than a year already now. I'm incredibly grateful for everything you've done for me and I will gladly listen to your advice, not because I feel obliged, but because I want to."

"Good..." Charlus nodded, smiling sincerely: "Sometimes I can't help but think you're much closer related to us than we both assume. Perhaps it's because you look so much like us, or because you conduct yourself the way any Potter male is taught to behave by his father. It hardly matters," He shook his head with a sigh: "What matters is that you've long become a part of this family and I speak for Dorea and me when I say that we're pleased if things remain as they are."

"I'd very much like that too," Harry nodded, swallowing the small stabs of guilt at having to continue to lie to the man.

'Perhaps not forever.'

"That being said, let's get to the point of why my wife separated you and Marlene." Charlus grew a bit more serious: "By the fact that your girlfriend seeks shelter with you, we are led to believe that she doesn't feel as welcomed at the McKinnons as she would like right now. Is that correct?"

"Yes," Harry replied, knowing that he needs to be honest right now.

"Okay then." His grandfather frowned: "Is Marlene, you know, is she- "

It took Harry a few seconds before he finally caught on: "What? Oh, no! No! Marlene is certainly not with child."

'At least I hope so.' Harry prayed silently.

"Well, that's a relief for us already." Charlus certainly looked that way: "Since there are not many other reasons for a young pure-blood witch to be banished by her own parents- " Charlus scratched his neck: " -does it perhaps have to do with, uhm, her parents finding out that the two of you have crossed certain physical milestones...?"

"One might say so," Harry couldn't help the small grin that played on his lips: "Add to that the fact that she did so with a half-blood..."

"Mhm, yes, I can see how that might complicate things." Charlus sighed: "Well, we are glad to have her for as long as her situation at home remains difficult."

"Thank you, Charlus. We really appreciate it."

"However, with the two of you sleeping under the same roof, my wife insisted that we make sure to have talks with both of you."

"Completely understandable." Harry nodded.

"Yes, I suppose it is," Charlus murmured awkwardly: "Well then, we're not naive and know exactly how passionate things can get as teenagers. All we wish to make sure is that both of you are aware of the consequences some actions might have. You are both to return to school for the next term and from the incredible news we received, it seems as if both of you have many plans for your time after completing your NEWTs. Therefore, I urge you to take certain precautions and be as safe as possible. Do you understand me, Harry?"

"I understand." Harry replied: "But to ease your worries, I can assure you that we're being responsible. There is a certain potion that Marlene takes bi-weekly... I'm sure you can imagine how it works..."

"Yes- thank you, you don't have to go into too much detail, Harry." The older wizard chuckled and Harry joined in: "Keep being responsible and as discreet as possible about it. I'd like to avoid James feeling pressured into taking similar steps so soon in his relationship with young Lily. Let me tell you that having this talk with my own son as soon as he's back will be even more awkward than with you..."

"I'm sure even Dorea wouldn't want to be a grandmother just yet." Harry agreed.

"Indeed, we can both wait a few more years."

'It might be sooner than you'd think.'

Harry knew that his parents had been dating for a few months now already, but surely, they haven't crossed that threshold yet, have they? His mother didn't seem to be the type of girl who rushed into anything but even if she did, Harry was certain that Lily had the brains to think about the consequences.

Anyways, he should probably stop thinking about his own parents having sex. Hopefully, it will be a few more years until this timeline's Harry James Potter arrives.

'But who knows if that's even how things work?'

All Harry knew was that magic and fate had a wicked and unpredictable way to interact with one another.

'And apparently, Harry was by far their favorite toy to play with.'

July 3rd, 1977

Dozens of umbrellas in bright red and pure white littered the entrances to the many small shops and boutiques on each side. The hem of her sky-blue summer dress twirled around her thighs, ending just above her knee. Light sandals carried her over the rough cobblestone road of Diagon Alley, her fingers entangled with his.

"I actually really like this muggle style." Marlene tossed blonde curls over one shoulder and adjusted the straps of her dress: "The wizarding world is long past due a fashion update. How can witches wear robes in weather like this?"

"Undoubtedly they only survive thanks to the constant application of refreshment charms..." Her boyfriend glanced around with an eyebrow raised in amusement before his gaze returned to her, running appreciatively up and down her body: "But I agree, I really like this dress on you too."

"Business first, Harry." Marlene reminded her boyfriend with a smirk. She lifted his head, so his sight, which had gotten stuck on the swell of her chest, blinked back up to her face: "You can undress me with your eyes back at the manor, love. That is unless you're too afraid to receive another lecture on being responsible from Dorea?"

"Yeah, I'm good, actually." Harry grimaced, taking her hand more firmly and guiding her further up the road: "Next time, let's make sure to lock the door so that poor Tilly doesn't spot you sleeping over in my bed and immediately reports it to her mistress..."

"Will do." Marlene agreed with a sly grin. Still, the fact that she was able to wake up next to Harry for the remaining two months brought a slight bounce to her step.

'Not to mention the fun they had before falling asleep.'

"Alright then, Gringotts first?" Harry suggested with a sideways glance, shaking her out of her thoughts.

"Sure." She nodded along, biting her bottom lip: "I'm actually rather curious to see if my parents have restricted my access to the McKinnon vaults."

"You know tha- "

"I refuse to be your charity case, Harry Ignotus Peverell!" She frowned up at her boyfriend, knowing fully well what he was going to offer: "If by the end of the day, I end up having not a single Galleon to my name, then I will take out a loan from the goblins and pay them back with the gold I earn during my internship!"

Despite Harry looking contemplated, she continued: "I don't need a provider, Harry, merely someone who will love me unconditionally."

"Well, lovingyou unconditionally includes buying your favorite chocolate, so as long as you let me do that, we'll be fine." Grinning, Harry swooped his arm around her waist and pecked her lips: "Let's see what these greedy goblins have in store for us then."

"Best not let them hear that," Marlene murmured, following Harry up the shiny marble stairs of Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

"Good morning." Harry approached the nearest free teller. "I have an appointment with Director Ragnok."

"You're barely on time, wizard." The sharp-toothed creature looked up from filling out some accounting papers, seemingly annoyed that a customer dared interrupt his important work. Small black eyes found Marlene and narrowed: "The meeting was set up between Gringotts and House Peverell, the presence of a third party was never mentioned, witch!"

"You da- "

Harry placed an arm on hers and interfered: "Then Director Ragnok will simply have to be spontaneous today, for otherwise, I might play with the idea to move my vault to a different branch." Harry smiled, yet his eyes remained cold as steel: "Even a goblin working the simple countersuch as you, will have heard about what kind of customer I am to your establishment…"

The goblin flashed them a set of pointy yellow teeth and hissed in displeasure at being insulted: "The Director is expecting you in his office, wizard!"

Shooting the goblin one last glare over her shoulder, Marlene allowed Harry to guide her out of the entrance hall past several grim-looking security trolls until they reached said office. She had never met the Director of Gringotts before, but she knew that her father was one of his personal clients as well.

"Preparations have only been made for one client today, Mr. Peverell." The old goblin looked displeased when two people entered his office and gestured for the single chair in front of his desk: "In addition, we agreed to discuss private family matters of utmost confidentiality.

"Circumstances can be easily adjusted." Pale wood flicked into Harry's palm. A second later, a perfect duplicate of the exact chair stood next to it: "This is Marlene McKinnon, she has my full trust and may remain during our meeting. In addition, she has a small inquiry herself before we start our business."

"Wizards..." Ragnok huffed in displeasure at being told the agenda for a meeting taking place in his own office: "What is it you want from me, Ms. McKinnon?"

"I'd like to know if my access to the McKinnon vaults has been restricted in any way?" Marlene held her head high and proud, not allowing the glaring Director to intimidate her.

"In a sense, it has." Ragnok rolled his eyes in annoyance and pulled out a small missive: "The vault that has been opened in your name shortly after your birth will no longer be replenished by gold from the McKinnon vault as it used to. Instead, your father has appointed a monthly allowance of sorts, which amounts to a maximum withdrawal of 100 Galleons per month."

'Not completely banished then.' Marlene mused: 'Just Father's way to remind me that I still depend on him.'

"Thank you, Director."

The old goblin sneered at her: "If you're done with your inquiries related to internal family affairs, perhaps we can finally address the business this appointment was booked for."

"How right you are." Harry quickly spoke up, apparently sensing her anger: "A year ago I asked you to make certain investments for me. I'd like you to give me an overview of where my assets stand as of now."

The director wrinkled his nose and took out a large file from his drawer: "Admittedly you seem to have run into a lucky streak with your bold and foolish investment strategy. As per your instructions, we liquefied 70% of your fortune, which back then was valued at 60.000 Galleons in total- ."


Marlene's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. She knew her boyfriend had been well off, however, this was more than she would've ever assumed it to be.

" -and invested it in shares of the 15 muggle companies you instructed us with." Ragnok continued, his small black eyes roaming over the sheet of parchments filled with numbers: "Any dividends that were paid have been converted back into Galleons and invested into Nimbus Broom-Manufacturing, where you now hold a majority stake, despite us telling you that the company still produces negative cash flows..."

"Very well." Harry ignored the Goblin sneer, simply nodding for him to continue.

"When consolidated, your current assets amount to roughly 80.000 Galleons, give or take a few thousand with how volatile the muggle stock exchange can be."

"Quite a nice return on your investments, wouldn't you say, Harry?" Marlene grinned, slowly glancing from the furious-looking goblin to her boyfriend: "I doubt even the goblins could replicate it…"

"Indeed, it is." Harry nodded slowly: "We shall continue with the status quo. However, simultaneously, I'd like Gringotts to keep an eye open for any wizarding property that is for sale. I've written down some of my essentials for you. You shall receive a generous brokerage fee if you manage to find something that meets my expectations."

"Fine, will there be anything else?" The old goblin huffed, yet quickly snatched the note out of Harry's hand.

'Gold truly is all they care about.'

"That's it for today." Harry stood up, offering his hand to her: "Good day, Director Ragnok."

Ignoring the creature's glares, they left the office.

"You're going to buy a home for your time after Hogwarts?" Marlene asked as soon as the door fell into its lock.

Harry nodded slowly: "I love living with the Potters, but I'd also like to have my own place someday. Properties won't get any cheaper, so if I have the Galleons, I might as well invest in one now."

The couple headed back into the entrance hall where Marlene finally spoke up again, her voice full of curiosity: "What kind of requirements did you write on the note?"

Harry chuckled: "It mostly consisted of the aspects you mentioned whenever you envisioned your future home, but I've added a bit of my own share as well."

'Aspects I mentioned?'

Marlene gaped at him in confusion, almost tripping as they descended the stairs back into the alley. Things just didn't make sense…

'Why would he consider what I like- '

"What's the matter, love?" He laughed and gently closed her mouth before claiming her lips in a kiss that had her toes curling, right in the middle of Diagon Alley: "You didn't think I'd buy a large property just for myself, did you?"

'He wants to live together after our NEWTs.'

Marlene gulped heavily, still unable to speak, yet she slowly felt a beaming smile spread over her lips.

'Living together with Harry.'

Waking up next to him every single day.'

"I take it you like the idea?" Harry grinned.

"I do." Marlene placed a chaste kiss on his cheek and snuggled up against his side. She completely ignored how awkward they might look to any of the passing visitors of the Alley, for she was unable to keep her eyes off of Harry: "I like it a lot."

"Well, as I remember you saying earlier, 'you can undress me with your eyes later at the manor', we still have a business to attend to." Harry reminded her with a small smile.

"You're right!" Marlene nodded eagerly: "Let's get to Ollivanders and finally figure out what's wrong with my wand."

"Have you noticed any additional issues?" Harry asked, dodging a small child that came running out of nowhere and darted to the other side of the street.

Marlene grimaced, her expression one of worry: "I think it might have gotten even worse. It doesn't heat up during ordinary classwork or everyday charms, but any time we duel, or whenever I push more magic into it, I can feel it. Especially now after the rit- "

She paused, looking at Harry questioningly and eyes widened in realization. Aurelius' words rang through her ear:

'Rituals might yield some permanent changes in both of you. How could it not, when it manipulates so many of magic's fundamental principles?'

"It doesn't have to be related to them." Her boyfriend shook his head, squeezing her hand: "There is no point in assuming when we'll figure it out now anyways."

'But what if it is?'

The shop was just as narrow and shabby as she remembered, with the gold letters peeling over the door and the single wand lying on a faded purple cushion in the dusty window. A tinkling bell rang somewhere in the depths of the shop as they stepped inside.

It was a tiny place, empty except for a single, spindly chair and the thousands of narrow boxes piled neatly right up to the ceiling. Even when she'd been an eleven-year-old girl, the very dust and silence in here seemed to tingle with some secret magic. Now she felt it stronger than ever before.

"Good afternoon," said the soft voice of Garrick Ollivander, startling her slightly, yet Harry seemed to have been prepared for it.

"What an unexpected, yet all the more pleasurable surprise." The old man was standing before them. "Marlene McKinnon, hawthorn and unicorn hair, 13 and a third inches. A very fine wand, one I shall never forget."

His wide, pale eyes shining like moons through the gloom of the shop traveled next to her, lingering on Harry with fanatic curiosity: "Harry Peverell... I'm afraid it was not my shop where your wand was crafted."

"However- " Mr. Ollivander moved closer to Marlene and Harry, making her wish he would blink. Those silvery eyes were a bit creepy.

" -I have seen many pictures of it. I have collected the editions of the Daily Prophet whenever I caught a glimpse of it. Like during your famous trial at the Wizengamot or your spectacular duel with Lucius Malfoy." By now the man was whispering, his eyes dipping down to Harry's sleeve, where Marlene knew the Elder Wand was resting, ready to flick into her boyfriend's palm at any point in time.

"Well, well, well… How curious. Between 13 and 15 inches. A rather pale, wood, but it wasn't ash, neither was it yew. If I had to take a guess, I'd say it was elder. But what core could have possibly been used to tame the untamable and bind its power? How very curious…"

"I'm afraid your curiosity will go unsatisfied today, Mr. Ollivander." Harry hadn't moved an inch, standing as confident and unintimated as ever: "It is not my wand we came for today."

"Very well, Harry Peverell." The man held Harry's gaze for what Marlene believed to be a few of the most awkward seconds of her life before finally returning to her: "How may I be of service to you, Ms. McKinnon?"

"My wand- " Marlene retrieved the thin piece of wood from her waist, where it was attached to her dress: " -grows warm, almost hot, after I perform larger, more exhausting pieces of magic, sir."

"How very curious." Ollivander accepted the wand with long slender fingers, holding it to his ear: "I can feel the turmoil within the wood, yet it's not due to a change in ownership or physical damage. Rather, the wand is conflicted."

"Conflicted?" Marlene frowned.

"Indeed." Ollivander smiled in fascination: "An old colleague of mine used to say that hawthorn makes a strange, contradictory wand, as full of paradoxes as the tree that gave it birth, whose leaves and blossoms heal, and yet whose cut branches smell of death."


The words confused Marlene more than they helped. She felt slightly irritated at hearing riddles instead of solutions.

"How long have you experienced these problems?"

"It started rather subtly one year ago," Marlene explained as they watched Ollivander trail his fingers along the shaft of the wood.

"Mhm, yes, it is as I have assumed." The man looked up, his gray eyes meeting hers: "You're still the true yielder of this wand, yet at the same time, you're not. It hesitates to serve you as it senses the changes you have undergone."

"Changes?" Marlene repeated with a frown. Bright purple runes, silver steel, and droplets of crimson red danced through her thoughts: "Whatever do you mean, sir?"

"I'm not talking about something simplistic such as a change of hairstyle, my dear." Ollivander's voice dropped back into a faint whisper that had the hairs standing on Marlene's neck: "I'm talking about revolutionary changes, over the course of the last year, something, or perhaps someone- "

His eyes darted to Harry for a split second: " -changed your very essence and what makes you who you are. Physically speaking you remain the same enchanting young witch who walked into my shop on her father's hand six years ago. Nevertheless, ever since last year, your heart has changed; your magic has changed; perhaps your soul has changed as well..."

'The rituals.' Marlene forced herself not to glance at her boyfriend: 'Or did my love for Harry change me?'

"You're pondering over what kind of circumstances might have such drastic influences." Ollivander chuckled, now talking to Harry: "But I think we both know the answer to that already, don't we, Mr. Peverell? Some aspects of magic, those particularly obscure in nature, should be avoided no matter how tempting they are."

"Do I need a new wand then?" Marleen tried to gain back the attention of the wandmaker: "Should I try a few?"

"I'm afraid that won't work because your wand is still the best possible match for you. Despite the issues you encounter, no other wand will come close to performing as well. The only option is to dismantle it, experiment with its core, and put it back together. However, that requires similar magic to what has gotten you into this position in the first place, my dear. Magic that will have my license removed and perhaps even end up with me getting arrested by the Ministry."

"But, sir, there has to be- "

Ollivander started walking towards them, handing her back her wand and slowly pushed them towards the exit of the store. "As exciting as the task sounds, I should heed my own advice this time:

"Some aspects of magic, those particularly obscure in nature, should be avoided no matter how tempting they are."

"I wish you a pleasant day!" The man pushed them back onto the street and shut the door right in front of their faces. The faint click of a key being turned in its lock sounded up to her.

"This bloody old git!" Marlene stomped on her heel, feeling the sudden urge to practice her fire spell on the shabby shop of the rude wandmaker. She spun around, looking at Harry questionably: "What do we do now?! The wand will only get worse from here! How can I become more powerful with a partner that refuses to grow with me?!"

Harry frowned, still deep in thought: "There is a solution to this, Ollivander simply mentioned that it's not one he's willing to risk his own neck for."

"What do we do, Harry?" She allowed him to take her in his arms, taking a deep breath against his chest, which instantly calmed her a bit.

"There are other wandmakers, love. It's only the British who view Ollivander as the best in his craft..." Harry pushed a few blonde curls aside and exposed her ear as he whispered against her neck: "If I'm not mistaken, Ollivander even mentioned one of them to us just now. Remember the old colleague he referred to, a man of unmatched knowledge when it comes to the more extraordinary wands."

"Why does he have unmatched knowledge?" Marleen glanced up, shuddering when she spotted his grim determination and the dark shadows hovering in the depths of her boyfriend's eyes. "Who is it?"

"He was the first wand crafter who got his hands on the Elder Wand and studied its features, trying to replicate them." Harry raised his arm, allowing a pale thin tip to poke past his sleeve:

"His name is Mykew Gregorovitch."