
Room of Requirement

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are 15 chaps available to read in advance. Tier 2 can read 5 chapters ahead on all stories. Tear 3 can read 10 and Tier 4 can read everything I have. 

Also I don't know how many of you know this but I have a 'Story' which is just my one shots and ideas. The first chapters from various fics that I post once in a while. 'Alcoholic Panda's Snippets'

Obviously inspired by crossedge. Love that guy. Premium quality writing. One of, if not the best fanfic writer i have seen. So yeah check it out if you want to see a peak into what other stories I have. 

pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda


Word Count 2050


Haaa. That was mostly a waste of time.

Harry thought to himself as he and Hope wandered the Hallways of Hogwarts.

Flitwick might be useful in the future. But for now i don't need him for anything. But charms are an interesting path to learn. Animation charms especially. I have been practicing them lately for the creation of Golems.

Golems are such useful tools. Use some hard stone. Carve in some runes. Then animate that thing, and you have an easy replicable shield or killing machine. And i need Golems to create my Pot Factory. I underestimated how difficult it is for people to learn Transmutation. Since my Pots are made by using a special type of clay, when they are air dried to be lather hard, then you need to use Transmutation to make runes on the inside of the pot.

Since I can't get any workers to do that. I'm going to need to automate the entire process. Frankly now that I have perfected the process, I can make hundreds of pots per day. I use Transmutation to shape the pots from clay. Then Transmutation to make runes on the inside. There is the occasional pot that hardens the wrong way and warps a bit of the runes making it useless. But at least 90% of them are a success. But with me turning global, it would take a lot of time for me to personally make these pots.

Time that I'd rather spend on research.'

Harry casually placed his hand on the stone brick. He was keeping his 'Radar' on at all times and a part of his mind was looking at the Marauders Map. Knowing that there were no students, ghosts or paintings here. He used Transmutation to make a few runes on the inside of the stone brick. A rune array so to speak. Just below the surface of the stone.

"Harry what are you doing?" Hope asked with a confused expression. They were on the fifth floor of Hogwarts. The Ravenclaw entrance and their rooms were also on this floor. And every so often Harry would place his hand on a stone brick.

"Just something I might need in the future" Harry just smiled at her. She didn't need to know what he was planning on doing.

He wasn't even planning on making something too bad. Just a 'tiny' distraction. Those runes will produce a low level explosion. Minimal damage but a loud bang and plenty of smoke. Why does he need to do so?

Because Dumbledore changed the game. Now that the old man is willing to kill people for his goals. Harry needs to prepare countermeasures.

Hogwarts belongs to Dumbledore. it was 'HIS' castle. 'HIS' seat of power. Is something were to endanger or damage that, he would go right away to figure out what's going on and stop it.

That should give Harry more than enough time to slip away during the panic. And its not like he only used Explosive runes. He also put in a summoning circle inside, frankly to summon the normal frogs he had marked during his little expedition in the Dark Forest.

He will keep marking them when he finds the time. What to cause chaos. Send in a thousand frogs and critters across the Hogwarts halls. That ought to make some noise.


Harry proceeds to slowly go the 6th floor and do the same, making contingency plans for the future.

After all the only magician who gets to live long enough is the one who is the most prepared. ' I'll need to look into preparing some enchanted rings or something along those lines.'

Once he reached the 7th floor. He makes all of the portraits on his way there fall asleep. He then opens the room of requirement.

'Show me how to use this room.

Show me how to use this room.

Show me how to use this room.'

Slowly a door formed from the stone wall. A big door with an arch design

Harry raised an eyebrow "Interesting.."

"What is?" Hope didn't notice anything unusual. Secret Entrances are quite common here

"I didn't notice a shingle thing. Was it Transfiguration or a strong illusion to cover the door? I couldn't tell. Fascinating. How did they manage to hide it?"

Hope saw that Harry went into research mode so she took his hand and pulled him in. Otherwise he would stay here for the next few hours poking and prodding the door.

When they entered through the doors all they saw was a fancy marble room with a single low marble pillar in the middle. The top of the pillar was shaped like a book stand and there was a simple yet elegant open book on top of it.

Harry and Hope got near the book and they could see what was written inside

[ Welcome to my room. I Rowena Ravenclaw and a close friend of mine, created this room to aid me with my search to discover the mysteries of Magic.

If you have found this room you are most likely a student. if you are seeing this message, then you have asked specifically how to use this room, that means that you at least have some intelligence and are most likely in Ravenclaw or Slytherin.

As you know you must walk pass the painting three times while thinking of the room you want, for this Room to show itself. Now for the rest of the rules.

The one to create the room has full control of the room until he leaves.

You can not take anything created by the room outside of it.

Any food or drinks created by the room will disappear.

Any potion ingredients created by the room can be used to experiment with potions. But at the end both them and the potion will disappear. And the potion can not be ingested. The room merely creates a simulation of what would happen if certain ingredients are used in a certain order. 

Simulations can also be used for runes, rituals and spell creation.

The room has many premade choices already created. A potion lab and dueling room are just some of it. Good Luck young student. I hope this room may aid you in your education.

Creators of this room.

Rowena Ravenclaw and ...]

Harry looked down at the signatures. Only Rowena had a signature. the other one was a tree symbol.

"I see. Harry smiled. So i was right."

"Right about what" Hope asked as she turned the pages. Showing different premade configuration for the room.

"Rowena had basically built a primitive, magic computer a thousand years ago. Mad respect." Harry nodded with a nod of approval

"The room was created by Rowena and her friend who was the user of the Longinus Innovate Clear. That specific tree symbol is referenced in many books as the 'face' of the Sacred Gear.

Innovate Clear. Otherwise known Miniature Garden of Blue Innovation is a Sacred Gear that lets one impersonate God.

Innovate Clear has the ability to create an ideal world in another dimension, similarly to Dimension Lost, with the additional ability to create nearly-perfect imitations of living beings similarly to Annihilation Maker, because of this, it is known as the Sacred Gear that lets one impersonate God. However, anything made inside of Innovate Clear's world can only exist in that world. In that world you are God, anything that you desire will be created even the worlds Natural Laws.

So the ultimate sandbox. He and Rowena tried to replicate that with magic and they created the Room of Requirement."

Harry immediately got giddy.

"Show me how Rowena Ravenclaw created this room"

Words appeared out of thin air

[Request Denied]

"The fuck? Why?"

[Need Authorisation from Lady Ravenclaw. Or proof that you are part of her family] 

"Part of her family? That bitch, she linked the secrets of its creation to her bloodline. The Ravenclaw line is dead. Rowena only had one daughter, Helena and she was killed by the Bloody Baron before she married or had children... But then again, if its Authorisation you need. Then I just need to bring the Admin back... but first some leverage"

"Show me the Lost and Found room."

The room around them started to shake, and then Harry and Hope suddenly found themselves near the entrance of the room filled with all kinds of Junk. Old broken furniture, old trunks and clothes. Items that students and professors had forgotten about and lost. So the house elves asked for a room to put these things in. And so the Lost and Found room was created.

"Why are we here?" Hope asked with a confused expression. This was unlike Harry at all.. but then again his brain did always work differently than others. How could he find leverage over Rowena Ravenclaw in here.

"What do you know about Helena Ravenclaw?" Harry smirked at her

Hope frowned "Nothing. She was not in any of the books I have read about Hogwarts. Rowena's daughter perhaps?" on the inside she was sighing. 'Harry is going to act like a smartass again. Well, I'm also at fault for letting him get away with it. God damn it. Why does he have this shine in his eyes that I like when he starts explaining things'

"You are right. Helena Ravenclaw is Rowena's only daughter. Now Rowena wasn't exactly thrilled to have a child. But in those dangerous and patriarchal times. She didn't have much of a choice. It was already hard enough to stand out as a proper which among the arrogant wizards. But it turned out all right for her since her 'husband' had an unfortunate death, she inherited all of his wealth. And put it all into Hogwarts."

"How do you know all this?"

Harry shrugged "Secret Potter records. the ancient potters liked to keep records of everything they thought would be useful sometime in the future. Rowena was actually a terrible mother. She neglected Helena to focus more on her experiments.

What does Helena do? She steals her mothers prized possession. The Diadem to get her Rowena's attention. Which she did in a way. Rowena sent the Baron to hunt her down and bring back the Diadem.

The Baron who deeply loved Helena was sent by Rowena Ravenclaw to find her in Albania. Helena hid the Diadem in a hollow tree. When he found her Helena refused to return with him, he took this as her rejecting his love for her and so he killed her in a fit of rage. When he realised what he had done, the Baron stabbed himself with the same knife and died.

Rowena once she saw those two ghosts appear in Hogwarts, had realised what a terrible mother she had been. She soon after died alone and in shame"

Harry moves around the junk piles. Finding some particular items that he was going to come back for later. Until he found the Diadem. The Notice-Me-Not charm on it was very powerful. But not enough to stop him.

"Wow, I can tell how evil it is from here. This one is much stronger than the ring or cup. Sigh Tommy-boy, why were you stupid enough to put them on such useful items. Now I have to kill you to use them.. Then again, he probably betted on people not daring to damage such precious artifacts. These sheep practically worship the founders. Oh well, his mistake."

Harry flung his hand and the entire Diadem was engulfed in Emerald Flames. Another shard of Tom Riddle's soul consumed by the Soul Eating Flames.

'Hmmm, the souls I got from Azkaban should start to give me some results. Good now my soul will slowly start to get stronger and stronger.' Harry smiled at the thought. 'So far today has been a good day. Lets see how far I can take it'

"Show me how to use this room"

Harry and Hope found themselves back into the marble room with the book on the marble pillar.

Harry grinned as he picked up the Resurrection Stone and flipped it three times in his hand.

"Rowena Ravenclaw!" 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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