
HP :Demon king in Hogwarts

Kyle travels through the world of Harry Potter, activating the Emo Chest system. A treasure chest can be obtained by making people's blood pressure soar. As a result, the first treasure chest was opened with a talent: the heart of black magic. No matter what kind of magic is used, it will evolve into black magic. At the age of five, he wandered around Knockturn Alley and was known as the blood demon. Entered Azkaban at the age of seven and three, and was regarded as the king by the dementors. Professor McGonagall: "The Transfiguration I taught you is to make a needle, not a dementor!" Professor Flitwick: "Just a simple levitation spell, and you knocked the castle up for me?" Professor Snape: "Listen, Dumbledore, this kid can't be left at Hogwarts anymore, he's the next Dark Lord." "Dumbledore? Are you listening? Come on, Dumbledore has a cerebral hemorrhage!" Kyle: "Dark Lord? No, please call me Satan!" "In the future, if Satan doesn't have me tattooed on his back, he will be ashamed to go out!" =============================================================================================================================================================================================== Just a translator and a reader

Preet_Dhaliwal_6569 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs

Chapter 10: The Gryffindor Sword? It's Not Magic At all(EDITED)

Everyone looked at each other.

The four long tables below were already in an uproar.

Snape looked directly and sternly at Dumbledore.

Is this what you call kindness?

Dumbledore pushed his glasses up and stood up.

This was probably the first time such a situation had occurred since the school was founded.

A newly enrolled young wizard was assigned to Azkaban?

As the headmaster, he had to step forward to take charge and maintain order.


He first cast a spell on himself to make his voice "loud".

The voice drowned out the noisy discussions of the young wizards below.

Then Dumbledore turned to Kyle.

"Kyle, I think it's necessary for you to..."

Dumbledore was about to ask why the Sorting Hat had sorted Kyle into Azkaban.

But before he could finish his sentence,

Kyle fiercely grabbed the hat from his head and held it tightly in his hand.

"Headmaster, I want to file a complaint!"

"You use a certain old hat to sort us into houses."

"This is unfair!"

"I, such a kind young wizard, was sorted into Azkaban!"

"This has caused huge damage to my young heart."

"Compensation, the school must compensate me!"

After finishing his words,

Looking at Kyle, who was angry.

Everyone fell silent.

Dumbledore felt like his brain wasn't enough.


Brain ache.

Wait, wasn't I here to inquire you?

How did it turn into you filling a complaint?

"This Sorting Hat has a history of more than a thousand years, and it has never made a mistake..."

"What? More than a thousand years?"

"Professor, does this Sorting Hat come with a warranty?"

"Is there routine maintenance and inspection every year?"

As soon as Kyle finished speaking, he immediately showed an expression of "How can this be."

[Ding! Detecting emotional breakdown!]

[Ding! Extracting a treasure chest for the host!]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining one golden treasure chest!]

Dumbledore: "???"

Looks like there's some logic to it!


"Cough, I think this is a misunderstanding," Dumbledore coughed.

What was I going to say earlier?

Forget it; let's talk separately later.

Can't really let the Sorting Hat send a young wizard to Azkaban, can we?

"Alright, child, put the Sorting Hat back on, let's start over."


Kyle seized the opportunity.

There's still a long way to go in the future.

Unfortunately, no chests above diamonds were burst out.

Picking up the Sorting Hat,

Kyle clenched it and suddenly felt something was wrong.

There seemed to be something inside...

With a curious mind, Kyle reached into the Sorting Hat.

After a while...

A sword inlaid with rubies was pulled out.

The cold light shimmered.

The name of Godric Gryffindor was also engraved on the blade.

"Oh my, what's that?"

"A sword, there's actually a sword hidden in the Sorting Hat."

The young wizards who had just been sorted out were directly dumbfounded.

They had just worn the hat on their heads!

Dumbledore and the professors who knew the origin of the sword were also dumbfounded.

If the Sorting Hat shouting "Azkaban" just now was an earthquake of magnitude eight,

Now it's twelve!

No, eighteen!

Gryffindor's sword!

In the legend circulating at Hogwarts.

Only those who are kind-hearted and courageous can pull it out.

And a young wizard who was just sorted into Azkaban by the Sorting Hat pulled it out?

Isn't this too magical?!

The Sorting Hat was also stunned!


I was scared just now and didn't hold on tight...


"Professor?" Kyle raised an eyebrow.

He recognized the origin of this sword.


Let's see who dares to say I'm not a kind young wizard in the future.

"Child, I think this is the arrangement of fate. Since you've pulled out Gryffindor's sword, then it belongs to you."

"I hope you'll make good use of it."

Dumbledore looked pleased.

Indeed, his judgment was still accurate.

Kyle is a kind-hearted child.

Gryffindor House is about to gain a new member soon.

Maybe it will be helpful to his plan of nurturing saviours.

"There are still many people waiting behind, child, let's sort you into a house quickly."

After saying that, Dumbledore smiled and returned to his seat on the teacher's podium.

When no one was paying attention, Snape let out a sigh of relief.


It looks like Kyle is going to Gryffindor House.

With this champion of good in there, Slytherin House will probably win the House Cup for another year.

"Alright, Professor!"

Kyle put on the hat.


The Sorting Hat didn't hesitate and shouted directly.

Who cares about Gryffindor's sword, this evil person...


He must go to Slytherin House.

Dumbledore: "???"

Snape: "???"

No, it's too hasty to assign a young wizard who pulled out Gryffindor's sword to Slytherin House.

PS: Regarding why the protagonist pulled out Gryffindor's sword, I originally wanted to set up a foreshadowing and write it in a subtle way.

But I was afraid that everyone wouldn't understand...

So let me just say it plainly, the protagonist killed more than three hundred dark wizards in Knockturn Alley, which in Eastern terms means he has done a lot of good...

The West doesn't talk about merit, but if you kill three hundred evil people, then you're considered a good person, right?

That's probably what it means.