
HP: Bruno in Dumblegame

[Word Count: 42.76K] Meet Bruno Green, the bloke who's got the inside scoop on all things Harry Potter. He's just transmigrated right back into the thick of it, returning to his original eleventh-year body in that wizarding world, without any actual memories of his previous life. What a return, huh? Now, brace yourselves for some serious butterfly effects as the story kicks off, starting in the blazing summer before Harry's first year at Hogwarts. There'll be a new prophecy around, one that's got Bruno on a collision course with Dumbledore, while Harry's gearing up for his showdown with Voldemort. So, expect the unexpected and enjoy the journey! General Approach & Style: I'm crafting a narrative that remains as true to canon as a Hippogriff, but with a distinct twist — it might start with a leisurely pace, embracing the slice of life element, and as we progress, the tempo accelerates, with a primary focus on adventures that'll warm your heart. However, there's an epic journey waiting in the shadows, concealed by a mysterious prophecy. Well, looks like I'll be accidentally cooking up some suspense and tossing in a sprinkle of action here and there (in chapter six). Before that we have heartwarming dramatic moments, a sprinkle of humor, exploration of familial bonds, and the joyful chaos of friendship. Plus, yes, there'll be hints for the gradual development of a romantic subplot, and a promise of smut to add some spice when the time is right. Alright, folks, let's set the record straight from the get-go. Don't go expectin' a load of smut right outta the gate. We're talkin' first-grade students here, and as our dear Bruno once wisely put it: 'I'll give it a shot... But come on... They're just a bunch of kids...' Hah. As for calling my fic a comedy, well, maybe some of the goblins might not catch the drift, but it's all in good fun for me. So, why not? Updates: Now, for a bit of more serious business. I might be a fresh bloke in this bloody scribbling, and these updates might be a bit unpredictable at least for starters. Let's ease into it. Target word count for each chapter: 5K+ enchanted words per week, but I'll start biweekly until I get used to it, to prevent burning me out. Note: Oi, and a little heads up – English isn't my native tongue, but hey, I'm pretending like a pro! So if you spot a few quirks and blunders here and there, just play along, won't you? After all, we're all in for the adventure! Hah. But seriously, let me know if your eagle eyes spot anything odd. Disclaimer: Nope, I'm not a Sirius Black. I'm not the one who can summon Butterbeer on demand either. These characters and the whole magical gig? Courtesy of J.K. Rowling. I'm just adding my two Knuts for fun and mischief.

SeriousBloke · Livros e literatura
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8 Chs

The Mirror of Erised

By evening, the discussions in Gringotts' conference room had finally come to an end. The plan to capture the thief was in place. Gornuk promised to provide a second elf as soon as Quirrell, with his host on the back of his head, attempted the heist. All that was left was to hope that Voldemort would be there as his partner. If not, it wouldn't be a disaster either. No Quirrell meant no Voldemort at the school yard. The key thing was not to live in there with the Dark Lord hanging around. There was enough of that proximity in the Leaky Cauldron. It seemed harmless, but by thinking of that Bruno's eye twitched.

Furthermore, the goblins assured that escaping from the vault was impossible, as the walls prevented apparition for both wizards and elves. Even ghosts or spirits can't sneak into that place. Capturing Quirrell would allow them to imprison Voldemort's spirit in this vault, ensuring his return wouldn't be a concern and giving Harry the leisure to destroy all the Horcruxes at his own pace. Not that Bruno wanted to deal with that either, but if an opportunity to change something arose, why not take it? Its more like he must take it, anyway, hoping it messed up with Dumbledore's plan, whatever it is. 

What about the Philosopher's Stone? It was the easiest part. It's still inside the same vault, but with a different number. Bruno didn't know the exact process, but it seemed like goblins just changed the plates on cars.

"Mistress wants to give Yubai clothes?" Yubai asked fearfully when Olivia handed him a few coins near Pettichaps — children's clothing store.

It appeared that Yubai was not taken aback by receiving the money, likely accustomed to such transactions from his interactions with goblins. Nevertheless, the primary dilemma lay in Olivia's inability to dictate the precise attire for the elf, as doing so might inadvertently grant him his freedom. However, an alternative solution presented itself.

"Mistress is not giving Yubai any clothes," Olivia stated firmly. "I've given you money to improve your appearance. It would be nice for me to see an elf-butler. I expect you to look presentable when you're with us. And you must spend all the money I've given you. Can you manage that?"

Yubai's eyes widened as he tried to make sense of what he had heard. Bruno clearly understood that the key was not to hand the elves the clothing directly and not to specify precisely what garments they should purchase for themselves.

"Sure, you can pick up a fancy rag, but my mom's gonna be mighty disappointed in you," Bruno said, making even more afraid of what he heard.

"Yubai can do that! Yubai can buy butler clothes, yes, yes. Yubai will purchase the finest he can find," he assured with an eager nod, and then vanished with a crack.

Back at the Leaky Cauldron, Bruno was already feeling quite sleepy. The place was empty inside. The old bald Tom merely nodded at them on the way in, returning to the activity of wiping glasses. Apparently, the patrons didn't linger in the bar until late.

Bruno followed his mother up the wooden staircase with heavy steps. Olivia opened the door marked with a bronze number 18. The hotel room presented a stark contrast to the gloomy bar they had just left. Inside, two plush, comfortable beds awaited, complemented by gleaming polished oak furniture. A cheerful fire crackled in the fireplace, and an open wardrobe revealed a collection of Olivia's neatly arranged clothes.

"Your bed is the one on the left, dear. Oh!" Olivia exclaimed when the sound of the elf suddenly appeared in the room with a pop. "Yubai, you should have taken more time for your shopping." 

"No need, mistress. Yubai did his job. Is that good?"

Bruno tried not to laugh. The house elf appeared perplexed and anxious, unsure of what to anticipate from his new masters. Yubai had acquired a deep blue shirt, its buttons fastened only at the top, revealing a glimpse of his plump belly, and a white children's bow tie, which seemed more suited for adorning girls' hair.

"That's much improved. Well done," Olivia said with a smile. "Did you spend all the money?"

"Yes, yes, Yubai spent it all. Mistress is very generous. Yubai found the best clothes he could, but pants were tricky. The salesman said butlers wear these ones too, they's the priciest," Yubai proudly said.

The elf twirled slightly, revealing what his round belly had been concealing. Yubai stood there in black boxer briefs that resembled shorts upon first glance but revealed their true nature upon closer inspection. Perhaps instructing him to spend all the money hadn't been the wisest decision, considering it appeared Yubai had purchased the most luxurious underwear in all of Diagon Alley. The fabric seemed remarkably stretchy and stylish. 

"Well, butlers certainly do wear that," Olivia said.

She gave Bruno a warning look, signaling him not to laugh, but there was no need in that. Bruno was utterly fatigued.

"Oh, man, they're really somethin'," he said with a faint grin. "You gotta take me to that shop sometime." 

"Yes, yes, young master, Yubai can do that."

"I've just realized, I don't know where to accommodate you here," Olivia said, her gaze sweeping across the hotel room as if she anticipated discovering a third bed magically appear. The elf, his hands resting on his round belly, stood in the center of the room, bowing his head humbly. 

"Hey, Yubai, just crash at the foot of my bed," Bruno chimed with a wide yawn, casually flinging his shirt onto a nearby chair. 

"No need, young master. Yubai can rest on the floor—"

"Take it easy," Bruno cut in. "There's more than enough space. The bed's still too massive for me."

Yubai burst into tears, standing in place. Tears streamed down onto his belly.

"You are so kind, sir," Yubai sobbed. "The goblins always mistreated Yubai, yes, yes. They said me was created only to be a plaything for others."

"As you have noticed, we are not goblins. In our family, you are not a slave; you are our house-elf... or I might say, butler-elf," Olivia kindly added with a wink directed at Bruno. "We expect you to behave accordingly." 

"Yes, mistress," Yubai said, wiping away his tears with his tiny hands.

Olivia continued to instruct the elf, telling him what she expected from him, though her words seemed to trail off into nothingness. As soon as Bruno's face met the pillow, he promptly powered down. It was as if the sleep lasted only a second, because within a few minutes, even through his closed eyelids, he could already feel the sun's rays.

It was already dawn, but Bruno didn't rush to open his eyes. Suddenly, a hissing sound echoed, prompting him to do so. It was too close. On the nightstand next to his bed stood some kind of wooden box for jewelry, which was so thin that looked like a book with three snakes carved on cover. 

"What in the wizarding world is goin' on here?" Bruno mumbled, pulling himself upright.

The room was a disaster zone. At first, Bruno couldn't believe his eyes. Compared to last night, it was like entering a whole new dimension. It was as if the place had turned into a storage closet overnight. Stuff was piled up everywhere—books, vials of strange liquids, and a bunch of other things he didn't even have names for were just taking over every nook and cranny. It was like an epic sorting ceremony gone wild.

"Good morning, love. Or rather, it's already afternoon," Olivia said near the bubbling cauldron by the fireplace. "Did you sleep well? I cast a few silencing spells so we wouldn't disturb you. I have a lot of useless but valuable items here. Yubai suggested a tidy up with a minor rearrangement of things, as you can see. And I'm at the final stage of making a potion; give me a moment. Yubai, where is that empty vial, the one I told you about? Oh, it's here, don't worry."

Bruno thought that referring to it as a 'minor rearrangement' would be a significant understatement. At the moment, the room resembled nothing short of a complete chaos. Thankfully, the chimney was effectively carrying away all the fumes from the boiling cauldron. A faint scent of soap permeated the air.

"Would the young master like something to eat? Big belly means big power, yes, yes!" Yubai exclaimed, jumping in his new bottom-opened shirt, with his hands raised. 

Elf's belly jiggled. With one hand, the Yubai levitated the wardrobe to the ceiling, while with the other, he controlled a mop that was foaming as it cleaned the floor. A bucket of water trailed behind. Was Yubai controlling the movements with his belly? Or was it all about his hand skills? Bruno smirked at his thoughts but didn't have a chance to respond.

"We'll grab a snack at Diagon Alley," Olivia casually addressed Yubai, as if she always had a house-elf. Bruno didn't even have a chance to respond in his groggy state. "You'll stay here and make sure no one enters."

"Yes, mistress," Yubai replied, gently lowering the wardrobe. "But, please, be sure you eat there."

Navigating the cluttered room was a real challenge, trying not to step on who knows what. Bruno got dressed and grabbed a slender wooden box, which promptly emitted a hiss.

"What's inside this 'Jumanji'?" he asked, observing as Olivia kept an eye on the potion bubbling away in the cauldron. 

"There's a Runespoor," she said without even turning to look at him. "I needed it to finish potion with its eggs."

"Wait, you mean there's a three-headed snake in this tiny box?" Bruno quizzed. 

"Yes, it's under Extension Charms."

"Ringin' a bell—those eggs have something to do with brain tickling potion, right?"

"Yes, but that's why that potion is forbidden. Regular consumption leads to addiction, and you won't be able to do anything without them," Olivia explained monotonously, starting to wave her wand, causing the potion to change from blue to green. 

"Don't tell me you're currently cooking up one of those?" 

"Why not?" 

"Oh, I can't believe my own mother's cookin' up some 'green meth' right in front of her son, and she's askin' me why not?" Bruno made a loud sigh. "Hold on, is that why our last name's Green?" 

Olivia couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"I'm not brewing up any forbidden potion," she declared with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "That so-called forbidden brew is merely one of the ingredients for this new concoction I'm working on."

"I ain't sure that'd fly in court, you know."

"I'm quite certain it would," Olivia simply confidently. "By the way, I helped your godmother refine this Noggin Zoom Tonic recipe. No, I didn't come up with that name; your godmother did," Olivia added, noticing Bruno's amused expression. "This potion combines Cognoxium Elixir and Felix Felicis. Just a sip of this concoction, and your mind would kick into high gear, thoughts racing at the speed of light, aiding you in solving problems and coming up with clever ideas. However, we're not master potion-makers. It took quite some time—only the 48th attempt was successful, but it finally eliminated most of the negative side effects. Your brain might still go into overdrive, making it challenging to focus on anything else. And there's still the occasional hiccup that leaves you speaking in rhyme for a while."

"No big fuss in speaking rhyme, when your mind's as sharp as mine," Bruno quipped with a laugh, then becoming a little bit scared. "Oh, drat, did I inhale this potion's brew, I fear?"

"Enchanted cauldrons negate the negative effects of fumes during potion brewing," Olivia replied with a smile. "Oh, it's already done. Look."

The green potion inside the cauldron began to fizz. Olivia waved her wand, and the liquid inside slowly started to decrease, as if it were in a leaky cauldron.

"Is there something wrong?" 

"Just give it a moment," Olivia replied.

As the potions in the cauldron dwindled to almost nothing, Olivia waved her wand once more. At the bottom, only a droplet of liquid remained, now neon green with a hint of orange fizz. Then, Olivia brought a small vial to this residue, which was barely enough for a sip. The liquid flowed inside like it had been taken with a pipette.

"Smoo-o-o-oth," Bruno exclaimed.

"I want you to carry this with you at all times," Olivia said. She conjured a necklace, attached a vial of the potion to it, and then hung it around Bruno's neck. "Only use it if there's some danger, and I'm not around."

"No kiddin'? My mom's my drug dealer now," Bruno replied cheerfully.

"I'm talking seriously. Anyway, I've run out of ingredients to make more," Olivia simply replied.

"Well, thanks. I reckon it'll come in handy, considerin' we're caught up in some sort of Dumbledore's game," Bruno said, giving his mother his warmest hug. The box in his hand hissed once again. "Oh, can I open it?" he inquired eagerly.

"Of course, just don't make any sudden movements. It's mostly harmless since it has no venom left, but we don't want any unnecessary trouble. Get it a mouse," Olivia advised.

Yubai quickly appeared in front of him with a cage containing mice.

"You may choose the juiciest one first, yes, yes," Yubai said, flicking his fingers and immobilizing the biggest one.

Bruno opened the wooden box carefully. Inside, three pairs of snake-like eyes stared directly at him. Three heads of an orange serpent with snazzy black stripes emerged. There was a plenty of space inside, filled with sand. Moreover, there was lighting emanating from a soap bubble, reminiscent of Bruno's time spent at St. Mungo's Hospital. Bruno threw three mice eventually, ensuring that each head received one.

"I'm just not sure what to do with the Runespoor now," Olivia said. "I can't sell it legally, and keeping it at home will become burdensome in the future. Right now, it's not very big, but it'll grow to about two meters."

Bruno took another look at the Runespoor, which was contentedly swallowing mice. The right head, which finished first, hissed in response to Olivia's words. Runespoor wasn't part of the seven books, but Bruno was privy to their existence. Thanks to his prior fancy wiki surfing in a previous life, he knew that each head of a Runespoor had distinct roles. The left one, currently locking eyes with him, played the strategist and called the shots. The middle head was the daydreamer, serenely soaking in the box as if it were its first glimpse. The right noggin was the critic, ever keen to pick apart the other two's moves. Pictures of Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, and Hermione Granger flashed through the mind.

"You probably ain't thrilled 'bout bein' caged up," Bruno drawled, conjuring thoughts of that Brazilian boa constrictor.

This time, all three heads hissed in harmony. Seemed like a consensus. Bruno recalled that Runespoors often wound up missing their right head; the other two teamed up over time to chomp it off, probably tired of its constant nitpicking. Sure, he couldn't exactly chat with serpents, but he sure could read their vibes even if he wasn't a Parseltongue. Not a complete idiot, you know.

"You can let it out later. Just don't pet it. Runespoor doesn't appreciate that much," Olivia commented. "I'm even contemplating selling it in Knockturn Alley later on, though it's such a shady and dreadful place. I'm not particularly eager to go there."

"If mistress doesn't want to go, Yubai can go. He can sell the snake for a good-good amount. Goblinsy taught Yubai to sell, to buy, yes, yes," he said proudly.

"So, Yubai means 'you buy'," Olivia said with a smirk, but Bruno exclaimed at that moment.


It was an outburst—unexpectedly loud and sudden. It made the Runespoor halt its hiss, Olivia raised an eyebrow in surprise, and Yubai hopped back with a cage, just barely managing to close it to prevent the mice from escaping. The elf shook his head, tucked his ample belly in, and froze, not knowing what to say.

"I sort of owe him," Bruno explained, his voice now hushed. "Those potions helped us, right? We can't just cast him aside after we've used him."

"Oh, certainly, love. Don't worry. We'll find a place for him," assured Olivia.

"Absolutely, master Bruno!" Yubai's attitude shifted immediately, his enthusiasm practically radiating. "If you need, Yubai will be the best helper, yes!"

"Huh. That's the spirit, Yubai," Bruno said. "What's its name, by the way?" 

"No name," Olivia said softly filled with affection. She started of sorting things on the bed. "But you can give it a name, if you'd like."

Bruno shifted his gaze back to the trio of eyes locked inside a wooden box.

"What should I call ya, then? Naming each head sounds like a three-headed headache. Tri-head? Trisnake? Eh, let's roll with Tris. Cool with that, Tris?"

The Runespoor emitted a noise that could pass for contentment, maybe. Or it was just picking up the friendly vibe in Bruno's tone.

"Now look, I get it—you might not get a word I'm sayin', and honestly, I ain't graspin' your hiss code either. But I'm bringin' in someone soon who can chat with your snakey selves. You'll get to voice your wishes, and we'll do our darndest to make 'em happen. Just hang tight a tad longer, cool?"

The reply came in the form of another enigmatic hiss.

Over the next few days, Tris transformed into a beloved household pet. Of course, the Runespoor didn't allow itself to be picked up, but each time Bruno returned from Knockturn Alley, he brought a lot mice to throw in the box, and Tris hissed happily every time. Once, Bruno even managed to beg for some money to buy a large magical rat to delight his pet.

Together with Olivia, they orchestrated a little spectacle. Releasing Tris from its box, they let it engage in a rat hunt. However, after a few minutes, this idea didn't seem as brilliant as they initially thought. The rat darted around the room as if it were on fire, and Tris pursued it relentlessly. Olivia quickly cast a protective shield to prevent rat to get on the bed where she, Bruno and Yubai stood at the moment.

Meanwhile, Yubai was observing with a touch of dismay as objects tumbled, clothes were torn, and scraps of parchment were sent flying in every direction. His emotions were conflicted; he was fond of masters and their pet, but he detested the mess they were causing.

"Be careful, oh, my belly!" he gasped as Tris nearly collided with a mirror, nearly shattering it.

"Go for it, Tris!" Bruno cheered, even though he knew the Runespoor couldn't understand him.

"It's darted under the nightstand!" Olivia shouted, caught up in the excitement. "You've got it!"

Big fat rat was captured. Animal rights advocates might cringe at the sound of bones crunching, but Bruno found it rather amusing. He even improvised a self-made kinda fake spell, which he recited aloud:

"I don't know a charm for yellow,

Make this rat a tasty fellow."

This time, the hissing from Tris seemed to transform into a contented purr, as if echoing the satisfaction of a pleased cat. Bruno was hoping that Harry would assist with the training. If that didn't pan out, he could always fall back on the idea of leaving Tris with Harry. The thought of Harry owning a snake was quite entertaining.

"Let me have a look if the vial is sealed," Olivia said. "I'm a bit concerned that you started rhyming words ever since I gave you the potion."

She reached out to take the vial with Noggin Zoom Tonic, but Bruno hissed in unison with Tris.

"It's me precious! Don't be layin' your filthy hands on NZT!" 


In Diagon Alley, Bruno wandered wherever he pleased, albeit in Olivia's company. However, since he didn't want to go anywhere without her, everything was fine. He quickly adapted to the new surroundings. Exploring various wondrous magical shops became a delightful pastime when he grew tired of reading books or planning his next moves.

Yubai, ever the diligent house-elf in that fancy self-made uniform, carried out his tasks like a champ-butler, even though they weren't overly demanding. Cleaning the room took only a couple of minutes. Bruno was half convinced that given enough time, the elf's touch might make more than dust vanish—furniture and all. Still, it had to be admitted that breakfast in bed pleased not only Bruno but also Olivia. Somehow, he even scored a deal with Tom, securing kitchen access to whip up something for Olivia and Bruno whenever their appetites stirred.

This arrangement allowed them to bypass dining at the Leaky Cauldron, avoiding any unwanted encounters with Quirrell. There was little doubt that Voldemort's future host now resided in one of the rooms, as they observed him having breakfast at the bar daily when en route to Diagon Alley. The absence of the distinctive turban indicated that Voldemort hadn't yet taken over his servant's body, but Olivia had no doubt that this would occur before the planned heist.

Of course, such close proximity could be slightly tense, yet Quirrell posed little threat to them. It wasn't in his interest to stir up any disturbances in Diagon Alley at present. Moreover, as an extra precaution, Yubai now acted as a guard, stationed in their hotel room. In any case, Bruno began carrying the box with Runespoor in his pocket all the time. You never know, if that snake guy could manage to give Tris some sneaky command. It's better to always have small wooden box in sight.

Bruno and Olivia not only refrained from dining at the Leaky Cauldron due to Quirrell's presence, but they also found it more appealing to enjoy their meals at an outdoor café under a cheerful umbrella, rather than within the stuffy, dim interior. They often frequented a cozy spot across from Gringotts, aptly named the Café at the Crossroads.

At one of the curbside tables, Bruno worked his way through nearly every item on the menu. The dish that raised his brow highest was this jelly-studded porridge, where the colorful bits bobbed like fish in a pond, yet packed the flavor punch of roasted meat. Utterly mind-boggling. Olivia, on her end, usually savored a slice of cake while leisurely sipping her coffee, buried in the latest Daily Prophet.

"Why d'you reckon he ain't in a hurry for the bank?" Bruno tossed out one day.

Olivia clearly understood who her son had on his mind. The whole drill they were doing for their heist, scoping out the territory — those were the most likely reasons why Quirrell seemed to be hitting pause. Remember, back at Hogwarts, he was even more cautious, like a squirrel eyeing a nut before finally going for it with the Philosopher's Stone. That kind of prudent approach never really sat well with Voldemort, considering how much he used to grumble about Quirrell dragging his heels in the original tale.

"I think he's doing the same thing we are," Olivia said, not looking up from the newspaper. "He wants to meet Harry."

That theory made perfect sense. Undoubtedly, Voldemort desired to set his eyes on the boy during Harry's Hogwarts supplies shopping. The timing couldn't have been more opportune. Bruno and Olivia came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be prudent to introduce themselves to Harry while Voldemort lurked in the vicinity. The best course of action was to bide their time for the right moment to reveal themselves. Furthermore, the issue of lodging also played a role. Having Harry and Voldemort as neighbors at the Leaky Cauldron or any other inn in Diagon Alley — of which Olivia knew there were two — would be, to say the least, a recipe for disaster. They could do nothing but await Quirrell's lead as he guided his master into the trap awaiting them in vault number 713.

"Thank Merlin—or rather, thank me—that we've got his schedule mapped out," Bruno quipped, attempting to scoop up a handful of jelly creatures with a single spoonful, though it proved to be quite the challenge.

Over at a neighboring table, audible sighs filled the air.

"Did you see the dress I've got? It's like pure magic, no need for any added charms," one witch boasted about her purchases.

A little further away, Bruno noticed another witch who kept admiring her reflection in a mirror.

"And how expensive are those two-way mirrors?" Bruno asked Olivia, finding a new topic for discussion.

"Very expensive," Olivia replied, then added thoughtfully, "One will cost as much as a dozen 'Nimbus' brooms."

Bruno let out a low whistle. He'd already caught wind that broomstick prices could give Muggle car deals a run for their money. Olivia had been greatly surprised when Bruno mentioned that Harry received his first broomstick as a gift. She knew that Professor McGonagall was an avid Quidditch fan, but even for her to buy the latest model of the "Nimbus" was astonishing.

"Are mirrors really that much of a rarity?" Bruno inquired, still reeling from the price shock.

"It's more about the way they're made and by whom. The craftsman has to be skilled enough to enchant it with every available defensive spell and take an oath that they won't create an additional mirror to eavesdrop on conversations. And too many oaths can have a negative impact on your magic in the future. That's why the prices are so high. Such items are usually carefully kept and passed down as heirlooms."

All that was left to do was chuckle at the irony that Harry Potter barely even made use of his mirror, which Sirius gave him.

"We could just get two without the oath and try using some kinda secret code," Bruno suggested. "Or use it only for emergencies."

"You know... there's something to that," Olivia said thoughtfully, closing the Daily Prophet. "In any case, it would be worth looking into, just to find out the prices."

Energized by this new idea, Bruno quickly finished his porridge. After breakfast, their plans were now set. However, they didn't immediately reach their destination. At the Shutterbutton's Photography Studio window, Bruno lingered, observing various magical creatures in motion on the displayed photographs for public view. There were also some photos of people, including one of a Quidditch player expertly throwing the Quaffle through the hoop repeatedly.

"Interested in some photography?" Olivia inquired. "I could get you one."

"Nah, it's just... How much?" Bruno's eyebrows shot skyward when he took in the price tag listed for the camera. He muttered under his breath, a tinge of envy coloring his words, "Guess Colin comes from some cushy Muggle family. And you're really up for buying this for me?"

"Absolutely, I still owe you a birthday present," Olivia affirmed.

"Covering all the ones you missed, huh?" Bruno smirked. "Think one potion and camera can make up for the whole backlog?"

"Oh, you shameless Brownie."

"How did you just call... Ouch!" 

Bruno yelped as he felt a pinch on his rear, even though his mother was standing just a step away, her expression one of innocent mirth.

"Do you want to leave your dear mother completely broke and run off?" Olivia playfully continued.

"Ow! How are you even doing this? Stop!" Bruno hollered, darting down Diagon Alley and sensing an imaginary swarm of bees nipping at his half-black behind.

Olivia trailed behind him, her laughter ringing through the air. Before they knew it, they stood before a magical establishment named Janus Galloglass.

Bathed in the sunny weather, the store glimmered with its collection of mirrors adorning the exterior wall. As the door swung open, Bruno felt the enchantment infuse the air. The shop was bedecked with mirrors of all shapes and sizes, winking from display cases and gracing the walls. Each mirror exuded its unique energy, promising distinctive attributes. Mirrors of every kind dotted the space: tall, wide, dainty. Some murmured cautionary tales, while others spilled fashion tips for the day ahead. The price tags affixed to them made him swallow hard. What kind of gig did you need to nab in order to snatch up whatever you fancied in Diagon Alley? No wonder the place was kinda empty — just selling one of these mirrors could probably foot the shop's rent for a month.

"Where d'ya reckon the shopkeep's at?" Bruno oddly whispered, sidling up to a mirror that was showing him an unfamiliar beach. His reflection in it winked, then turned tail and dashed toward the sea for a dip.

"Someone is further down," Olivia answered, adjusting her glasses.

"Good, was startin' to think we'd be searchin' for him within one of these mirrors," Bruno quipped.

"We've all found ourselves trapped within mirrors. Each in our own peculiar way," an unfamiliar male voice chimed, causing them to startle and pivot on their heels. "Seeking one's own reflection within them is no simple endeavor, I must say."

From around a corner emerged a tall, wiry man, past the prime of middle age, sporting round dark goggles. At first, you might've assumed the shades were to fend off the blinding sunlight reflecting off the mirrors, but Bruno quickly twigged that the man was blind.

"Wait," Olivia said, adjusting her glasses. "I noticed you at the other end of the shop."

"Did you truly perceive me, or did you merely glimpse a reflection? Do not be too hasty to leap to conclusions before you've fully apprehended the essence of what presents itself. Within specific segments of my mirrors, each of you will behold a reflection that is uniquely your own, a mirror to the profound depths of your very soul. Allow me to guide you on this intriguing odyssey. Janus Galloglass, the overseer of this esteemed establishment, is my name, but you may address me as Janus," he introduced himself, with a slight tilt of the top hat perched atop his head.

As Janus spoke, Bruno caught a flicker of movement in one of the mirrors. In fact, things were stirring behind each reflective surface, leaving uncertainty about what might materialize.

"Please, tell me you're not about to bust out the 'wizard doesn't choose the mirror, but the mirror chooses the wizard' line," Bruno muttered under his breath.

Janus let out a quiet chuckle, seemingly quite taken with that comment.

"Mirrors, unlike wands, lack magical cores capable of harmonizing with a wizard's essence," he retorted, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "However, there are mirrors that ensnare imprisoned souls or specters, effectively serving as an alternate to a magical core in their own peculiar fashion. Cast your gaze upon the mirror beside you."

Their gazes shifted in unison.

"I don't see anything," Olivia reported, adjusting her big black framed glasses once more.

"Exert not thyself overly in attempting to fathom the visual spectacle before you. Instead, cling to the underlying essence it conceals," Janus proposed.

At his words, Bruno jolted to the side, narrowly avoiding colliding with another mirror thanks to Olivia's swift grip on his shoulder. What he witnessed sent shivers down his spine. For a brief moment, a menacing black shadow enveloped his reflection, as though it aimed to consume it whole.

"What the heck was that?" Bruno blurted out. Olivia emitted a gentle, cautionary cough. "What? A flippin' shadow decided to take a bite outta me over there!"

Janus, however, paid no mind to such reactions. He appeared quite amused by the situation, chuckling softly.

"Excellent observation. Excellent indeed. It's quite impressive that you spotted the shadow. Not every wizard even notices their own," he praised.

"Doesn't exactly scream 'friendly entity,'" Bruno muttered, keeping a wary eye on his various reflections.

"Fret not, young sir. Let not your heart quiver before the imprisoned shadows within the looking glass. Nay, dread the individuals who conjured forth those very shadows," Janus replied, his tone delivering the message as if it were the most commonplace revelation. "Here, your own reflection poses a greater peril to the imprisoned shadows."

"Is my blasted shadow gonna end up stuck in one of these blasted mirrors?" Bruno fired off, his concern evident. 

"Bruno," Olivia warned, her tone carrying a note of caution.

Janus smiled.

"Unless, of course, you harbor intentions of departing this establishment in a state other than life. In that case, worry may be warranted."

"What's that supposed to mean? I ain't exactly thrilled about my shadow settlin' down in your fancy shop for good. 'Cause if that nonsense goes on, believe me, things are gonna start gettin' smashed up pretty darn fast."

"Bruno, take a breath," Olivia interjected once more. "You seem unusually energetic today. My apologies, Janus. My son's not typically this... exuberant."

"It's of no consequence," Janus retorted, a smile playing on his lips. "Yet, I'd recommend you take your leave from the Mirror of Exhilaration. Its sway upon you is palpable."

Bruno immediately took a step aside and felt the energy inside him calm down. 

"Stupid mirror," he grumbled under his breath. "Could've warned me sooner."

The urge to wildly jump around and spew curses wasn't tugging at him anymore. He caught sight of another shadow in one of them dang hanging mirrors, but it vanished right away. Olivia figured it was high time to switch up the conversation:

"We're here to learn about the prices for two-way mirrors."

Janus locked his gaze directly upon Olivia, his dark lenses scarcely obscuring his scrutiny, as if he wasn't blind at all.

"Two-way mirrors, you say? It's been an interval since anyone sought such commodities from my stock," Janus mentioned, his gaze ascending toward the ceiling. "I can certainly affirm the absence of novel specimens, but we could certainly peruse some of the antiquated models if that aligns with your intentions. Should the terms prove acceptable, I could try to enchant a connection between a pair." He paused, awaiting Olivia's assent. "Should that course of action suit your preferences, then I beckon you to proceed this way."

Olivia walked alongside Janus, arriving at what appeared to be a cabinet or a safe. From within this enclosure, the shop owner began extracting an assortment of mirrors. The conversation that followed delved into trading and enchanting, and, truth be told, it all seemed a tad dry and overly focused on price tags.

In that moment, Bruno's attention was once more captivated by the presence of the shadow within one of the mirrors. This time, it didn't appear to harbor any appetite for devouring him. Rather, it approached at a leisurely pace. As the image grew clearer, Bruno discerned a distinct shape — the shadow bore a resemblance to a girl.

He drew closer, and the shadow, raising something that vaguely resembled a dress, made a gesture that seemed like an apologetic nod. Bruno observed skeptically, casting a questioning glance back at the mirror. The shadow replicated the motion. Seeing no response, the shadow sank to its knees, arms raised in a plea for forgiveness, much like a scene from a silent movie where emotions were conveyed without a soundtrack.

Bruno couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Olivia shot him a sidelong look, but her gaze followed Bruno's finger as he pointed towards his own reflection in the mirror. Bruno was taken aback by the sudden absence of the shadow in that particular moment. He endeavored to locate it once more. For reasons beyond his grasp, he felt an odd compulsion to glimpse that shadow again.

Yet, it wasn't as simple as it seemed. The lack of organization in the shop meant that the mirrors were placed haphazardly. There was no pattern to them. It was challenging to try to find what interested you on your own, but the shadow seemed to thrive here. It leaped skillfully from one reflection to another.

There was even a mirror that didn't reflect living beings. Why on earth was it there? Gazing into it, Bruno felt like a vampire watching himself. Or more like watching nothing at all. He was about to move on, but then he noticed another one, labeled "Golden Fever." When he looked into it, a desire to possess it right away filled him... 

His reflection barely moved its lips, saying, "buy me."

"Nice try. Got no Knuts on me," Bruno murmured, before spotting something peculiar to the side.

A room hidden behind some curtains. It seemed to be Janus' workshop. As Bruno drew closer, the shadow appeared in the subsequent mirror, waving something toward him. This wasn't akin to the animated portraits, where painted figures leaped between frames. Instead, the shadow emerged as if from the very depths of the mirror. It tried to wave its hands, but as a 2D black shadow, it's like a bad puppetry show. Bruno couldn't quite figure out what it was trying to bestow.

"And now you're standin' here still," Bruno said. "I ain't got a clue what you're wavin' about. What're you tryin' to flaunt? Hey, simmer down. Oh, that last one I managed to catch. It's not exactly the most polite finger-thing, y'know."

The shadow in the mirror waved once more before vanishing. The mirror shivered and then illuminated. Bruno let out a snort. If a warning urged him not to venture forth, he'd heed it. Yet, curiosity gnawed at him...

Through the fissure, he espied an antique full-length mirror stationed beside the fireplace. It extended nearly to the ceiling, propped up by stands reminiscent of two-legged creatures with elongated claws anchored into the floor. Amidst the sea of mirrors on display, none could rival the splendor of this silver-framed marvel. Bruno was on the brink of moving on, but his attention was once again captured by a board etched with ancient runes. Amidst the intricate symbols, a word emerged at the center — "Erised."

Bruno cast a glance back at Olivia, who was wholly engrossed in examining the array of mirrors Janus had arranged before her on a table. The shopkeeper's animated explanations wafted to Bruno in fragments.

Bruno's curiosity was stirred anew when he realized he was once again positioned next to the Mirror of Exhilaration. Yet, his concern regarding it had seemingly waned. At present, a singular question consumed his thoughts: could the other mirror in Janus' workshop bear resemblance to the one Dumbledore had employed to conceal the Philosopher's Stone? Admittedly, the idea seemed far-fetched, but Bruno's curiosity raged on unabated. The prospect of glimpsing his innermost desire held a captivating allure. Moreover, it could potentially shed light on Dumbledore's intentions — particularly since the prophecy foretold that their paths would intercede in mutual obstruction. Good to know which of Bruno's goals old wizard will try to mess with.

Since there were no prohibitive signs in the passage, Bruno quietly slipped between the curtains and entered the room. He walked past the board, circled around the table, and then stood near the empty fireplace. From there, he could see what the antique mirror was showing. Or rather, he couldn't see anything at all. Its surface didn't reflect anything, just darkness inside. But that wasn't what surprised Bruno. 

Rather abruptly, as he got closer to the mirror, he felt his buddy stirring beneath his trousers. Looks like someone's got some desires too. A side effect of the mirror, perhaps?

"For real? Right now?" Bruno muttered, giving his 'boa constrictor' a quick adjustment with a hand.

Turning his attention back to the mirror, Bruno observed that its readiness was far from optimal, as its effects seemed to be rather untimely and incongruous with the moment. The frame of the mirror was notably incomplete, with various segments strewn upon a nearby table, giving the impression that it required assembly akin to a puzzle. There were also places where runes were absent. This empty space seemed to invite something to fill it. Only at the top of the frame was an engraved inscription that looked complete: "Erised syme neru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi." Bruno knew these words had to be read backward.

"'I show not your face but your enemy's desire,'" he whispered almost inaudibly, nervously swallowing.

It wasn't quite what Bruno was looking for, although informative in its own way. It appeared that there were various types of 'Erised' mirrors, each with its unique characteristics. Interestingly, Dumbledore possessed a different kind, one that revealed 'your deepest desire' rather than 'your enemy's desire.' His mirror boasted a resplendent golden frame, a striking departure from the silver hue of the mirror before Bruno.

And just as Bruno's thoughts shifted to the old wizard, the darkness in the mirror parted slightly, and he saw a silhouette that strongly resembled Dumbledore. Opposite this shadowy figure, a smaller one stood. Oddly, Bruno had an immediate feeling that it was Harry. The shadow of Dumbledore with some wand waving moves circled the smaller Harry-shadow, resembling a predator cautiously poised to strike.

Bruno couldn't tear his gaze away. He wanted to see what would happen next, but then the movement was interrupted. A third shadow appeared in the mirror, clearly not belonging to the scene. It began to hop around the silhouettes of Harry and Dumbledore, as if playing hopscotch.

"Hey, no meddling," Bruno whispered, almost involuntarily. "I want to see what he does."

The shadow stopped and lowered its head in a hurt manner before dissipating.

A jarring twist of fate unfolded, shattering the ordinary. The pursuit of Harry by the shadowy Dumbledore abruptly halted, replaced by an unsettling stillness. Then, like a nightmare come alive, the shadow pivoted its head towards Bruno, locking onto him with an unseen gaze. A surge of icy dread clawed its way down Bruno's spine, setting every nerve on edge.

The mirror's surface devoured all light, drowning Bruno's surroundings in an abyss of blackness. A creeping shadow unfurled, shrouding the mirror's entire surface in an ominous cloak. Struggling to peer into the void, where the old wizard gone, Bruno edged closer, his nose almost grazing the mirror. And then, in the abyss, it materialized...

Two foggy eyes emerged from the pitch darkness. No pupils or irises.

Startled beyond measure, Bruno recoiled abruptly, stumbling backwards. His attempt to grasp something for support resulted in him clutching a bowl, which in turn caused a cascade of ashes to shower down upon him. Choking and disoriented, Bruno collapsed into the fireplace, his senses reeling.

"Oh... crap!" Bruno's exclamation was marked by the dreadful realization of his error.

It was Floo Powder, it activated magic. Green flames ignited in the fireplace, roaring and swirling like a storm. Bruno found himself caught in a furious whirlwind, spiraling upwards. The rush of flames was a raucous symphony, deafening as it enveloped him. His head spun, and fragmented visions of fiery fireplaces and connecting chambers flickered before his eyes. The rapidity of it all churned his stomach, the swirling vortex of green becoming a nauseating blur. Ouch! A sharp pain stung his elbow, and instinctively, Bruno curled up even tighter, hoping to shield himself. The vortex played its relentless game, the gusts biting cold into his cheeks, until, without warning, it all came to a sudden halt.

"Bloody hell," Bruno cursed inwardly as he was flung out of the fireplace. His head collided with something unyielding, and sparks performed a little ballet in front of his eyes.

Gradually, his surroundings swam into clarity. Bruno grappled with the notion that a peculiar magical mishap had deposited him in a place brimming with assorted clutter. A cursory examination suggested that he found himself in the basement of a dwelling, devoid of windows and steeped in an aura of neglect. The scent of disagreeable odors hung in the air — a testament to his hand's unfortunate encounter with a less-than-sanitary pile of excrement, as if the journey itself hadn't been enough to make him sick.

"Oi, can it get any shittier than this?" Bruno grumbled.

Swiftly, he wiped hand off onto a moth-eaten stuffed toy and turned around.

His first thought was to grab Floo Powder and head back to Janus Galloglass, but that proved impossible. The basement, where he had arrived, resembled the Room of Requirement filled with forgotten items. Various broken children's toys, a bicycle with bent wheels, a deflated rubber boat, a torn trampoline, different vases with withered flowers, cabinets filled with papers and faded photographs, a table with a broken leg, an animal cage hidden under a tattered blanket – it was all there. Finding a box or container of Floo Powder seemed like an impossible task. Unfortunately, there was nothing resembling it near the fireplace.

Carefully squeezing between two cabinets, Bruno noticed a photograph sticking out of a photo album. In it, a fair-haired blonde was captured, standing next to a smiling old man. They seemed to radiate happiness.

There were only photos of them, and Bruno speculated that the owners were quite nice. He could simply talk to them, explaining this awkward situation: that he had accidentally popped up in their place, but... But his next thought made him nervously swallow.

Traces of dried blood were visible on the tool chest. Upon closer inspection of the children's items, stains were evident there as well. There was even a jar with floating human fingers inside. This was not just a troublesome situation; it was a situation worse than imaginable. When Harry found himself in a predicament similar to using Floo Powder and ending up at Borgin and Burkes, it now seemed so harmless that Bruno had a nervous laugh.

"Okay, things've got shittier. No prob."

He looked at the photograph once more. The younger blonde man was chuckling like mad, and the older one's smile no longer exuded happiness. Instead, it bore a sinister, snake-like grin that made Bruno's skin crawl for the umpteenth time today. Just where the hell had he arrived?


In the next episode…

"No, Mr. Green, I expect you to die." 

Thanks for subscribing and patiently awaiting a fresh chapter. I'm working on speeding things up, but my inner perfectionist insists on tossing in a few more twists here and there, leading to yet another round of rewriting. Just this morning, I threw in an extra two thousand words for good measure, and I've even translated it into English like a mad werewolf at the full moon to manage to post it today. I could've trimmed the chapter down for you later, but I figured a 'limitless' chapter, well over 7K words, is the kind Hermione would undoubtedly give a thumbs up to, wouldn't you say? Hope you had a blast with it.

SeriousBlokecreators' thoughts