
HP: Bruno in Dumblegame

[Word Count: 42.76K] Meet Bruno Green, the bloke who's got the inside scoop on all things Harry Potter. He's just transmigrated right back into the thick of it, returning to his original eleventh-year body in that wizarding world, without any actual memories of his previous life. What a return, huh? Now, brace yourselves for some serious butterfly effects as the story kicks off, starting in the blazing summer before Harry's first year at Hogwarts. There'll be a new prophecy around, one that's got Bruno on a collision course with Dumbledore, while Harry's gearing up for his showdown with Voldemort. So, expect the unexpected and enjoy the journey! General Approach & Style: I'm crafting a narrative that remains as true to canon as a Hippogriff, but with a distinct twist — it might start with a leisurely pace, embracing the slice of life element, and as we progress, the tempo accelerates, with a primary focus on adventures that'll warm your heart. However, there's an epic journey waiting in the shadows, concealed by a mysterious prophecy. Well, looks like I'll be accidentally cooking up some suspense and tossing in a sprinkle of action here and there (in chapter six). Before that we have heartwarming dramatic moments, a sprinkle of humor, exploration of familial bonds, and the joyful chaos of friendship. Plus, yes, there'll be hints for the gradual development of a romantic subplot, and a promise of smut to add some spice when the time is right. Alright, folks, let's set the record straight from the get-go. Don't go expectin' a load of smut right outta the gate. We're talkin' first-grade students here, and as our dear Bruno once wisely put it: 'I'll give it a shot... But come on... They're just a bunch of kids...' Hah. As for calling my fic a comedy, well, maybe some of the goblins might not catch the drift, but it's all in good fun for me. So, why not? Updates: Now, for a bit of more serious business. I might be a fresh bloke in this bloody scribbling, and these updates might be a bit unpredictable at least for starters. Let's ease into it. Target word count for each chapter: 5K+ enchanted words per week, but I'll start biweekly until I get used to it, to prevent burning me out. Note: Oi, and a little heads up – English isn't my native tongue, but hey, I'm pretending like a pro! So if you spot a few quirks and blunders here and there, just play along, won't you? After all, we're all in for the adventure! Hah. But seriously, let me know if your eagle eyes spot anything odd. Disclaimer: Nope, I'm not a Sirius Black. I'm not the one who can summon Butterbeer on demand either. These characters and the whole magical gig? Courtesy of J.K. Rowling. I'm just adding my two Knuts for fun and mischief.

SeriousBloke · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

The Alternate Universe Begins


Oh, dear readers, hold onto your wands! We're not here to talk about the elusive Harry Potter, whom rumors suggest was hidden away from the prying eyes of the magical world. Could it be that he spent his pre-Hogwarts days honing his magical abilities, preparing to amaze us all upon his grand entrance as someone says? Perhaps we can just await. And today, we have a different, equally thrilling story for you, straight from the heart of St. Mungo's Hospital.

Allow me to introduce Bruno Green, the comatose wonder who's giving the legendary Harry Potter a run for his money. While Harry survived over the Killing Curse from You-Know-Who, capturing the world's attention, Bruno's claim to fame is his unwavering slumber. Yes, you heard that right—this lad has been snoozing since the day he entered this world. It's as if someone decided to inject a hefty dose of the Draught of Living Death right into his mother's womb. Our respectable St. Mungo's healers have tried to unravel this peculiar puzzle, but alas, their efforts were in vain.

Don't you believe in happy endings? Well, darlings, here's one that will make your jaw drop. Imagine this: a mere twenty-four hours ago, the unheard-of lad named Bruno Green magically woke up from an epic eleven-year siesta, sending the entire hospital staff into a frenzy. Can you believe it? Take a look at him innocently waving at us from the photo.

Your dazzling reporter was left dumbfounded, witnessing how this charming boy, with his mesmerizing juicy lips, casually strikes up a conversation with me as if it were the most ordinary thing in the wizarding world. Hogwarts, my dear friends, might have the honor of welcoming not just one, but two extraordinary wizards this year...

"Are you sure this was necessary?" Olivia asked, looking at Bruno over the newspaper.

It had been over a week since he woke up. It was quite easy to conceal this fact because they hadn't opened the curtains since then. Under the muffling charms, it was easy to hide what was happening inside his sleeping place. None of the healers objected to it because Olivia had done it before. Everyone knew how desperately she had tried to heal her son using Legilimency. In the past, she had often stayed with him for several weeks.

Now, next to the bed on the nightstand, there was a whole mountain of sweets sent by caring readers. Bruno took out a chocolate frog from the box and unwrapped it.

"You mean me mentioning Harry," Bruno said, looking at the open window. There's this beetle hanging out on the windowsill, antennae doing a little dance like it's got very curious. "Wasn't too sure if that was Rita in her Animagus form, but now it's crystal clear – one good squish if she's snooping around."

The beetle made a sound like it was a scream and then flied away. Olivia turned her head at looked with a smirk at the window too. There were very careful this days by choosing themes to talk about. Finally they were free now.

"Imagining how confused is she now," Olivia said with a little laugh. "Don't push much on her though."

"I won't, I won't. Just found it real funny that she chose this moment to drop by again, couldn't resist of scaring her a bit."

"She might be aware of other healers which were visiting you before. Some of them might have a way to reveal an Animagus. It was very risky to visit St. Mungo for her." Olivia said.

"Now she's thinking that I have such an ability too. It's good. She won't tell anyone. And I'm sitting pretty, knowing my 'power' is doing its thing," Bruno quipped.

He wasn't certain if Rita had become an Animagus this year. It was quite revealing that all his knowledge about the canon could be confirmed. 

"Sure, I don't intend to argue." Olivia said. "But also, when I asked you if it was necessary, I meant the whole this thing with giving interviews."

In the photo on the front page of the Daily Prophet, a woman with black framed glasses was hugging a curly-haired boy who waved with his free hand. Olivia placed the newspaper on the bed, beside a box of chocolate frogs. 

"Godmom dropped a line," Bruno kicked off, swatting the card with Dumbledore's mug aside like it offended him – came with the candy anyway, "said she ain't got a clue when Dumbledore's gonna catch wind of the prophecy, so we gotta be on our toes. Let's suggest he might already know 'bout me and is out to stop my Hogwarts express. Not gonna happen now."

"But now he knows about you. It will be easier for Dumbledore to connect the dots. I don't think delaying your 'awakening' fooled the old wizard. Even July still fits in some way with the prophecy's words 'born twice as the Solstice dies'. He will start to suspect."

"Having a hunch and knowing the score ain't the same game," Bruno dropped a wisdom bomb, taking a chunk outta the frog's leg. "As far as I know, old guy's been a pro at sniffin' out suspicions. Let 'im have his suspicions. Let 'im chew on doubt. Meanwhile, we'll be way down the road."

"And now you're quite famous," Olivia said thoughtfully, looking at the cover of Dialy Prophet with the photo of her and her son again.

"Bad thing?" Bruno quizzed, another frog making its way into his mouth. "Could care less."

"I think popularity has its advantages. If you appear in the press too often, then later you can express your opinions, and people will listen," she said.

"I guess I should thank these candy-givers then," Bruno sighed, eyeballing the mountain of candy. More of 'em tucked away in the nightstand too. "Looks like this might take a while."

Today finally brought a much-needed sense of tranquility for Bruno. Skeeter's article had caused quite a commotion in the magical community, thrusting his name into the spotlight. Bruno had lost count of the number of healers who had flocked to see him this week, eager to witness the enchanting phenomenon for themselves. With no adequate explanation at hand, everyone unanimously settled on the notion that it was a manifestation of spontaneous magic. Bruno simply shrugged, raising his hands in a gesture of bewilderment, as if to say, "What more can I spill, huh? I was snoring my way through the whole darn thing."

One of the foreign healers ventured a theory that the boy had acquired his knowledge by traversing the world in the form of a spirit. Bruno seized onto this idea with gusto. Later, he vividly recounted to the reporters how he recalled visiting a Muggle school, thereby justifying his proficiency in various domains.

"Skitter certainly milked every bit of this story," Olivia remarked. "I might have even appreciated it, if she hadn't fixated so much on your lips, making it seem rather perverse. Sure, it mostly tailored for young girls, and everything is presented with a sense of propriety, but still."

Bruno rolled his eyes, not particularly yearning for a legion of fangirls akin to Ginny Weasley.

"Great that now we can be damn sure... I mean, can be pretty sure Rita ain't gonna stab us in the back," Bruno said, a hint of a blush coloring his cheeks.

"And you're damn right, sweetie," Olivia said, planting a kiss on his cheeks, which made a loving heat inside is chest. "Looks like we've got ourselves a solid guarantee that she won't be pullin' any tricks on us."

"It's kinda intriguing how she spun the article to make it sound like we were having a cozy little chat, but those pesky reporters kept her from twisting my story," Bruno said. "I remember clear as day how, in the canon, she turned Harry into this sappy hero with all his whining."

Olivia had grown accustomed to the term 'canon,' finding it much more convenient than Bruno's usual phrasing of "In my previous world, I read that..." or "In the Harry Potter books, it was mentioned that..."

"Skitter simply mixes dirt with candies," Olivia said, opening her notebook. "People will get tired, and they'll stop believing if she keeps writing nothing but vile insinuations. After her first popular book… let's see… fond it, 'Armando Dippet: Master or Fool?' she released several peculiar but quite decent publications about other famous wizards."

"They must've thrown some galleons her way for a fancy tale," Bruno quipped, eyeing his stash of sweets with a thoughtful look. "Maybe shoot her a box of these chocolates we got. Can you twist 'em into beetles?"

Olivia grinned.

"Sure. Let's inform her that we maintain good relations for now. We could use her, just like Hermione did. It's a shame she agreed to let Skeeter go in exchange for writing one article. We could have reached an agreement for her to always write in your favor."

"Are you sure you got sorted into Ravenclaw?" Bruno quipped with a smirk.

At the sudden burst of laughter from his mother, Bruno's hands jerked. A frog leaped out of the freshly opened package. Olivia swiftly waved her wand, preventing it from touching the ground, and then elegantly flicked her hand, sending the frog straight into Bruno's mouth.

"Are you hinting at Slytherin?" she asked. "I never thought you were one to easily succumb to prejudices. Not only snakes can be cunning... Or do you believe that your mother is an evil witch?"

Olivia made a slight pout, resembling a kid playing along.

"N-No way!" Bruno shot back, trying to swallow the chocolate faster. "My ma's top-notch, the cream of the crop, the most stunning, and the kindest there is!"

"Go on," she said, starting to jot down all the compliments in her notebook, which already made Bruno chuckle.

"The embodiment of grace, the paragon of goodness, the shining beacon of love!" Bruno continued, making his mom's smile glow like the sun.

Bruno quickly formed a close bond with his mother. It felt as if they had been acquainted their entire lives and were now the best of friends. He discovered that his mother was a playful woman who enjoyed posing questions that would leave him blushing. She showered him with hugs, constant banter, and laughter. It seemed that Bruno was the catalyst for these changes in her. In fact, within just a few days, she appeared to have shed ten years off her age.

One of their favorite activities together was a game they dubbed "Truth or Dream." Olivia attempted to decipher which of his dreams, observed through Legilimency, were mere figments of his imagination and which were genuine experiences. Encouragingly, Olivia's subsequent attempts to delve into Bruno's mind proved futile. They tested this first and foremost to gauge Bruno's proficiency in Occlumency. It appeared that his frequent exposure to Legilimency had developed a natural defense against post-awakening mind reading. This newfound ability served as a precious gift, further cementing their belief in the validity of the prophecy. Olivia was quite sure that no one in this world could read Bruno's mind anymore, even Dumbledore.

"There's still one dream that piques my curiosity—when you were with two girls," Olivia mentioned one evening, reopening her notebook to review her notes. "I wonder who they were."

"I've told ya before, I ain't some sort of magical detective that can pinpoint folks just from descriptions. It's all a bit blurry up in my noggin'. Maybe except for books," Bruno retorted.

"Oh, I believe you remember them. They had cascading locks that concealed their nudity. You were in a forest by a pond, and then... Hey, where are you going?" Olivia exclaimed, laughing, as Bruno abruptly sprang off the bed.

"To the bathroom!" he replied indignantly, his cheeks flushing.

"But was it a dream or not?"

"You know the answer yourself!" he shouted even louder, earning a reproachful glance from a passing Healer.

Whether those figures were woodland nymphs or real girls, they now existed solely within the realm of his dream. It felt rather extraordinary to comprehend that a witch had been observing him through his dreams all his life, in a different world. Bruno hesitated to imagine how many secrets his mother held regarding him. The fact that Olivia's notebook contained entries about the same girl, captured in somewhat risqué poses, caused his face to burn with embarrassment. On the other hand, it reinforced the realization that he had long ceased to be a child. One thing he knew for sure was that he wouldn't require The Talk ever.

Recalling his past life unaided proved to be a formidable task, necessitating the development of immunity to Olivia's teasing in order to glean various details about himself. After numerous conversations, Bruno could confidently assert that he had completed his education at school. The fact that he had been behind the wheel of a car prior to his demise provided further insight, although in his present form, he didn't feel quite like an adult.

"Sorry," Bruno grumbled as he bumped into someone on his way out of the restroom.

A candy wrapper fluttered to the floor. The woman who dropped it didn't seem fazed by the collision. Her eyes, set in a withered face, appeared enormous, while her once vibrant hair had turned dull and gray. Oblivious to the collision, she nonchalantly picked up the "Droobles Blowing Gum" wrapper and continued on her way between the beds. Bruno watched her with a sad gaze.

Returning to his bed, Bruno immediately enveloped his mother in a tight embrace.

"What happened?" Olivia inquired. "Not that I ever object to your hugs."

"It's Neville's mother," Bruno replied, his voice tinged with frustration. "Is there really no way to fix her up? It ticks me off that someone's mom has to suffer like this indefinitely."

"Oh, Bruno. I'm so sorry, but it's impossible. Alice and her husband Frank have endured something worse than death."

"You know what gets me? Magic's supposed to do the impossible, and yet it can't sort out something like this," Bruno vented in irritation.

Olivia held him even tighter, sensing the weight of her son's thoughts. Bruno recognized just how incredibly fortunate he was. After sharing a moment in their embrace, Olivia spoke softly.

"There is, in fact, one way, although it's an option rarely pursued."

"What way?" Bruno asked, drawing back from his mother.

Olivia let out a sigh. 

"You have to understand, mind magic is a complex and elusive art. Very few wizards possess the ability to master it. Even after all these years, I haven't learned to manipulate or erase memories beyond the realm of mind reading. It's a gift bestowed upon only a select few, which is why Mind Healers are so highly regarded. While the consequences of such damage, like what Alice and Frank have experienced, can be undone, no one dares to undertake it. To heal them, the Mind Healer would have to relive their every memory, immersing themselves in each recollection before erasing it. You simply cannot erase what you don't know," Olivia explained patiently. "In essence, by healing one of Neville's parents, the Mind Healer would subject themselves to unimaginable torment and likely lose their own sanity in the process, experiencing all the torture Longbottoms did. Of course, the greater their mastery, the lower the risk of succumbing to madness. But who would willingly jeopardize their own life?"

"So... we gotta track down some wizard who's dumb enough to volunteer?" Bruno quipped.

"You think there's a Healer out there who's just dying to throw their life away for someone else?" 

"Not exactly. I do remember this one wizard who's been using Obliviation to mess with people. I reckon... uh... if we wave the threat of exposing all his dirty little secrets, he might give healing a shot," Bruno proposed.

Olivia raised an eyebrow, adjusting her glasses, before a sly smile curved her lips. 

"And you doubted my Ravenclaw belonging?" she quipped, laughing softly. "Green badges on the school uniform will undoubtedly complement your green eyes the same as your second name."

"My eyes are brown-green! Besides you get it that I'm goin' for Gryffindor," Bruno pouted a bit as his mom before.

"Ah, you mean the Sorting Hat takes your preference into account," Olivia mused, recollecting a canon thing she's heard from Bruno. "I have never heard about such an observation."

"Just 'cause you ain't heard of it doesn't mean it ain't a thing," Bruno retorted, his thoughts drifting to Luna.

The godmother clearly knew this Ravenclaw girl because she spoke one phrase in a similar manner as the Lovegoods do.

"I hope you're right. I just don't want you to be disappointed. And even though I will never stop loving you, even if you were to turn into a snake. Hey, I'm kidding. Don't look at me like that... Anyway, I doubt Slytherin would be a good fit for you. It's challenging to find genuine friends there, and you will definitely need them," Olivia said tenderly, gently tousling his curly hair. Then, her expression turned more serious. "So, who is this wizard you're talking about? You do understand that not just anyone will do? They must be a master of memory modification."

"Well... if I remember correctly, I think this guy wiped out the memories of a whole bunch of folks and then strutted around like he did all their achievements," Bruno said and launched into his description of Gilderoy Lockhart.

While Lockhart was undoubtedly a walking rainbow character in the canon, Bruno never liked him.  The thought of what one could pull off with Memory Charms sent tingles down his spine. As Bruno recounted what he knew about Lockhart, Olivia's face twisted in ever-growing disgust.

"It's not simply erasing memories," she said, adjusting her big retro glasses. "I've heard that Lockhart is a popular writer. He occasionally signs his books at Flourish and Blotts. But I never realized his stories weren't just fiction. If he has managed to go unnoticed until now, he must be a true master. He must have altered the memories of not only his victims but also all the witnesses, ensuring no one would suspect a thing or seek the help of a Mind Healer. Lockhart is an extremely dangerous wizard."

Olivia's cold tone sent a slight chill through Bruno.

"Uh... you do remember I said the guy was a total moron in everything else, right?"

"One can be a genius in one aspect and a complete fool in another," Olivia replied, opening her notebook and diligently taking notes of everything she heard.

It seemed she had a meticulous habit of recording even the smallest details. Since the day Bruno woke up in this world, he had consistently observed Olivia with a pen in her hand. Bruno even caught sight of a butter cookie recipe in her notebook once.

"Do you grasp the danger of recording everything on that thing?" Bruno asked, his smirk obvious as he watched Olivia flinch, momentarily losing herself in the notes.

"Underestimating me is not wise. Only you and I have access to the notebook since it is bound by blood magic and you are my son. No one else can see notes inside," Olivia replied confidently.

"Well, ain't that a fancy piece of magic item?" Bruno leaned in, intrigued. "Where can I swipe one?"

Olivia started to speak, but then hesitated before replying.

"Well, it's not a usual notebook for sale, but I'll try to get one more some time. No promise."

"Ermm... Alright. So, blood magic's for real then, huh?"

"Are you referring to Harry's blood protection? It's not exactly my area of expertise, as the notebook combines blood magic more with mind magic," Olivia explained, adjusting her glasses. "However, I've come across references in the Ministry archives to ancient magic and rituals used to study in the Love Room. The Sacrificial Rite could very well be a genuine practice. Are you sure you want to remove Harry from this blood protection?"

They already decided the best way to hinder Dumbledore to make friends with Harry, even if it was dangerous. In any case, Harry is definitely in Dumbledore's plans, so they need to intervene.

"Well... might as well give it a shot. If we can figure out a way to hide Harry so dang well that not even Dumbledore's fancy tricks can track him down, then who needs that blood protection joke? Before kid hits legal wizarding age, Privet Drive'll turn into a cage, and I ain't gonna put lives at stake just to fetch Harry back later. Let's find a spot to settle down for the long haul, like one big happy family," Bruno suggested.

Olivia chuckled and sighed playfully, "Just as I finally have one son, he's already asking for a little brother."

"I swear I'll take care of him, play with him, go on strolls," Bruno chimed in, going along with his mom's ribbing, earning more laughter and a friendly ruffle of his mop of curls. Then he got serious. "But truth is, it bugs me that Harry's stuck with the Dursleys, and we're sittin' on our hands. I don't wanna end up like Dumbledore, ignoring how the kid's doin'. I'd pay to see the look on his mug when he figures out Harry's vanished. Can practically see the sweat beads on his forehead as he scrambles to hunt him down."

"You know, there's something in that," Olivia remarked, flipping through her notebook to find the relevant information. "Remember the prophecy? 'And the Master of Death will accept the challenge from him.' Perhaps this could be a challenge for him—to reclaim Harry under his care. Then the prophecy will undoubtedly be connected to you."

"Maybe," Bruno pondered. "More likely than a bucket challenge."

"A bucket challenge?" Olivia raised an eyebrow.

"Never mind. So, what if we hide our crib with the Fidelius Charm? Could I be the Secret Keeper?"

Olivia shook her head, her expression dead serious.

"I doubt that's a wise choice. Are you familiar with all the downsides of the Fidelius Charm?" she inquired. Seeing his head shake, she continued, "Firstly, by hiding the place where we live, we'll create vulnerabilities that could be exploited to track us down. Only an outsider can be true Secret Keeper. Secondly, these spells significantly diminish your magical powers. They constantly drain your energy to keep the chosen location hidden, making you more vulnerable. Only a wizard like Dumbledore can easily sacrifice a part of their power without much consequence. But you simply won't have enough strength to activate these charms. Of course, we could distribute the secret among multiple individuals to lessen the burden, but then the entire purpose of the Fidelius Charm would be lost. Personally, I won't become Harry's Secret Keeper. I want to ensure that I'm always at my magical best and ready to assist you whenever you ask. I won't risk myself for Harry, and you understand why. It's better him die then you."

"Just make sure you ain't blurting that out when Harry's around," Bruno quipped, his voice tinged with a smirk.

"Love you a lot," Olivia said, planting a kiss on his cheek, causing Bruno to go all red.

"Yeah, well... um... same here," he mumbled, barely audible.

But inside, his heart was swelling. Past life, old friends, none of that mattered—he cared for Olivia more than anything in this whole damn universe. Wrapping her in his arms, they sat in quiet on the bed, tucked away behind drawn curtains.

Soon, they would leave St. Mungo's Hospital once Bruno completed his restorative potions course. Eleven years confined to a bed had taken a toll on his body. During their time here, they seized the opportunity to discuss their plans.

"We could figure out something with Portkeys around the house," Olivia broke the silence, "When an alarm goes off, they would activate and transport everyone to the next safe location. However, there are drawbacks to this idea too..."

Bruno suspected that using Portkeys and Apparition might not be as straightforward for everyone, which could explain why Slughorn didn't immediately flee from his hiding place when an alarm went off but chose to remain concealed within in the sixth book.

"If Sirius weren't stuck, we might've had a chance with him watchin' over Harry," Bruno mused, his mind racing.

"But we can't retrieve him from Azkaban," Olivia replied.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. He just had a nice grim place, I reckon," Bruno grumbled, flopping back onto the bed like a defeated raccoon. "I wish seein' where you shack up sooner, though."

"You do realize it's just a room at the Leaky Cauldron, right? Anyway, staying there with Harry is too risky."

"So, financial situation is not-so-rosy... I'm just trying to grasp our options," Bruno added quickly, noticing Olivia's surprised expression at such straightforward words.

"I wish I could take you to a better place, but most of our gold has always been spent on... my research," Olivia confessed, and Bruno understood what she meant by 'research.' Presumably, it all went toward bringing him back to life. "But don't worry. Even though we don't have a house-elf, you won't be left in rags. A few days ago, I left Hogwarts, and now I'm essentially unemployed. However, after my work in the Department of Mysteries, I still have enough gold in my vault to ensure we don't feel impoverished. I'm thinking that once you go to Hogwarts, I'll try to find something for myself. Perhaps I should deal with Lockhart. I could assist his victims for a separate fee if it comes to a trial," she contemplated.

"Wait... You were a professor?" Bruno exclaimed, astonished.

"Yes, your mother was a professor, Mr. Green," Olivia replied, adopting a stern teacher-like demeanor. With her hair pulled back, she bore a resemblance to McGonagall. "Or do you doubt me?"

Bruno's cheeks reddened slightly.

"Nah, it's just... I didn't mean to..."

Olivia chuckled and playfully ruffled his hair.

"I know, sweetie."

"But what position did you hold?" Bruno inquired, although he already had a pretty good idea of the answer.

"I was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. And yes, I was aware of the curse surrounding that position. But Dumbledore hired me in the middle of the school year, which reduced the likelihood of falling victim to the curse. I understood the risks, but I tried to be cautious. I just needed to be at Hogwarts. I had received a lead about the existence of an artifact rumored to be hidden somewhere on the school grounds. It could potentially help me unravel the mystery of your unconscious state."

Bruno let out a mental sigh of relief, realizing that the curse hadn't harmed Olivia.

"Normal? Hiding stuff like that at Hogwarts?" he quirked an eyebrow, clearly alluding to the Philosopher's Stone.

"Not as it is forbidden... It's more of a tradition, I'd say. Hogwarts is filled with many hiding spots where people leave their legacies. I only stumbled upon a cursed place adorned with dark rituals inscribed on the walls. I deciphered one of them, which allowed me to refine my mastery of sleep-inducing charms. Not that it would be of much use to you, would it?"

Bruno let out a scoff. Before he could ask the obvious question, Olivia beat him to it.

"I won't disclose its location. Firstly, delving into ancient runes and arithmancy is a prerequisite. Secondly, students have died there in the past. It's too perilous," she gravely stated.

"And how did Dumbledore manage not get pinned for all those student casualties?" Bruno fired back, voicing the question in his mind.

"Well, not all situations fall under the headmaster's responsibility," Olivia began. "There was an ancient curse that plagued Hogwarts in the past. It led sleeping students to wander into the Forbidden Forest. Of course, there was no concrete proof of the curse's presence within the castle, which, I suppose, Dumbledore used as an excuse, but still. Some time later, he suppressed the effects of the curse and many wizards and witches were grateful. No one could do it. But still many students fell victim to various predatory creatures while still in slumber, never even awakening. During my own explorations of those areas, I stumbled upon scattered bones and school uniforms within an Acromantula lair."

"You went there? Alone?" Bruno was astonished.

"Let's just say that brute force isn't always a foolish decision if used wisely," Olivia replied, her voice tinged with challenge. Bruno had more questions in mind, but she was reluctance to continue the conversation about it and changed the subject. "In any case, what I wanted to say is that when Dumbledore sent the job offer to all the candidates, I had to resign from the Ministry in order to infiltrate Hogwarts and locate the artifact, I needed. Ultimately, all of that, you could say, was in vain, as it turned out your self-proclaimed godmother was the one, I needed."

"So, perhaps you could simply return to work in the Department of Mysteries?" Bruno suggested.

"Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that to make a comeback. You must understand that the Department of Mysteries is not an open gateway. There are secrets that should remain unknown to the general public. Those who have once left are not welcomed back. Of course, I still possess certain knowledge, but I am greatly bound by my oath on these matters."

A pause ensued as Bruno tried to digest the information he had received. At some point, he realized that his thoughts were still lingering on Lockhart.

"If you worked at the Ministry, then you must be well-versed in the laws, right?" he inquired.

"I believe it's logical to be well-versed in the laws if one is employed at the Ministry of Magic. Why do you ask?"

Bruno was tempted to mention that wizards and logic aren't always compatible concepts, as portrayed in the books, but he opted not to say it. It seemed that Olivia was an exception to the rule. Now, he was curious about something else.

"When you rambled on about lending a hand to those unfortunate souls Lockhart messed with, were you referring to acting as a lawyer?"

"A lawyer? Ah... yes, but not precisely... In the magical world, we employ a different term—'court representative.' They can stand alongside the client as a witness for defense or prosecution, depending on the nature of the lawsuit."

"How's that any different from a lawyer?" Bruno asked, slightly perplexed.

"In the Muggle world, one needs a license and specialized training to become a lawyer. Of course, there are employees of The Department of Magical Law Enforcement were sometimes referred to as officers, but their main job is to stop crime and catch criminals guilty of an offence that fell within the scope of the type of legislation that they were employed to uphold… Well, I can tell you much more about it but it seems irrelevant for you now. You just need to know, that in our world, a comprehensive understanding of the laws is sufficient to act as someone's court representative."

Memories of Harry's trial for underage magic use immediately flooded his mind. It was Albus Dumbledore who came forward to defend Harry. Perhaps old wizard's reputation had nothing to do with his presence in court.

"That's even better," Bruno quipped. "Ya remember when the godmom blabbered about how only my crazy ideas can actually shake things up?" Olivia hesitated with a nod, and a mischievous grin stretched across Bruno's face. "Well, seems like I've stumbled upon a way to give ol' Dumbledore a right challenge."

Olivia's olive-green eyes glistened as she adjusted her glasses.

"I'm all ears, my son."


In the next episode...

"May the Bravery be with you."

Oi, don't go tellin' me you're all knackered from Bruno's never-ending chitchats with Olivia. Lemme set you straight, it's not for nothing. I aim write tryin' to dodge all that fluff that don't matter much for the plot. I'm givin' it my all, I tell ya!

I know some of you are itchin' to ask: When's Hogwarts makin' its entrance? In the original, Harry's on the Hogwarts Express by Chapter 6. But our mate Bruno's got more quests before school, obviously. I still dunno when it will, but perhaps, we could let the Sorting Hat serenade us with its song around Chapter 11, just like the good ol' Order of the Phoenix.

I'll be doing my utmost to keep things movin', but rest assured, even if we pass that point, it means I've conjured up somethin' mighty intriguing. So, keep those ears pricked and don't hold back with your comments, folks!

SeriousBlokecreators' thoughts