
hp: black dairy

does it really matter if someone says that you are evil

RYUU_JIN · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

page 5

we are on the same day boys and am lazy to write it down again

anyway aperantly there is another Metamorphmage in Hogwarts and they told me we will have class together and if you know then I will not tell but if you don't then she is the one and only tonks I will not say her first name because she hates it and I don't know how to say it

anyway she is beautiful, funny and I didn't like two things and her

one she married remus

second she died in less than half hour after her being introduced it's one of why jk why

in this one I think j.k just like r.r Martin or game of thrones Arthur both have great characters but they love to kill them heack he wanted to kill john snow but his wife stopped him

anyway after all of the regular classes I went to some empty room in the forth floor and set down waiting for professor snape to rush in with his special spectacular style and the man didn't despond me he did it entered the same way he did in harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban but he was not happy this time .

ofcourse I know why am not his old bully who is sick and in need of his help no

his why of teaching was more straightforward and it was to let me transform into someone or some cat I didn't say animal because I said to him first that there is only cat in my dictionary and some time raven or snakes but most of it cat, then he will use Legilimcey on me that after telling me how to do Occlumency ofcourse he is not Dumbledore to use Legilimcey on me with out even telling me come on

first he made me change my look to the most person I feel comfortable with witch I did guess who snow ball yes my cat he just looked at me and didn't say anything just gave me a good look for a second then he used Legilimcey on me for the first time I couldn't defend against it so he saw it all the fact I used to dance polka what can I say my mom made me do it every Christmas in front of my family and in one time infront of the school

after humiliating memory he gave a long sight and looked at me with a pity and just said " interesting "

then he asked me to become the most person I don't trust and I couldn't became Dumbledore so to my number two professor x and for the love of God of hammers if he is trust worthy then voldy is saint

anyway he just stares at me like he knows who am I or know someone that looks like me for good moment then he ordered me to change because of uncomfortable it was to look at me I tried to imitate professor x and said " hypocrite " he gave me a nod with fear in his eyes for some reason I don't blame him either way I kind felt the same when I saw him in the comic for the first time

he asked me to change to the most person I respect and here I got my chance so I shapeshifted into lily enves not my smartest choice after thinking again but muh

this time he also didn't use Legilimcey on me and kept on steering I could get many emotions from his face first happiness then sadness then hate the last in towards me and I know it .

he asked me who was I like he didn't know so I told him the real saviour of the magical world he was stunned for a second then he asked me to explain I told him her name was lily I saw guilt in his eyes so quickly I told him how she was great witch and how harry father was thered rate wizard at best I saw small smile that didn't last long on his face and how it's most likely to be her who defeated the dark lord I mean come on for one year old to defeat voldy

( I know children book but this is far too good and this is not some anime )

and I told him that it's mostly had been hidden so someone can use harry name to his advantage

(it's really don't take someone with more than two brine cells to get this but this poor professor put them into the lion mouth without even knowing he did)

so as soon as I finished speaking I saw happiness, frustration and anger at this moment I know I got what I wanted and he will end this lesson so I can practice Occlumency on my own so I told him " am tired and can we please take some time off"

he gave me nod and also he told me that my last name will be the same as the last name of the fishermen who saved me because Dumbledore think this will be for my greater good and I don't feel great about this but

anyway my name will be peter Sanchez and I love it so I will start to drink more like proud Sanchez

after snape left me I started doing what cat like to do destroying all of the Curtains if they suspect me or asked me why I will just say I took energy potions that ofcourse after useing Hogwarts famous pranksters the only wesley's I like in there Jackson five family

while laying lazily in the class cat style with cat shape ofcourse the door slammed open and professor snape rushed in I got panicked

just imagine you are a cat the only cat in some room but that room Curtains are no more than ragged Torne clothe and someone rushed in and saw you and the Curtains what do you think is going to happen

so I changed back as fast as I can and stand infront of the professor like soldier just like my father used to say " if I cought you then shame on you if I didn't shame on me" so like a man I took my shame but he didn't say what I expected him to but again asked me to change to my favourite friend

it took me one good second to understand then I did

as soon as I took my cat shape he hugged me and started cuddling me I freaked out seriously I started cursing him and say something about fbi and something about him going to azkaban and some other +80 things I dare not to write that all while speaking cat language you have to know when mysticqu shapeshift into animal she started to speak there language and I got this talent with her ability apparently

after some cuddling he put me down I kept on cursing I looked like some cat on cat nip alot of cat nip but stopped as soon as heard that crazy laughter which looked like mine I looked where the sound came from I saw professor snape body start changing until it became that of girl the sixth year Nymphadora Tonks

and here I thought only I have bad test in pranks if you consider cthulhu as prank

but anyway I know I have met someone special some I could make friend with

a friend who is not tsundary, tsundary is supreme but it's hard to deal with some time

a friend who can do such thing to eleven year whitch I like

what diary means no hypocrisy

and I could have her to clean my back she will be great arura in the future even mody will be her teacher and please he is hell of wizard

anyway I have alot on my mind right now like how to prank her back or voldy is my defend against dark arts tomorrow

or how to make harry like miserable tomorrow because tomorrow we are going to have our first flying class tomorrow

so please wait until the next page appear magically