
HP: A Ghostly Tale

A young man gets tossed in the Harry Potter world as a ghost, chaos ensues. This is my first book on webnovel and im writing for my own enjoyment. I hope you enjoy!

Canos1337 · Livros e literatura
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7 Chs

From Death's Door

(Aurelius's POV)

After leaving that dark corner in the Alley, Finley stumbled around, trying to get his bearings. I helped him by healing his wounds and aches by infusing a few of the petty soul echoes I had into him. I whispered to him to go home, and he followed my orders like a puppet on strings. I supplemented my magic into his magical core to apparate into his home.

Our scenery changed instantly after he apparated at what I am sure is Selwyn Manor, his family's ancestral home.

As he walked to the door, he knocked, which a house elf opened a few seconds later.

When Finley looked down and saw the elf and spoke as I whispered a few suggestions to him, "Godkey, take me to my room, and when I call you tomorrow, get my breakfast in bed and tell everyone that no one should disturb me I have had an eventful night and wish not to be awoken.

"Yes, master at once!" Godkey replied, nodding rapidly and holding out his hand for Finley to hold.

Reaching for the elf's hand, we teleported to Finley's room, and the elf left without a sound.

The walls were lined with bookshelves, said shelves laden with dusty tomes. A wooden desk stood in the corner, its surface cluttered with parchment and quills.

A simple bed rested in the center of the room, its frame carved with intricate runes.

Beside the bed, a small nightstand held a single candle.

'Go to sleep, Finley. Tomorrow, the answers you seek shall be revealed. Sleep.' I spoke straight into his mind and infused my curse magic in the last word to lull him into slumber.

"Yes." Finley could only accept the command, walked to his bed, and promptly passed out.

Materializing next to the bed, I started to contemplate the path forward. Finding Finley and possessing him was a good catch; he had wealth, connections, and ancient tomes of magic that I could study and advance myself further.

The Selwyn family is an old family from the sacred twenty-eight. They are bound to have something interesting somewhere.

Now, I needed to continue getting familiar with his memories to understand his desire and what he strives to become, to be able to manipulate him better to my cause.

I put my hand on his head and prepared for the info dump I would receive. 


(General POV)

Finley Selwyn was born into a pure-blood wizarding family of ancient lineage. He lived with his parents under the rule of his uncle, who was the Lord of the House of Selwyn. His early life was nothing extravagant; he was only a branch member, while his cousin was the heir.

He was jealous of his cousin's position for a while, but he let go of his jealousy when he realized that becoming lord of the house didn't excite him like the stories his mother used to tell him about duelists in the grand circuits around the world.

His dream was to one day win a dueling world championship, and damn it, he would do it!

Finley attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin, making his family proud.

Despite not being the top scorer in his classes, his passion for dueling made up for it, and he excelled at it. Finley's determination and skill in dueling set him apart.

After graduating from Hogwarts, Finley frequented Knockturn Alley, a notorious hub for dark magic and illicit activities. He sought out the infamous dueling arena, eager to test his abilities against formidable opponents and hone his skills further.

One fateful night, Finley faced off against a powerful contender in a duel. The betting of that duel was not in his favor, but despite the odds stacked against him, Finley's unwavering resolve and exceptional dueling skills led him to a surprising victory. However, his triumph came at a steep price. Enraged by Finley's unexpected victory, one of the gamblers who lost a lot of money by betting against Finley placed a hit on his head and dispatched five ruthless wizards to eliminate him.

Outnumbered and outmatched, Finley fought valiantly, but the assailants proved to be too powerful. As Finley lay dying in the shadowy alleyway, his lifeblood seeping onto the cobblestones.


(Finley's POV)

Finley awoke with a gasp, his hand clutching his throat. Darkness enveloped him, suffocating and disorienting.

"Where am I? What is this place?" he whispered, his voice trembling.

Suddenly, a spectral figure emerged from the gloom, its ethereal form shimmering with an otherworldly glow. The wraith wore elegant robes adorned with intricate metal plates, jagged spikes protruding from its shoulders and vambraces. A faint smile played upon its lips as it gestured towards a distant window.

"Look, wizard," the wraith's voice whispered, as smooth as velvet. "See for yourself."

Finley stumbled towards the window, his heart pounding in his chest. Outside, the manor he had once called home stood in ruins, its once-pristine facade now crumbling and desolate.

Then the darkness faded, and the Manor returned to its previous state, completely untouched, as if what I saw was merely an illusion.

"What's happened to me? I should've died." His voice was filled with despair as he started to remember the events of last night. Looking down at my hands, not seeing the blood that was supposed to be there from the dark curse I was struck with.

"You are banished from death," the wraith replied, its voice resonating with power. "Cast adrift between the worlds of light and dark. We are bound together within the walls of reality. Only your connection to me keeps you alive." 

Finley's mind raced, trying to comprehend the impossible. "Who are you, wraith?" he demanded, his eyes wide with fear and confusion.

"I am Aurelius, the wraith who now shares your body and your destiny," the wraith answered, its gaze piercing Finley's soul. "Together, we shall ascend to greatness. Your dreams, my powers. We are an unstoppable force."

Aurelius's words flowed like honey, weaving a spell of temptation around Finley's heart. He had always yearned for greatness, to become the most renowned duelist the world had ever seen. Aurelius offered him a path to that dream, a tantalizing promise that ignited a flicker of hope within him.

"What do you seek, Aurelius?" Finley asked, his voice trembling. "Why have you chosen me?"

Aurelius's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with an uncanny brilliance. "You have the potential, wizard. The potential to become something truly extraordinary. I offer you a chance to fulfill your destiny, to achieve the greatness that you crave."

Finley hesitated, torn between his desire for power and a lingering sense of unease. But Aurelius's words had sown a seed of ambition in his heart, a seed that he could no longer ignore.

"What do you hope to gain from helping me grow more powerful?" Finley asked, his voice laced with suspicion. Aurelius's promises were tempting, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye.

Aurelius's smile widened, and his eyes gleamed like a blue fire. "Your strength, Finley. Your growth. As you become more powerful, so too will I."

Finley hesitated, but Aurelius's words resonated with a truth that he couldn't deny. He had felt the surge of power coursing through his veins since Aurelius had bound himself to him. It was a power that he had never experienced before, a power that could help him achieve his dreams.

"Without you, I would already be dead," Finley said, his voice softening. "What have I to lose?"

He extended his hand towards Aurelius, a silent agreement.

Aurelius clasped Finley's hand, his grip firm and reassuring. "Indeed. Together, we shall conquer all who stand in our way. Together, we shall be unstoppable."

A surge of excitement coursed through Finley's body as he felt Aurelius's power mingling with his own. It was a heady sensation, one that made him feel invincible.

"I... I am not sure if I can trust you," Finley admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Aurelius's smile remained unwavering. "Trust is a fragile thing, Finley. But I assure you, I am bound to you now. Our fates are intertwined. And don't forget, if I hadn't intervened yesterday, you would be dead."

Finley nodded slowly, his doubts fading away. Aurelius's words were persuasive, and he couldn't help but believe that the wraith was genuine.

"Very well," Finley said, his voice filled with newfound determination. "I will give you the benefit of the doubt. But know this, Aurelius, if you betray me, I will find a way to destroy you."

Aurelius's eyes gleamed with amusement. "I understand. And I assure you, I have no intention of betraying you. Our partnership is mutually beneficial. Together, we shall conquer all who stand in our way."

"My dream is to become the greatest duelist in Europe and win the world championship," Finley said, his eyes filled with ambition. "You will help me achieve it?"

"Yes," Aurelius replied, his voice smooth as silk. "As I said, the stronger you grow, the stronger I grow. And the amplification of your magic due to me will also grow stronger. Our power may be formidable now, but without skill, power alone means nothing. You need to find dueling masters, learn from them, and train in the arts of battle and magic to win and achieve your dream."

Finley's heart pounded with excitement. Aurelius was right. He needed to become stronger, not just in power but in skill. And with Aurelius's help, he knew that he could achieve anything.

His current dueling instructor isn't enough anymore after what happened yesterday...

He needed more capable teachers who were willing to teach him their crafts, such as elemental magic, battle transfiguration, and advanced charm work. 

What Aurelius said was true: he needed to get better and had a way to do so. His uncle, the lord Selwyn.

"My uncle!" Finley exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "I can convince him to bring Masters of their magic crafts to teach me. He has the gold and the influence!"

Aurelius nodded approvingly. "Good, you have a plan. I'll leave you to it. Oh, and by the way, we are connected mentally. You don't need to speak out loud to speak to me. Just think in your thoughts while directing your intent to me, and I will hear you."

Aurelius's form faded away, but Finley could still feel his presence within his mind. It was a strange and wonderful sensation, one that made him feel both powerful and protected.

'Aurelius?' Finley called out mentally, testing their new connection.

'Yes, I am here,' Aurelius replied, his voice sounding directly in Finley's mind. 'Meet with your uncle. I shall speak to you when I have things to suggest.'

Finley felt a surge of excitement. With Aurelius's help, he knew that he could achieve anything.

'Very well,' Finley thought, sending his reply to Aurelius.

He closed his eyes and focused on his thoughts, directing them towards Aurelius. 'I shall speak to my uncle today.'

'Excellent,' Aurelius replied. 'I shall await your news.'

Finley opened his eyes and called for his servant. "Godkey, breakfast."

A delicious breakfast appeared on his bed, as per the instructions he had given the night before.

Finley dug into his food, his mind racing with plans. He had a long day ahead of him, but he was confident that with Aurelius's guidance, he would soon become the greatest duelist in Europe.


(Aurelius' POV)

As I watched him eat his breakfast, a sense of contempt mingled with amusement washed over me. Here sat a man, easily swayed and manipulated, his desires laid bare for anyone astute enough to see. He was a fool, of that there was no doubt, but a useful one with potential.

The hunger in his eyes was palpable, a hunger for power that gnawed at his very being. It was almost too easy to dangle promises of power and success before him, knowing he would eagerly grasp at them like a drowning man clutching at straws.

He believed my words and that I held the key to his ambitions. he was a pawn in a grand design, a stepping stone for my ascent to greater heights.

He dismissed the house elf and adorned himself in his robes.

His family's ancestral home was a testament to their wealth and influence.

Through our mental bond, I conveyed my admiration for the manor's beauty, though my words were laced with a hint of irony. His response, laden with familial pride, only served to reinforce my perception of him as a naive pawn in the game of power.

As we traversed the halls adorned with enchantments and animated portraits, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The stage was set the pieces in motion. And as long as he remained blind to my true intentions, I would continue to wield him like a puppet on strings, advancing my own agenda with each calculated move.

As our stroll concluded, we found ourselves standing before a familiar door, the threshold to Lord Selwyn's study. With a courteous knock, we awaited permission to enter.

"Enter," came the gruff command from within.

Turning the knob, Finley led the way into the sanctuary of his uncle's domain.

"Lord uncle," Finley greeted with a warm smile upon spying his uncle.

"Finley... how many times must I tell you to stop with that title?" Lord Selwyn's tone bore a hint of exasperation.

"Countless times, uncle, countless times," Finley chuckled, his response a playful jab at his uncle's repeated requests.

Lord Selwyn resigned to the inevitable banter and cut to the chase. "What brings you to my door at this early hour, Finley?"

"I seek your aid in finding teachers to teach me advanced magic. My current dueling instructor only teaches me dueling forms and etiquette; all the magic I know is what I have managed to glean, but it is rudimentary. I wish to have a teacher to help me reach greater heights," Finley declared, determination ringing clear in his voice.

"Hmm, I have seen your progress with Cassius' instruction, and it's beginning to get stale lately. You've already learned all he could teach," Lord Selwyn mused, weighing his nephew's request. "Very well, but on one condition: you must promise me that you will diligently learn what these masters offer. They expect excellence, dear nephew."

Finley's face lit up with gratitude and excitement. "Thank you, uncle! You won't be disappointed, I swear it!"

"I have no doubt," Lord Selwyn replied, a hint of wry amusement coloring his words. "Now be off. I'll arrange for masters of advanced magic to tutor you in due time."

With a bow of acknowledgment, Finley took his leave, his mind already racing with plans and aspirations.

'Step one accomplished. Now, it's time to immerse ourselves in rigorous training and diligent study of magic. The library awaits, Finley. Our journey to greatness commences here.'
