
Hozuki King

After Death Yami goes into the naruto world where only death and destruction await

Greenpart101 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs


Yami, in his black Nike hoodie , walked purposefully towards his apartment, laden with groceries. Suddenly, the sky split open with a deafening roar as an airplane careened out of control, crashing into a nearby building with a thunderous impact. Yami's heart raced as he turned, only to see a massive wing hurtling towards him, its shadow swallowing him whole before darkness consumed him.

In the ethereal realm of the afterlife, a radiant being materialized before Yami, a shimmering presence of wisdom and power. As Yami struggled to make sense of this surreal encounter, the being spoke with a voice that resonated through his very soul, urging him to awaken from his slumber. With a jolt, Yami's eyes snapped open to find himself face to face with this celestial entity, who revealed a grand offer of reincarnation in a world of his choosing, armed with wishes and the unique ability to retain his memories.

Embracing his new reality, Yami, with determination etched on his face, made a bold request to be reborn into the vibrant and perilous Naruto universe, specifically as a member of the esteemed Hozuki clan, strategically timed five years prior to the legendary Minato's entry into the Academy. With unwavering resolve, he outlined his wishes: the battle-hardened experience of the indomitable Madara Uchiha, a rare and potent "Demon Eyes" blue Sharingan intertwined flawlessly with Hozuki lineage, waterbending prowess reminiscent of the Avatar and unmatched talent on par with the legendary Madara himself.

The celestial being, nodding sagely, bestowed upon Yami a parting smile, bidding him farewell as he readied to embark on his transcendent odyssey. As Yami felt the cosmic energies swirling around him, promising untold adventures and formidable trials in his chosen universe, the air crackled with anticipation, heralding the dawn of a new chapter brimming with exhilarating action, boundless potential, and the lure of the unknown.w