
Howling Love

Howling love is a story channeled right from my own life. Kyle's grief over losing his family is a mirror reflection of my grief over losing my most beloved brother. This is my life story under the guise of fiction. As Kyle began searching his way out of darkness, I did too. When I got to the end of this amazing tale, I realized It was just the beginning. Kyle had a longer journey ahead and the only secret to success was love... Join me and let's all dive in to this exciting journey. A lovely journey where betrayal, hatred, vengeance ,passion and murder reigns but there is victory at last.

Lyzel_zellie · Fantasia
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6 Chs



14 years later.....

Kyle was a fifteen-year-old werewolf living a happy life with his parents, Derek and Gianna. The main challenge they faced was the threat of Ultra. Ultra was an agency headed by Fowler, a lone wolf. He organized attacks to capture werewolves and drain powers out of them. They would afterward be locked up in an underground cell in the ocean.

On one fateful night, Ultra entered the woods. Little did Kyle know that the joy he had with his family was short-lived. His father Alpha, summoned all the packs. They transformed and went to fight Ultra. Kyle stayed back and watched. The fight went on quite well until the unexpected happened. One of Ultra's men fired a spear right through Derek's heart. Kyle wanted to run to his father but he was stopped.

Derek let out a loud howl as he fell dead. Ultra decided to retreat from the attack. Along with them, they captured some werewolves including Gianna. Kyle knelt down and howled in pain as tears ran down his cheeks. He swore to avenge his father's death and save his mother from Ultra. When it dawned on him that he had no family left, he decided to leave the woods. His father's body was laid to rest in the Alpha grave and guarded highly with super powers.

The packs paid their last respect to their one true Alpha. Derek was the only one who had become Alpha without having killed anyone his whole life. He had fought Ultra so many times and defended his people. He encouraged love and unity among the packs. Kyle swore over hid dead body to put an end to Ultra's attacks.

Kyle bid his pack goodbye and promised to return with Fowler's head one day. He wanted to lead a new life as a human. His main aim was to find Ultra and make them pay.

Kyle teleported to the USA. In West Virginia, he booked a hotel room and hired a laptop. When he got to his room he began to carry out a research on high school tradition and signed up for the student exchange program. He got invited to attend Burlington Middle High School in Iowa. Kyle also got himself a foster family of Mrs Lucy Kingston Persons, Kieran and Amelia. He booked a flight to Iowa and worked at a café to earn some money.


Kyle arrived at the airport right on time for the flight. After a two-hour flight, he landed in Iowa. As he took in the Cedar Rapids air, Kyle was filled with hope for a good life. He took a few strides and left the terminal. He had almost thought that no one had come to pick him up when he saw a family raising a sign with his name on it. Kyle smiled and went to them.

When the family recognized him, they all received him warmly. They then introduced themselves and welcomed Kyle to their family. When Mrs Lucy asked Kyle about his parents, Kyle explained that he had none left. Full of pity, she embraced Kyle and told him not to worry for they now were his family. They boarded their car and drove off to Burlington.

On arrival, the gate was opened to them and they parked the car next to five more sleek cars. Kyle was surprised to see such expensive looking cars. And right in front of him was the palatial house, Kyle had never seen such back in the woods. When they got in, Kyle was given an amiable welcome. There were three beautiful house helps; Nicki, Shakira and Mimie. Nicki was asked to show Kyle to his new room.

They went upstairs to Kyle's room. He was extremely stupefied at the sight. The room was so spacious and had a king-sized bed. There was another door that led to the closet that contained tons of new expensive clothes and shoes. In another room was the video game section.

There was also a changing room and s bathroom with a shower and a Jacuzzi. Everything was so wonderful. On the wall was writing with the words 'welcome home Kyle'. Kyle felt tears race down his cheeks. Nicki excused herself and asked Kyle to shower, change and join them for dinner downstairs. When Kyle was done he joined them downstairs and thanked them for the hearty welcome. The family went to him and gave a group hug and assured Kyle he was now part of them.

When they were done eating diner, they went to the sitting room. Amelia turned on the karaoke and said," This is a special and loving dedication to my brother Kyle." And she sang

Amelia had a really nice voice. When she was done singing, everyone clapped and cheered. Kyle thanked her for the dedication and hugged her tight. They urged Kyle to give it a try. He was shy at first but they kept on insisting for him to sing so he gathered courage and took the microphone. "This is a dedication to all of you. I composed just for you guys, i love you so much," Kyle said. He sang a song

Everyone went to Kyle and hugged him. He was so happy and grateful for being there.

"Son,we love you so very much too. We want to spend the rest of our lives together as one big happy family. You are know Kyle Kingston Persons. We will always be here for you. If you need any help, we will be at your call. "Let's know get to bed so that you won't be late for school. "Mrs Lucy said. Everyone proceeded in their rooms.

When Kyle got to his bed, he thought of his new life. He never knew that humans were so friendly. It felt like that was where he really belonged. He wished he had come there sooner. However, he missed his pack back in the woods. He wondered how close he was to finding ultra.


Kyle had now enrolled as a student at Burlington High. Amelia showed him to his classroom. The class teacher Mr Gregory Cortez welcomed him. Amelia hugged Kyle and proceeded to her class. When Kyle got in. Everyone made fun of him. Mr Gregory introduced him and asked him to take a seat. As Kyle was going to the empty sit at the back ,someone stuck out a leg and he tripped and fell. The classroom was filled with laughter again. A boy stood up and went to Kyle and helped him up.

"I'm sorry Kyle, that's how guys in Burlington treat new students," the boy said as they took their seats. Kyle felt humiliated but he did not want to get angry for he would transform. The lesson was over and it was now time to assemble in the auditorium. Kyle felt tensed because it was time to welcome the student exchange team for the new semester.

Mr Ferb, the student dean called Kyle to stage. Everyone clapped as he stopped forward. He was given a microphone and asked to introduced himself.

"My name is Kyle Persons, Iam fifteen and am from Virginia," Kyle managed to say just as he was done, one boy from senior school stood up and started booing Kyle. The rest of the school joined and jeered as they laughed. Kyle could not take it anymore so he got out of the stage and left the auditorium. Kyle went to class and sat alone at a corner. Moments later, Amelia got in.

"Hey bro, please don't be sad. I'm here for you so don't worry about them. They were just teasing you. They are not bad people, you'll soon get used to them," Amelia said trying to calm her brother down.

"Sis,it's too hard to cope with everything here. This is my first day in school and everything has gone haywire.Let's just go home,"Kyle told Amelia.

They picked up their books from their desks and took them to their lockers.They got into their car and Amelia drove home.On arrival,Kyle ran to his mother.

"What happened son?Why are both of you home so early today?"Kyle's mother asked. Kyle just cuddled her with tears welled up in his eyes.

"Mum,Kyle had a bad day at school . Everyone tensed him in the assembly today.He asked me to come home with him,"Amelia told her mother. Kyle just nodded in silence.

Kyle explained what had happened to his mother and said he felt like he didn't belong there.His mother comforted him and assured him that all would be fine.Amelia told Kyle that if he made friends, his life would be awesome at school.As they went to their rooms, Amelia told him to start making friends because she would be leaving high school soon, after one year.


"Hey buddy,I'm Russell.Can we be friends?"the guy who helped Kyle get up the previous day asked. Kyle accepted his request for he seemed to be a good person.Mr Gregory then came for the mathematics lesson.He posed a difficult sum and promised a reward to whoever would get it right.Kyle saw that as a good opportunity to secretly use his powers to act smart.He closed his eyes and used telepathy to read the teacher's mind.

"Hey,Kyle could you try explaining this sum to us?"Mr Gregory asked Kyle trying challenge him.Kyle confidently stood up and went to the front.He smiled and worked out the sum.When he was done, everyone was surprised to hear that he had gotten it right.Mr Gregory gave him two hundred dollars and praised him.The class broke into rapturous applause as he took his seat.Russell congratulated Kyle for the sum.

During lunch break,Russell accompanied Kyle to the cafeteria.They picked up their lunch and sat at a table with Russell's friends.They all welcomed Kyle warmly and asked him to sit with them.They introduced themselves to Kyle as Ciara,Jade,Ralph,Theodore and Eileen.They were also in the same grade as Kyle and Russell.They also asked to be Kyle's friends and he agreed.When lunch break was over,they all proceeded to class.

When the day's lessons were over,Russell asked Kyle not to go home but instead remain and watch him play basketball. Kyle and the rest of his new friends went to the basketball court as Russell went to change.Russell was a member of the junior basketball team of the school called the Jaguars.The game finally began and went on quite well as Russell's team led with the highest points.Kyle watched it all in awe. He then told Russell that he would like to join the game.

Mr Gael, the coach,told Kyle to first give it a shot and show his skill in the game.Kyle got into the game and gave his best shots.He played so well that everyone including the seniors Jaguars cheered.Back in the woods Kyle used to play basketball with his father and friends Tyler,Dylan,Jaden and Travis. They had built a court using their powers.Kyle had an illusion that his father and his friends were in the crowd watching him play.

"You are officially part of the Jaguars,"the coach announced.Everyone welcomed Kyle to the team.However, Troy,the team captain,was envious of Kyle and frowned at him.Being captain,he never liked anyone playing better than him.Kyle shrugged his shoulders and looked away.Eileen admired Kyle's skills and she gazed at him.When his beautiful blue eyes met her gaze,she felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks.

Kyle also admired her hazel eyes and her bushy long dark eyelashes.Eileen was extremely beautiful.This made Kyle miss his point because his head was not in the game.When the game was over,they all headed to the parking lot.Kyle called his mother and told her to pick him up.When his mother arrived, he bid his friends goodbye and got into the car.

"Wow,my son,you look so happy today,did you have a good day?"Mrs Lucy asked smiling.Kyle told his mother that he had made new friends and he joined the basketball team and lots of fun.Mrs Lucy was so glad that her son was finally adjusting to his new life.They drove off and soon they arrived home.Kyle went straight to the kitchen because he was starving.He made himself a snack and grabbed yoghurt from the fridge and ate.

Kyle was going up to his bedroom when he noticed Kieran sitting alone looking bored in the living room.He decided to go and try cheer him up."Hey buddy,why do you seem off today?"Kyle asked."Oh,hi big bro,i didn't hear you come in,my remote control jeep just broke and i have nothing to play with,"Kieran answered.Kyle told him not to worry and wait for him there.He took his bike and rushed to the toy store.Kyle picked a remote control jeep and a jet and paid for them.He then hurried back home.

When Kieran saw Kyle getting into the house with two shopping bags,he ran to receive him.Kyle handed him the gifts and Kieran opened them carefully. He was so happy after seeing the new jeep and jet."Thanks so much Kyle, you are the best brother in the whole universe.I love you so much,"Kieran said giving his brother a tight hug.He then ran to show his gifts to his mother and Amelia.

After a while, Shakira called everyone to the dining room for dinner was ready.Kyle was excited to taste Italian cuisine for he never had it before.They all sat around the table and served.It was tastier than Kyle had imagined so he even added some more when he finished his plate.The family ate happily to their fill.


The semester was almost over and Kyle was having a perfect time at Burlington. He had gained a lot of fame.He only had one more semester and he would be done with junior high school.

"Hurry up and get into the car,we are running late for school Kyle,"Amelia said.They got in and drove off to school and within no time they arrived.Unlike other school days where you would find students hanging out in groups everywhere and making noise,there was a pin drop silence.Kyle and Amelia both rushed to their respective classes.Kyle was surprised to find everyone present and busy studying.He took his seat and his desk mate ,Lucas Norman barely noticed his arrival.When Kyle looked up at his calendar he realized he only had two days before the finals.

He had totally forgotten about it.When the day's lessons were over,Kyle went to the library.He studied for the exam for three hours.The librarian,Mrs Jeremy,told Kyle to take the books home with him for the library hours were over and she wanted to close it.Kyle went to his locker and picked up his bag as he met Amelia in the hallway.They got into the car and headed home.Kyle locked himself up in his room and studied hard for his test and used his powers to capture the challenging units.


Kyle woke up early but he found that his sister had already left for school.He had to be dropped off at school by his mother.They rushed there so he would not be late for the exam.Luckily,he arrived there on time.He found his friends doing the final touches on their revision.When they asked Kyle if he was ready, he said he was well prepared for the test.

"Students,kindly go to your exam rooms now. Your exam shall begin in ten minutes,"Ms Delia Jason,the principal,announced. Kyle and his friends parted ways to their rooms. Kyle got into his exam room and found Mr Kevin Hart,the supervisor,distributing the exam papers.

When Kyle sat down and received his exam paper,he was happy to see that it had everything he had studied for. He filled in each question carefully and correctly and when the time was up, he handed out his paper confidently.

By lunch break, all the exams were over so Kyle went to the cafeteria and sat with his friends. Everyone seemed to be in a foul mood except for Kyle. To break the awkward silence, Kyle asked them what plans they had after school that day.

"How about we go skydiving today?"Theo suggested. Everyone busted out into a laughter. Theo was afraid of heights and was only being sarcastic. They decided to go to the movie theater and watch a movie. After buying tickets they bought popcorn and more snacks for the movie.

They took their seats and Eileen sat next to Kyle.They watched a horror movie.Eileen recoiled in horror at the sight of a ghost but Kyle gently took her hand and let her cuddle him.

"Look at the new couple in town,"Russell said pointing at Kyle and Eileen.The rest started teasing them too but Kyle and Eileen just smiled shyly and let go of each other.Soon the movie was over and they all left the theater.They said goodbye and went separate ways.When Kyle got home, he found his mother and greeted her.

"Son,how are you? I have been waiting for you and your sister for a while now,"Mrs Lucy said. Kyle was surprised to hear that even Amelia had not gotten home yet ,for she had left school earlier. He was so worried that something bad had happened to her. Kyle would surely blame himself for it was his duty to watch over his sister.

Just then the door knob turned and Amelia got in.She seemed to be angry and she did not even say a word ,it was as if Kyle and their mother were invisible.Amelia went straight to her room and locked herself up.Kyle told his mother not to bother for he would check up on her.He knocked her door a couple of times with no response.After a while Amelia opened the door and walked past Kyle and got out of the house into her car and drove off.

Kyle took a cab and followed his sister because he had a bad feeling about her behavior.He feared she would be in some sort of danger and would end up hurt.When he called her she answered the phone and told him not to worry about her.Kyle begged her to explain what her problem was to him.Amelia told him that she had done her exam badly and she would have to repeat the whole semester.Amelia said that it was better if she was no more, and hanged up on Kyle.

Kyle tried to call his sister back but this time her phone was off.They were caught in traffic and lost track of Amelia's car.Kyle could not wait any longer,he paid the driver and got off the car.He used his powers and saw that her sister was on the rooftop of a twenty -six -storey building in the next street.When Kyle saw that no one was watching,he teleported.Within a flash he got there and found his sister.She was ready to jump off when he called her name to stop her,she turned and looked at him with tears in her eyes.Kyle began to walk close to her slowly to talk to her.

"I asked you to leave me alone Kyle,what are you doing here right now?"Amelia asked."So you want to end your life,fine no problem. Jump from that end and i will jump from this end. Let's see who gets down and dies first,OK sis?"Kyle told her. Kyle said all this to buy some time and distract her.

"You have problems and i do too so if running away from them and ending our lives is how we solve them,fine let's jump off together,"Kyle added bitterly. Amelia was touched by Kyle's words and began to step back. She finally sat down and started crying. Kyle sat next to her and hugged her tightly.

"Just because you see me happy all the time,it does not mean i don't have problems sis,ending your life will not solve anything. Since everyone in this world has problems and they all decide to end their lives,there would be no life left on earth. All you have to do is face your problems head-on with a smile on your face. One day, all your current problems will come to pass. Please wait for the right time,"Kyle said to his sister.

"So you have a problem too bro,what is it?"Amelia asked concerned. Kyle told her to promise to keep it a secret and she agreed.

"The truth is that i am from a different world . I am werewolf and i have several powers . I can teleport ,telepath,i have a telekinesis too and i am psychic and i can see visions of things about to happen. In the event of a full moon,i transform into a wolf . Whenever i want to calm down and change back i say 'Alpha,beta and omega ' to stop myself from turning into a wolf. An organization named ultra killed my father and took away my mother . That is the reason i came to live here so i would find my mother and make ultra pay ''Kyle said.

Amelia felt pity for Kyle so she promised to help him in his search . She also found it cool to have a werewolf brother for she only heard about them in stories . She asked Kyle to change his eyes and they turned red and began to glow . Amelia promised not kill herself. Kyle was happy for saving her life. However ,he had a feeling that there was another reason why she wanted to kill herself.

They came out of the building and got into Amelia's car and drove home. On arrival,they said they had gone to the mall to avoid stressing their mother. Mrs Lucy was happy that Kyle had managed to cheer Amelia up.


Everyone was eager to hear the results when they gathered in the hall. Amelia sat next to her boyfriend ,Matty Mcevin . Kyle never liked him . Being the most popular for his looks,every girl in Burlington High wished to date him. Kyle doubted his love for Amelia. When Mr Ferb entered the hall ,silence filled the room . This was the time Kyle longed for.

The previous night he teleported to the dean's office .He hacked into the system ,edited it and positioned Amelia as the in senior high.He was nearly caught by the night guard ,Sir Edward,but he hid under the dean's desk .When Sir Edward heard footsteps ,he headed for the desk.By the time he switched his Flashlight on,on Kyle disappeared .The guard switched the lights off and locked the room

Kyle got to his room unnoticed . He was shocked but also happy he had helped his sister. He was willing to do anything at all costs to make sure Amelia was okay . He hoped Amelia would cheer up after results would be released.

''The best student in senior high is ...Amelia Kingston persons' Mr. Ferb announced. Amelia's heart nearly missed a beat . Everyone applauded as she stood up. Matty hugged her then she went on stage . Kyle was so happy for his sister.

''Wow,what a surprise? The best student in junior high is from the same family. Give a round of applause to the one and only Kyle Kingston persons,'' Mr. Ferb said excitedly. Kyle also was happy for himself. His friends congratulated him for the good work. After they were awarded, Kyle and Amelia went back to their seats.

''Good work Kyle ,''Eileen told Kyle as they got out of the hall. The rest started teasing them again.

Kyle and Amelia decided to go home early because they wanted to take their good results to their mother . When they got home they found her in the kitchen. They ran to her and gave her a big hug. They then handed out the results. She was so happy to see how well her children had performed . Amelia told Kyle to ask their mother to allow them to go shopping at the mall. She wanted to meet up with Matty.

''Yeah, sure you can, here are your credit cards. Have tons of fun for you have a reason to celebrate . I'll have a surprise for you two when you come back,''Mrs Lucy said Amelia was so happy ,they hugged their mother and went to change their clothes . Moments later ,they got into the mall. They went to the Pizzeria where Matty asked to meet Amelia.

They waited for Matty for hours but he didn't turn up . When Amelia called him, he said he was too busy to come. He apologized for not turning up . Amelia was heartbroken but just pretended that everything was fine . To cheer her up,Kyle bought her favorite ice cream . He then took her for jam session where they had a lot of fun. Amelia was a very good dancer so she enjoyed dancing with Kyle. When they were tired ,they sat down to have some refreshments.

Just then, Matty arrived. Amelia wanted to go to him but she realized he had come with another girl. Kyle could no longer take it, he went to confront Matty and Amelia stood before him . Amelia asked if the girl was the reason he was busy . Matty said that she wasn't.

''I can explain, please let me explain what is going on. You've got it all wrong ,''Matty said grabbing Amelia's hand Amelia pulled herself from him.

''I may be as stupid as you think but i am not blind ,Matty ,''Amelia said bitterly and walked out on Matty. He tried to go after her, but Kyle stopped him.

''Stay away from my sister! I swear if you make her cry again ,I'll kill you ,''Kyle warned Matty . He went to Amelia and they drove off. Amelia was driving at a very high speed . She said all sorts of bitter words to herself. She lost focus on the road.

''Watch out !''Kyle shouted as they hit a wall .They caused an accident and became unconscious.


'' Ma'am you can now go in and see them. They are in a stable condition now,''Dr. William Franklyn Miller, the family doctor, told Mrs. Lucy. She was very nervous when she received news about her children getting into an accident. It had been twenty four hours since they fell unconscious. However ,Mrs Lucy was happy when they woke up. She went into their rooms to see them . Kyle had a bruise on his arm while Amelia had a little bruise on her face.

"Oh my poor children,i was so worried about you. I'm so glad that you are okay now,"Mrs Lucy said as she embraced them warmly. They were filled with remorse for having disappointed and worried their mother.

''We are sorry mum,it was our fault . We didn't mean to make you worried,''they said in unison.

''It's okay, you are forgiven . Next time drive responsibly, okay? I love you so much and i don't want anything bad to anything to happening to you ,''Mrs Lucy said. They promised not to drive recklessly again. Their mother said they could have one of her cars as the insurance takes care of Amelia's convertible . They asked their mother if they could use the Ranger Rover and she agreed. They embraced her and thanked her.

''Let's now go home ,''Mrs Lucy said. Kyle and Amelia took their clothes and got changed. They were warmly received at home and they went to rest . Kyle's friends called to ask how he was doing. They were glad to hear he was okay. Amelia got phone calls from Matty Mcevin but she kept hanging up on him. She also kept ignoring all his texts.